Tony Goodall


Nutcracker Massacre
Follows a novelist who visits her family for Christmas and finds a mysterious Nutcracker doll, which soon becomes possessed and wreaks havoc.
Jurassic Island
Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing father to an unchartered Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather. Joined by a group of adventurers and scientists, they arrive at Jurassic Island where it becomes clear that the previous team had run into disaster. Dinosaurs and toxic leeches mean it’s no longer a search for her father, but a battle for survival.
Кровавый миф
Isaac Farrell
Журналисту Джеймсу Линкольну поручают написать материал о городских легендах и мифах, и тот обращается к многовековому оккультному фольклору, известному как «Тридцать». Пока он расследует исчезновение членов «Тридцати», девушка Джеймса, Хэрриэт, пропадает посреди ночи. Чтобы найти свою невесту, молодому человеку придётся вступить на опасную тропу открытий и узнать правду о зловещей мифологии.
Nothing Man
A homeless amnesiac strives to unlock the secret to his best friends murder but at the cost of unlocking his own checkered past.
The Copy-Writer
Earnest Wood
A writer is haunted by strange monsters and visions, are they real or the beginning of a slow descent into insanity?