Jean Musin


Учитель музыки
Знаменитый оперный певец Жоаким Даллейрак неожиданно и необъяснимо покинул сцену, и начал учить вокалу юную Софи, и Жана, молодого вора, подобранного на улице. Отношения между учителем и учениками непросты, и вскоре им предстоит принять участие в вокальном конкурсе, организованном заклятым врагом Даллейрака.
Peace in the Fields
This is a film which was made in Belgium in the early '60s and was never released. However, it somehow got included in the American Oscar category for "Best Foreign Film," and was finally released in its home country in 1971. It explores the issues of prejudice and superstition in the Belgian countryside through the troubles of a middle-aged farmer whose mother has been accused of being a witch. In French, this picture is based on a true story which took place in the late 1920s and early '30s.