Clara Bindi

Clara Bindi

Рождение : 1927-11-01,


Clara Bindi


Принцесса и нищий
Anziana Barista
Что делать, если ты принцесса маленького европейского княжества, если твой отец увлечен только эротикой в интернете, а о тебе не пишет пресса, потому что ты занимаешься открытием ветеринарных лечебниц? Правильно! Устроить небольшой скандальчик! Или очень большой скандал! Принцесса по совету дворецкого находит самого никчемного жителя княжества, молодого балбеса Антонио, и притворяется, что влюбилась в него! Они гуляют по улицам, ужинают в ресторане, а специально предупрежденные папарацци снимают их! Это скандал! Принцесса выходит замуж за нищего. Принцесса добилась своего, но что теперь делать с Антонио?
Questi Fantasmi
Filumena Marturano
Villa Amalia
Ann leaves Thomas and everything else behind when she catches him kissing another woman. With her music and help from Georges, she begins a journey to find herself.
La seconda volta non si scorda mai
Signorina Effe
Grandma Martano
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.
Assunta Spina
Assunta Spina is a very attractive and passionate young, the only one that can read and write among all workers in the laundry room of Doña Rosa. She is married to a sailor who will be to the sea and will leave it. Then fall into the arms of Michele, a butcher who has always felt an uncontrollable, primitive passion towards her. But the passion and jealousy between the two love will be unbearable.
Друг семьи
Geremia's mother
Единственной радостью и любовью в жизни стареющего ростовщика Джеремии являются его денежные сбережения, с помощью которых он привык входить в доверие к людям и манипулировать ими. И вот однажды к нему приходит человек, чтобы занять денег на свадьбу своей дочери. Всё бы хорошо, но Джеремия неожиданно влюбляется в невесту.
Ti lascio perché ti amo troppo
nonna di Mariano
When a story ends and the two do not know how to say goodbye comes the classic excuse "I'm leaving you because I love you too" With this sentence Daniela says goodbye to Mariano and literally disappears. The friends try to help Mariano in the most classic ways, presenting other girls. But Daniela is always in his thoughts. Finally seems to portend the nail that will drive the nail in the guise of a beautiful Brazilian. But winning does not show up at all easy.
La posta in gioco
La madre di Renata
Francesca da Rimini - Tragedia a vapore
Scandal In the Family
A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.
La ragazza dalla pelle di corallo
Arriving in Santo Domingo to study new methods of cultivation of tobacco, Fabrizio is hosted by American Barrymore who feels compelled to provide Mayra, beautiful mulatta, as momentary escort.
Воскресная женщина
Benito's Wife
Комиссар Сантамария расследует убийство архитектора Гарроне. Вскоре расследование заводит его в высшие круги туринского общества. Комиссар подозревает некую Анну Карлу, в которую он влюбляется…
Commissariato di notturna
The Lady in Nightdress
Ma chi t'ha dato la patente?
Franco and Ciccio are the directors of a driving school. They suffer the theft of the only car they have, and their new car is prone to going completely out of his control.
Bandits in Rome
Signora Gioielleria
After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
Faustina's Mother
Faustina, the offspring of a black G.I. and a Roman woman who met during the conflict of World War II, must choose between two Italian men who desperately vie for her attention.
Smoke Over London
La Moglie
Dante Fontana is an antique dealer from Perugia infatuated with the culture of the British upper classes. His wife and relatives mock him and snub him, seeing him as a silly daydreamer doing no serious work. Unfussed, Dante plans a vacation to London to learn more about the culture he so admires. However, once in London, he struggles to fit in, is awkward, often makes mistakes betraying his Italian origins, attracting the scorn of the British upper classes he would like to impress.
La paura numero uno
Vera Di Lorenzo
Монах из Монцы
Действие фильма происходит в 17 веке. Герой фильма — сапожник Паскуале Чиччиакальда. И ему всегда не везет. Он хорошо работает, но, к сожалению, он умеет делать обувь только для правой ноги. Поэтому он ничего не зарабатывает. И не может платить налоги.
The Invincible Masked Rider
moglie dell'appestato
Маска Сатаны
Inn Keeper
В попытке очистить страну от скверны инквизиторы объявляют ведьмой молодую княжну Азу и надевают на неё Маску Сатаны — специальную маску с острыми шипами внутри. Перед тем, как сгореть на костре, княжна проклинает своих палачей до седьмого колена. Фильм снят по рассказу Николая Васильевича Гоголя.
Злоумышленники снова остались неизвестны
Clara Nardi
Четыре мелких воришки — в поисках большого дела. У Козимо есть идея, но он в тюрьме. Его сообщники находят простака Пепе, который соглашается взять вину Козимо на себя и занять место за решёткой вместо него. Но Пепе ворует их идею и создаёт собственную банду…
The Pirate and the Slave Girl
When a ship carrying the daughter of Rhodes' governor and secret documents is captured by Mediterranean pirate Dragut, the governor tasks captain Diego with their recovery before they can be sold to Sultan Selim.
Adventure in Capri
A young French girl, Yvonne, having won a competition, goes to Capri for a short break. There she meets Baron Vanvutelli, an old-fashioned old man, Mario, a Roman student, who came to spend the Sunday at Capri, along with two friends, Renato and Julius.
Everyone's in Love
Rosa dell'Amore
Giovanni is a young widower with a son who is attracted to the charming teen Allegra.
I prepotenti
Carmela Esposito
Cesare, from Rome, and Mimì, from Naples, don't agree with their children marriage, so the young couple runs away from their home.
Husbands in the City
moglie di Giacinto
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
The Most Wonderful Moment
Matilde Fontana
Pietro is in love with a nurse; they keep their affair secret until she falls pregnant. Worried that marriage will affect his career, she prepares for the upcoming childbirth
Tarantella napoletana
Combining musical and dance numbers with comedy sketches (performed by members of The Armando Curcio Company and The Gauthier Ballet Troupe)without any plot, this is more of a revue than a movie, along the lines of The Ed Sullivan television series in the U.S.
The Machine That Kills Bad People
Giulietta Del Bello (uncredited)
In Amalfi, a village on the Italian coast, an old man who seems to have strange powers gives Celestino Esposito, the local photographer, a dangerous ability.
Damn the Taxes!!
Signora Martinelli
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
A friend of Gina's
Gina is the daughter of a provincial newsstand dealer and spends her time reading pulp magazines and dreaming of a glamorous vocation on the big city. She enters a beauty contest in a nearby city, without her father's permission, and, en route, meets Franco, a salesman.
Una mangiata impossibile