Werner Krehbiel


Do You Know Urban?
Hoffi is starting fresh after his release from prison. He travels with his brother to different construction sites in search of Urban, an acquaintance and role model he met during a brief hospital stay. Along the way, Hoffi meets Gila, who sees beyond his past in prison. Despite disapproval from her family, Gila decides to build a relationship and future with Hoffi, but Hoffi initially hesitates at this responsibility. It takes the encouragement of his workers’ brigade for Hoffi to realize his mistake and give his relationship with Gila a chance.
Король Дроздобород
Гордая и строптивая принцесса высмеивала всех женихов, которых предлагал ей отец. В наказание он решил выдать дочь замуж за первого мужчину, который войдет в их замок. Таким счастливцем оказался один из отвергнутых ранее женихов, переодетый нищим музыкантом.