Молли Галант привыкла жить в роскоши и богатстве. Она является директором крупной фирмы, которую создал ее отец. Каждое Рождество героиня отправляется на Гавайи, вот только не на этот раз. В канун праздника она узнает, что компания разорилась, а ее семья осталась без денег. Но Молли не падает духом и уже придумала план, с помощью которого собирается вернуть свое состояние. Она отправляется в небольшой городок Пепперминт-Холлоу, чтобы продать дом покойной матери. Вырученные деньги героиня собирается вложить в компанию, чтобы вернуть высокие позиции. Особенностью городка является продажа различной мятной продукции, но в последнее время этот бизнес не приносит прибыли. Героиня решает помочь людям, применив все свои знания, даже не подозревая, чем все это может закончиться...
Willard Bean accepts a mission from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to travel to a new town, where he must fight to win respect.
Willard Bean accepts a mission from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to travel to a new town, where he must fight to win respect.
Director of Photography
A young father takes his nine year old son, the family dog, and two of his son's friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five of them to be struck by lightning.
16 мая 1986 в небольшом городке Коквилл необычный террорист Дорис Янг взял в заложники единственный класс с учителем начальной школы в течении нескольких часов прежде, чем взорвать бомбу...
16 мая 1986 в небольшом городке Коквилл необычный террорист Дорис Янг взял в заложники единственный класс с учителем начальной школы в течении нескольких часов прежде, чем взорвать бомбу...
Since she was a small girl, Jane Panting has heard miraculous stories from her mother, Elizabeth -- stories of temporal salvation that her young family experienced as they voyaged from Gloucester, England, to the Salt Lake Valley. She heard about the blessing Wilford Woodruff gave her mother, promising that she and her children would reach their destination and experience the Lord's providential hand on more than one occasion. But Jane was only an infant when they made their harrowing journey and is beginning to doubt her mother's fantastic stories -- until she receives a miracle of her own.
Since she was a small girl, Jane Panting has heard miraculous stories from her mother, Elizabeth -- stories of temporal salvation that her young family experienced as they voyaged from Gloucester, England, to the Salt Lake Valley. She heard about the blessing Wilford Woodruff gave her mother, promising that she and her children would reach their destination and experience the Lord's providential hand on more than one occasion. But Jane was only an infant when they made their harrowing journey and is beginning to doubt her mother's fantastic stories -- until she receives a miracle of her own.
Since she was a small girl, Jane Panting has heard miraculous stories from her mother, Elizabeth -- stories of temporal salvation that her young family experienced as they voyaged from Gloucester, England, to the Salt Lake Valley. She heard about the blessing Wilford Woodruff gave her mother, promising that she and her children would reach their destination and experience the Lord's providential hand on more than one occasion. But Jane was only an infant when they made their harrowing journey and is beginning to doubt her mother's fantastic stories -- until she receives a miracle of her own.
Director of Photography
Эфраим узнает, что каждый выбор, который мы делаем, может подготовить к тому, что ждёт нас впереди. Он находит, после всех приключений, что решения определяют Судьбу.
Эфраим узнает, что каждый выбор, который мы делаем, может подготовить к тому, что ждёт нас впереди. Он находит, после всех приключений, что решения определяют Судьбу.
Эфраим узнает, что каждый выбор, который мы делаем, может подготовить к тому, что ждёт нас впереди. Он находит, после всех приключений, что решения определяют Судьбу.
As part of the Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) feared that leaving late in the season would lead to despair and death. What he came to find out is that for every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles. Based on unbelievable actual events, and brought to you by filmmaker T.C. Christensen (Praise to the Man, The Work and the Glory), 17 Miracles will open your eyes to the stories of the Mormon Pioneers as you have never seen them before. Something extraordinary is about to happen.
As part of the Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) feared that leaving late in the season would lead to despair and death. What he came to find out is that for every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles. Based on unbelievable actual events, and brought to you by filmmaker T.C. Christensen (Praise to the Man, The Work and the Glory), 17 Miracles will open your eyes to the stories of the Mormon Pioneers as you have never seen them before. Something extraordinary is about to happen.
As part of the Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) feared that leaving late in the season would lead to despair and death. What he came to find out is that for every tragedy, there is a multitude of miracles. Based on unbelievable actual events, and brought to you by filmmaker T.C. Christensen (Praise to the Man, The Work and the Glory), 17 Miracles will open your eyes to the stories of the Mormon Pioneers as you have never seen them before. Something extraordinary is about to happen.
Marvin Mobley dreams of becoming a great baseball player but no matter how much he practices or how hard he tries, he doesn't improve. His dream finally comes true when he finds a mysterious pair of glasses that turns him into the greatest baseball player his town has ever seen. After the glasses disappear, Marvin doesn't believe he can play but with the support of his team he learns that winning doesn't mean anything if you can't be proud of how you play the game.
