Bubbly Woman
"Sorry About Your Wife" is a short dark comedy about a man learning of his wife's infidelity, at some swanky Hollywood pool party. That man is Felix. Felix is not someone who seeks confrontation. If he had a super power, it'd be his ability to roll with the punches, to bend like a willow, to not rise to every challenge or provocation like some jumped up, testosterone-fueled frat boy. Felix has always thought of this as his greatest strength, it's his armor and what makes him such a nice guy. Though when Felix finally learns of his wife's infidelity, surrounded by all the superficial glitz and glamour of some Hollywood pool party, he suddenly comes to a realization. The realization, that deep down, what this actually makes him, is a doormat, a loser, a putz. But right now, in this moment, he has a chance to do something about it, to show what he's made of, to completely break the mold and become the person he's always dreamed of being.
(archive footage)
A few new graduate students start to chat about relationships.
Three students endeavor to clone their favorite professor as part of a scientific experiment, but they don't bargain on their knock-off version developing an uncontrollable sexual appetite.
Fantasy Woman #1
Когда молодого супруга Джеффа Даймонда неожиданно и бесповоротно уволили с работы, все мечты его жены Сьюзан о благосостоянии обратились в пепел. Но предприимчивая Сьюзан нашла выход из положения, позволив своей лучшей обеспеченной подруге Кэти ангажировать своего мужа в качестве эскорта на вечеринку, за символический тариф — 100 долларов в час. Но Кэти оказалась способной на большее — за секс с Джеффом она готова предложить 500 долларов… и, как выясняется, не только она — спрос на услуги Джеффа весьма велик, и этот семейный бизнес приносит неплохой доход!
Woman #2
В провинциальном городке появляется пришелец из космоса, который хочет стать властелином Вселенной...
Unable to control his carnal desires, handsome and successful Mark gets caught in a dicey situation in this slick erotic thriller helmed by Mike Sedan. Juggling relationships with three beautiful women -- Cindy , Donna, and Jill -- the young lothario can't decide between them but crosses into dangerous territory when he adds more ladies to his harem.