Mariah de Freitas


Minha Irmã e Eu
Character Designer
Sisters Mirian and Mirelly were born in the interior of Goiás, but live in different cities. When their mother disappears, the two put aside their differences and come together to look for her, on a journey that could change their lives.
The Seamstress
Makeup Artist
In the thirties, two sisters separated by fate face prejudice and sexism, one by the high society in a big city and the other by a group of renegades in the countryside. Despite the distance, they know that they can only count on each other and both of them will assert themselves in their own and surprising way.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Элено де Фрейтас — величайший бразильский футболист конца 1940-х, его называли белым Пеле, белым бриллиантом и принцем проклятым. В динамичном черно-белом фильме Жозе Энрике Фонсеки заносчивый, самовлюбленный, помешанный на женщинах Элено проходит путь от звезды мирового масштаба до инвалида — и обратно, благодаря многочисленным флэшбэкам.