As the director of such films as "The Touch of the Master's Hand", "Praise to the Man" and "Gordon B. Hinckley: A Giant Among Men", T.C. Christensen has touched the hearts of millions of Latter-day Saints with his exemplary filmmaking. Now he shares the incredible true story of a man who had everything he wanted, but discovered something greater in sacrificing all for the building of the Kingdom. "Treasure in Heaven" is the true story of John Tanner, a wealthy New York landowner and convert to the Church who in 1834 sold his properties to assist the Church. He freely gave all he had, giving us an example of generosity and consecration in serving the Lord.
Director of Photography
Веселая история о начинающем певце Адаме, парне, который умеет обращаться с женщинами. После того, как его девушка уходит от него к школьному хулигану, Адам решает, раз девушки не хотят хорошего парня, он будет плохим парнем. И эта теория работает безотказно, пока Адам не встречает Молли, которая, наоборот, завязала с плохишами, бросив парня, отбившего девушку у Адама. Адам должен стать снова хорошим парнем, если он хочет завоевать Молли, но не так-то просто это сделать теперь!
John Rowe Moyle walked the 22 miles from Alpine, Utah to Salt Lake City to fulfill his calling.
John Rowe Moyle walked the 22 miles from Alpine, Utah to Salt Lake City to fulfill his calling.
John Rowe Moyle walked the 22 miles from Alpine, Utah to Salt Lake City to fulfill his calling.
This is the first film to dramatize how President Hinckley was prepared by the Lord from his youth. From boyhood lessons, to tender moments with his mother in their library, to overcoming rejection in the mission field, you will feel the warmth that endeared him to so many later in life. In the railroad yard, behind a typewriter, and hand-in-hand with Marjorie, the love of his life, Gordon B. Hinckley grew to become a giant among men.
This is the first film to dramatize how President Hinckley was prepared by the Lord from his youth. From boyhood lessons, to tender moments with his mother in their library, to overcoming rejection in the mission field, you will feel the warmth that endeared him to so many later in life. In the railroad yard, behind a typewriter, and hand-in-hand with Marjorie, the love of his life, Gordon B. Hinckley grew to become a giant among men.
Рик Пенинг живёт точно так же, как играет в регби: быстро, жёстко и интенсивно. Когда такая жизнь доводит его до тюрьмы, тюремный опекун Маркус Тэйт предлагает ему шанс возвратиться к игре, но играя за его конкурентов, «Highland Rugby». Неохотно Рик присоединяется к команде, где он должен принять изнурительный график обучения и уникальный кодекс поведения, который предписывает тренер Джелвикс, или завершить сезон за решеткой. Как только Рик начинает чувствовать себя частью команды, его выпускают из тюрьмы домой, где он должен присоединиться к его прежней команде, тренируемой его отцом. Выпадая в жеребьевке против «Highland», в национальном чемпионате, Рик должен выбрать за кого играть…
Before her death, Emma reflects on her life; beginning with her childhood, up through her final years in Nauvoo.
Director of Photography
Join the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity for an awe-inspiring journey to the surface of the mysterious red planet.
Director of Photography
Three boy scouts, one a great-nephew of Butch Cassidy, and their pretty girl friend hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary bank robber in 1950s Utah. A modern gang of outlaws wants to grab the loot, too, and soon the intrepid heroes are fleeing for the lives on trains, rafts and automobiles.
A film that focuses on some of the events during the life of Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, which was both filmed and distributed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Director of Photography
A local Pinewood Derby competition transforms an average group of dads into overzealous rivals desperate to build the winning car. As egos swell, the kids are lucky if they get to pick the paint color. While the dads are busy with outlandish gimmicks and sabotage, the underestimated scouts pull together and discover the true meaning of sportsmanship.
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
This film recounts how Joseph Smith's search for truth led to a heavenly vision and the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Joseph and a pregnant Mary travel to Bethlehem for the census and stay in a stable where they prepare for the birth of Christ. Meanwhile, the bugs ride along with Mary and Joseph to search for a new place but find the stable already occupied. They continue their search and eventually wind up back at the stable where they discover the significance of the new baby.
“A Pioneer Miracle” tells the story of 8-year-old Belle Richards, who, after disobeying her father’s counsel, finds herself and her brother in serious danger. With divine intervention, the pair survive a terrible rockslide, imprinting on Belle a lifelong lesson of faith, prayer, and the importance of obedience.
“A Pioneer Miracle” tells the story of 8-year-old Belle Richards, who, after disobeying her father’s counsel, finds herself and her brother in serious danger. With divine intervention, the pair survive a terrible rockslide, imprinting on Belle a lifelong lesson of faith, prayer, and the importance of obedience.
“A Pioneer Miracle” tells the story of 8-year-old Belle Richards, who, after disobeying her father’s counsel, finds herself and her brother in serious danger. With divine intervention, the pair survive a terrible rockslide, imprinting on Belle a lifelong lesson of faith, prayer, and the importance of obedience.
This film portrays the power, majesty, and love of Jesus Christ through the eyes of Thomas, who once doubted. It explains how faith in Christ will help individuals resolve personal challenges.
Meet Will Duncan, a man who tells his young friend, Dusty, that “an honest heart is more valuable than any amount of money.” Will wants to marry his sweetheart, Annie, and he promised her father that he would save $10,000 to prove he can take care of her. Will never breaks a promise. As a scheming rival does his best to add to Will’s money shortage, there is no shortage of laughs. Through it all, Will proves to be constantly courageous—and frequently funny—example of honesty.
