Stephen Karpf


История Джейн Менсфилд
Картина посвящена жизни и карьере секс-символа 50-х годов, красавицы и блондинки, актрисы Джейн Мэнсфилд, которая не останавливалась ни перед чем, лишь бы стать новой Мэрилин Монро.
Letters from Frank
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
Ужас в небесах
On a transcontinental flight, the flight crew suffer from food poisoning and become incapacitated. Now it's up to one of the passengers to safely land the plane.