Mykola Bazarkin

Mykola Bazarkin

Рождение : , Kyiv, Ukraine


Mykola Bazarkin
Mykola Bazarkin


Infinity According to Florian
90-year-old architect Florian Yuriev is facing the destruction of his magnum opus: an avant-garde concert hall set to be repurposed as a shopping mall. Florian confronts the powerful real estate developer behind this investment project, and uses his visionary ideas to capture an unlikely victory. This is an architectural documentary with infusions of science fiction and horror film.
The Diaper Cake
Lena and Vitya, both in their early 20s, are two kids who now have a kid of their own. In the postnatal hospital room, like in limbo, their first team project is to wake their son for a feed. As the new parents repeatedly fail, they have to deal with the irreversible changes in their lives and with each other. Meanwhile, the diaper cake silently sits in the room, like a time bomb.
Roses. Film-Cabaret
Once upon a time in the dressing room of the famous Dakh theatre in Kyiv, seven actresses came up with the Dakh Daughters project. At their first solo show, Roses, they presented the world with a contemporary interpretation of the art of cabaret, which, in its absolute carnival freedom, knows how to entertain the public with the most serious topics. At the same time, Ukraine found itself on the threshold of significant change, not just in society, but also in the consciousnesses of thousands of people. The Revolution of Dignity and the war in the East reveal the nuances of the protagonists’ personalities, worldviews, creative reflections.
Женщины, играющие в игры
Коллективный портрет семи выдающихся женщин украинской культуры – писательницы Софии Андрухович, культурной журналистки Веры Балдинюк, дирижера Оксаны Линево, художницы Алины Клейтман, театрального режиссера Тамары Труновой, культурного менеджера Юлии Федив и кинорежиссера Ирины Цилык.
Поет Ивано-Франковсктеплокомунэнерго
Много лет Иван Васильевич работал на предприятии Теплокомунэнерго в Ивано-Франковске. Его детище - профсоюзный хор, где поют механики, ремонтники, диспетчеры и другие работники. Иван Васильевич гордится им, но никогда не забывает подчеркнуть, что на первом месте должна быть работа. Расписание репетиций подчинено отопительному сезону. Сотрудники предприятия пытаются отремонтировать износившиеся трубы, а потребители обрывают телефон. Согреет ли их квартиры тепло украинской народной песни?!
Giorgos and Polya
This is a documentary story of love, a story about the long-distance relationship that started in September 2014, while war in Ukraine and the economic crisis in Greece were taking a dramatic turn.
Askania Reserve
Askania-Nova is the largest steppe wildlife sanctuary in Europe. It is located in south part of Ukraine, not far from Crimea peninsula. In order to underline this unique beauty we created a documentary musical film about life of animals and people in wildlife sanctuary of Askania-Nova. The movie reveals stories of a three protagonists, whose destinies were entangled because of wildlife sanctuary.
Цвет фасада: синий
Флориан Юрьев - архитектор, художник, скрипичный мастер, теоретик и поэт. На 90-м году жизни ему приходится осваивать еще одно совершенно новое занятие.
История Зимнего сада
Валентина Воронина – старейшая работница павильона цветоводства, которая хранила это пространство и вложила в него всю свою жизнь. Когда внезапно происходят перемены и после 45 лет работы Валентину просят уйти в отставку, она не хочет соглашаться, потому что считает, что без нее растения умрут. В то же время загадочная группа радиоэстезистов обнаруживает мощный канал положительной энергии перед входом в теплицу.
A series of odd coincidences has left Lukas, an interpreter for an OSCE military checkpoint inspection tour, stranded near a small southern Ukrainian steppe town. With nowhere to turn, this city boy finds shelter at the home of a colorful local named Vova. With Vova as his guide, Lukas is confronted by a universe beyond his imagination, one in which life seems utterly detached from any identifiable structure. Fascinated by his host and his host's daughter Marushka, with whom he is rapidly falling in love, Lukas’s contempt for provincial life slowly melts away and sets him on a quest for a happiness he had never known could exist.
Life flows in its everyday reality, but then suddenly something elusive changes its course. All that is left is the chance to plunge into memories where everything is preserved, as if in a museum.
A 17 year-old Ukrainian orphan with fiery red hair, bright blue eyes and an everlasting laugh is setting out into the world for the very first time, all alone. In her final year at a rural boarding school in Eastern Ukraine, she fights to maintain the bond with her 10 year-old sister, Arina, who was adopted by a family in Toronto in 2014 during the Ukrainian revolution. Vika hasn't seen Arina since she left Ukraine, but her ultimate goal is to one day reunite with her sister - the only family she has left - and start a life in Canada.
At some point, one has to move out. A man decided to take care of his new house in advance.
The Winter Garden's Tale
The short documentary film-"tesaer" (later, based on the material, the director will shoot a full-length film) is based on the fate of the Floriculture Pavilion of the former Exhibition of Achievements of the People's Economy, and its elderly employee Valentyna Voronina, who maintains this space, investing her own life into it, until suddenly changes come to her. After forty-five years of work, she is asked to retire. But Voronina does not agree with that, because she thinks that all the plants will die without her. Meanwhile, a group of mysterious radioesthesists find a channel of positive energy right in front of the entrance to the pavilion.
The War of Chimeras
The story of war, love and death that was documented by the immediate participants of events. Off screen and later on it are the two - a boy and a girl. He volunteered for the front; she went to the place just after the battle. He got into Ilovaysk cauldron, lost his closest brother-soldiers. She, while travelling along the ruined towns, strives to understand the essence of war and love. Both tell openly one another about their feelings during the war, escaping the cauldron, a try to live together after, and a common trip to the frontline.
Тур Reve ta Stohne
Как далеко вы сможете зайти на пути к своей мечте? Женя и Макс перестали ходить в офис и серьезно занялись музыкой. Их группа называется Reve ta Stohne. Ребята поют гроул и мечтают стать настоящими рок-звездами. Однако для начала им нужен клип и студийный альбом. И больше всего им нужны деньги, чтобы заплатить за них. В поисках заработка Reve ta Stohne отправляется на Запад.
A brother and sister, with a significant age difference between them, are cleaning the trailer inherited from their father. While cleaning, taboo topics are brought up and conflict ensues.
It's Me
A melodramatic story about a modern Russian family that, by a whim of fate, ends up in Ukraine. Yana, a successful Russian businesswoman, comes from Russia to a small Ukrainian town to live with her parents. Here, in Ukraine, lives her eight-year-old daughter, who has been raised by her grandparents and the family of Yana's younger sister from an early age. The whole family was looking forward to the arrival of a guest from Russia, but after waiting for her arrival, unforeseen conflicts arise in the family.
Молодой православный священник, которому надоело слишком много нетерпимости и лицемерия в Киево-Печерской Лавре, решает оставить служение. Он находит себе новую паству: геев, лесбиянок, бисексуалов и трансгендеров, а также людей, живущих с ВИЧ/СПИДом. Однако официальная православная церковь отказывает им в праве быть христианами, а гомофобное общество вынуждает их скрывать свою сексуальную ориентацию. Что должно произойти, чтобы Церковь приняла ЛГБТ-верующих?