Big sister Krista angrily wishes her little brother Tyler would just turn into a bug and buzz off. She gets her wish, courtesy of Mrs. Pickle Nickle, an alien babysitter. Can Krista find her missing bug of a brother and get him back to normal?
Director of Photography
Big sister Krista angrily wishes her little brother Tyler would just turn into a bug and buzz off. She gets her wish, courtesy of Mrs. Pickle Nickle, an alien babysitter. Can Krista find her missing bug of a brother and get him back to normal?
Big sister Krista angrily wishes her little brother Tyler would just turn into a bug and buzz off. She gets her wish, courtesy of Mrs. Pickle Nickle, an alien babysitter. Can Krista find her missing bug of a brother and get him back to normal?
Director of Photography
A documentary covering the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, filmed for IMAX presentations.
Nine young men and women, deemed unmanageable by both anguished parents and a society grown weary of drug users, gang members and thieves, are given one last chance to save their lives. Some make it, some don't.
Martha and Jed Richards live in Oregon in 1862. They and their two daughters moved there to make a new life, but the daughters died of cholera along the way. This has left Martha an emotional wreck, and she is unable to move on with her life. That is until an orphan named Danny comes to live with them. Jed immediately accepts Danny as his son, but Martha is still too upset to be able to love him. As time passes, however, she finds herself more and more able to accept him as part of the family.
Director of Photography
В качестве вознаграждения обманутая миллионерша отдает Дэвису Porsche стоимостью 100 000 долларов, который принадлежал ее неверному мужу. Но Дэвис и жена изменщика не знают, что тело мужа спрятано в машине. Убийца всячески пытается вернуть тело до того, как его обнаружат.
"The Go-Getter" by Peter B. Kyne is a moving parable of determination and entrepreneurial spirit that has inspired many readers since it was originally published in 1921. This short little book is the story of Bill Peck, a veteran of WWI, who convinces Cappy Ricks, the founder of a logging and lumber company, to give him a job opportunity. "The Go-Getter" is the story of perseverance in the face of adversity that is essentially at the heart of success.
Director of Photography
"The Go-Getter" by Peter B. Kyne is a moving parable of determination and entrepreneurial spirit that has inspired many readers since it was originally published in 1921. This short little book is the story of Bill Peck, a veteran of WWI, who convinces Cappy Ricks, the founder of a logging and lumber company, to give him a job opportunity. "The Go-Getter" is the story of perseverance in the face of adversity that is essentially at the heart of success.
A dramatic parable of choice and resulting consequences. Synopsis: A man is traveling alone in his car in Southern California. The year is 1947. He stops to look at his road map. The map warns him that no one should turn off the main roads without inquiring locally. The driver notices what looks like a short-cut on the map. He turns onto it. Soon his car has overheated and he is stalled - miles away from any help. The traveler walks away from the road apparently hoping to find another short-cut, cross-country. He brings no hat, no canteen, no provisions.
A dramatic parable of choice and resulting consequences. Synopsis: A man is traveling alone in his car in Southern California. The year is 1947. He stops to look at his road map. The map warns him that no one should turn off the main roads without inquiring locally. The driver notices what looks like a short-cut on the map. He turns onto it. Soon his car has overheated and he is stalled - miles away from any help. The traveler walks away from the road apparently hoping to find another short-cut, cross-country. He brings no hat, no canteen, no provisions.
Camera Operator
In 1836, a small band of soldiers sacrifice their lives in hopeless combat against a massive army in order to prevent a tyrant from smashing the new Republic of Texas.
The Touch of the Master's Hand is an inspirational and captivating film that speaks eloquently to the worth and potential of every individual.
Camera Operator
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.
A Hilarious and insightful look at LDS Children by T.C. Christensen, whose credits include The Work and the Glory and Praise to the Man Digitally Remastered The new DVD, Mouths of Babes, is hilarious, charming, and honest! This classic LDS comedy is back and better than ever! When young children are asked thought-provoking questions, their spontaneous answers are unpredictable and often surprisingly wise! Digitally remastered, the DVD Mouths of Babes will surely be a family favorite!
A T.C. Christensen Film - A Hilarious and insightful look at LDS Children. By T.C. Christensen, whose credits include The Work and the Glory and Praise to the Man Digitally Remastered The new DVD, Mouths of Babes, is hilarious, charming, and honest! This classic LDS comedy is back and better than ever! When young children are asked thought-provoking questions, their spontaneous answers are unpredictable and often surprisingly wise! Digitally remastered, the DVD Mouths of Babes will surely be a family favorite!
A group of children go to Lethe Tatge's home to hear about the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Director of Photography
A father is working the controls of a railroad track, allowing approaching passenger trains to cross safely over the bridge. As one approaches, he sees his young son coming toward him on the tracks. It is at this moment the father must decide whom to save - the train full of passengers -- or his son. This powerful film poignantly illustrates the meaning of God allowing His son to die to save us.