Makeup Artist
Ewald Honig can't break his bad habit. Hardly has he crossed over into the GDR when the strapping, well-built man in his late fifties once again starts courting ladies with fraudulent intentions. His daughter Ina, burdened with the same genes, specializes in married men in their prime. Two criminologists are on the Honigs' trail, but they soon have enough to handle just dealing with each other. Meanwhile, Honig and his daughter have left their wayward path of their own accord.
Costume Design
Принц отправился на поиски поющего, звенящего деревца, потому что так пожелала принцесса, которую он любит. Ему удается найти его у злого карлика, который соглашается отдать ему деревце, но при одном условии: он должен завоевать любовь принцессы. Принцесса отказывает ему в любви, и принц обречен продолжать свою жизнь в шкуре медведя в королевстве злого карлика. Однако принцесса делает все, чтобы освободить принца от злого проклятья…
Makeup Artist
On a barren and stormy island, fishing families eke out a meager existence on what they can catch during summer, and what washes ashore during winter. But little has been washing ashore of late, and their situation worsens. Elders recall how twenty years ago, when the lighthouse keeper’s beacon went dark, a cargo ship broke apart on the cliffs. It proved a bountiful accident for the fishermen. Today people on the island view the conscientious lighthouse keepers with evil hungry eyes...
Makeup Artist
Все смеялись на Маленьким Муком из-за его горба. Родные выгнали его из дома, и осиротевший ребенок решил найти купца, торгующего счастьем. Во время своих приключений он попадает во дворец султана. Злые и завистливые придворные обирают мальчика, и выгоняют его из дворца. Но маленький Мук вернется, проучит обидчиков, заберет свои волшебные вещи и уйдет…
Makeup Artist
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...