Arash Ashtiani


Убийца «Святой паук»
Семьянин Саид сам ставит перед собой религиозную миссию — очистить иранский город Мешхед от проституток. Но после нескольких убийств он обнаруживает, что обществу до его крестового похода нет никакого дела.
The Tunnel
Three refugees run the race of their lives from Calais to Dover through the Euro Tunnel, trying to beat the trains and overcome their terror in a bid to reach their freedom and start new lives in the UK.
Kapp to Cape
In August 2013, Reza Pakravan and Steven Pawley embarked on their expedition, as they attempted to set the World Record for the Fastest Bicycle Journey from Nordkapp in the Arctic Circle to Cape Town in South Africa.
Reza Shah
The documentary "Reza Shah" begins with the rise of Reza Khan to power and looks at his reign from beginning to the end.
Only Sound Remains
In the wake of the violent post-election protests in Iran, a family tries to hide the news of death of their youngest member from their grandmother.