Vitaliy Shermetiev


Erik Stoneheart
Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends. When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria whom Erik's parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik's life a living hell. As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone.
16-летняя Маша учится в обычной киевской школе в 11-А классе. Не чувствовать себя странно и отстраненно в коллективе ей помогают близкие друзья Яна и Сеня. Кроме будущих экзаменов выйти из зоны комфорта Машу заставляет влюбленность в одноклассника Сашу. Она понимает, если не решишься спросить – никогда не узнаешь, взаимно ли это.
Diary of a Bride of Christ
Marta, the film's director, faces her fears and digs into the realm of her estranged sister Nastia, a Greek-Catholic nun, to re-evaluate the world they both were brought up in.
Байконур. Вторжение
Два парня отправляются в опасную экспедицию: им предстоит пересечь около 50 км негостеприимной пустыни, чтобы незаконно проникнуть в охраняемые ангары Байконура и понаблюдать за пуском ракеты. При этом жара в пустыне достигает почти 47 градусов по Цельсию. Обезвоживание, голод, физическое и психологическое истощение – не единственные трудности на пути к Байконуру. Ребята рискуют попасть в тюрьму, если их обнаружат российские военные, поскольку космодром находится под юрисдикцией Российской Федерации. Жажда приключений помогает преодолеть страх быть пойманными, а исследование засекреченного объекта превращается в исследование себя.
An easy comedy-trip, an ironic essay about child’s view of life. This is enough a funny world, where the main character schoolgirl Svetka notices things that others do not pay attention to.
In a cheap brothel at the foothills of an Athenian fortress, a man recounts the magnificent events of his life. His search for love and glory is retold and relived by many: a prostitute with an unredeemable past, a gangster haunted by bad luck, an icon painter who has no faith - In one of the stories, the man finds his riches, in another he becomes a vagabond prophet, in yet another he returns home to his wife. Memories betray him, but he knows for sure that in one of these lives, he will be killed.
Living in war-torn Eastern Ukraine Anna is an aging single mother who is desperate for a change. Lured by a radio advertisement, she goes to party with a group of American men who are touring the country, searching for love.
Crocodile is a game for a big company. The host shows a word only with the gestures. The one, who guesses it, chooses the next one to lead the game. Anya comes up with a difficult word for Lisa. This New Year Eve turns into a test of their friendship.
When We Were 15
Tonya is the new girl at school. Dealing with her sexuality, as well as past abuse, she is learning to accept loneliness while trying to find her place in the adult world.