Chen Shan

Рождение : , Incheon, South Korea


Filmography (1979-1994) Actor (36 films) Assistant Director (3 films) Martial Arts Director (1 film)


The Chinese Ghostbuster
Wu Ma stars as a ghost who's searching for the perfect husband for his daughter. In order to get her married, the two decide to leave the spirit plain and head for the land of the living. To their surprise the world had drastically changed since they've last visited. The duo finds a likely candidate in a street hustler. The ghostly pair chase the poor guy until he seeks the help of a tao priest. Will the Tao priest send these wandering spirits back to hell or will the hustler join is ghostly bride forever?
Fighter in black tuxedo
While master Wong Fei Hung is away traveling, the impulsive Lau Zhai (Yuen Biao), an initiate into Wong's kung fu school, begins wandering town. He soon allies with police chief Panther in order to offer assistance in toppling an opium distribution ring.
Rendea-Vous Of Japanese Kanto
Taiwanese/Korean co-production. Triad based action starring Mark Cheng, Sibelle Hu, and Ko Keung, with cameos from super ninja Ricky Cheng and bad boy Chang Shang.
Lady Killer
Cheng Chiang
Taiwanese action/crime flick starring Alexander Lo Rei
Lady Killer
Taiwanese action/crime flick starring Alexander Lo Rei
Black Butterfly
Black Butterfly tells the story of a female assassin who is sent to Taiwan to clear the way so a gang from Hong Kong can take over the territory. Problems arise when she breaks the cardinal rule of an assassin -- never develop friends -- and she cannot complete the job. Now hunted by both camps, the killer must turn into a savior as she tries to help her friends.
Emergency Police Lady
A group of police women keep the city safe. A normal day day includes everything from battling robbers to going undercover to break up a arms deal that threatens the city.
Kung Fu Student
Lin Hsiao Lan plays an oft-bullied student who yearns for adventure. In the wrong place at the wrong time, she screws up Alexander Lo Rei's chance for reincarnation and now they are stuck with each other. Eventually they become friends and set off to avenge Lo's death. A fun movie and Lin Hsiao Lan actually gets to be a girl for once.
Magic Warriors
Kid of the Worst
Little Flying Dragon finds himself responsible for protecting a small child named Golden Boy, who reluctantly plays an important role in the ongoing battle between good and evil forces. Golden Boy is a product of an unholy union between one of heaven's warrior and a daughter of the king of evil. Since Golden Boy is in possession of a map with information about where the only weapon that can kill the king, he is of great interest to many of the warriors in fantasy world.
Flag of Honor
Hong Kong romance set in wartime
Master Hui Neng
Taiwanese historical drama about the Buddhist monk Huineng.
The Wild Panther
An action-filled martial arts film in which guerilla fighters and foreign spies clash in kung fu combat when important military secrets are at stake.
Five Fighters from Shaolin
2nd Brother
When a monk decides to leave his temple in order to defeat the Chinese Imperial Guards who brutally murdered is fellow monk, he collects five men and trains them to help him fight the guards and an old friend of his - a white-haired wizard.
Ninja Hunter
Lung Wu
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he teams up with a clan of Ninjas, led by three masters – gold lamé ninja, white mustachioed ninja and black ninja – and succeeds in destroying the Shaolin temple and most of its inhabitants. However, there are some survivors. It is their job to pass on the knowledge of the Shaolin finger jab to a new generation, who must defeat the ninjas and Abbott White if peace and order is to be restored.
Шаолинь против ламы
Golden Wheel Lama
Синг Йо-Тинг уже пять лет бродит по Китаю, пытаясь найти себе учителя. Нет, он не настолько плох, что его никто не берет — наоборот, испытывая своих потенциальных учителей, он постоянно разочаровывается в их умении, постоянно их побеждая. Но в один прекрасный день он забредает в храм Шаолинь, где находит-таки себе потенциального учителя, который с легкостью победил его. Проблема только в том, что он не хочет брать себе в ученики чужака — когда-то один из таких чужаков, Чи Чунг оказался ламой, укравшим из храма древний манускрипт с секретным стилем. Синг решает вступить в монахи и поклясться, что вернет эту книгу, если его возьмут в ученики.
Shaolin Temple Strikes Back
Lung Yi
A Ming princess and her faithful bodyguard are chased to Shaolin Temple by the Ching army.
Of Cooks and Kung Fu
Pok Chin Chu
Efforts of a grandfather teaching his grandson a style of fighting called "Cooking kung-fu"