Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
Capt. Boschert
An American secret agent travels to Africa to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring.
German Official
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
German Submarine Captain (uncredited)
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
Col. von Ritter (as William Vaughn)
German expatriate Fritz Kortner plays the largest role, as an anti-Nazi schoolmaster who helps a downed American flyer (John Archer) reached Allied lines with vital war information. As usual, the Nazis are incredibly stupid and lead-footed, enabling the flyer to accomplish his mission.
Major (uncredited)
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
German Colonel with American Consul (uncredited)
Вена, 1939 год. Кэти О`Хара — стриптизерша из Нью-Йорка, выдающая себя за представительницу светского общества из Филадельфии, собирается замуж за австрийского барона Фон Любера. Радио-репортер Пэт О`Тул хочет использовать этот шанс для того, чтобы узнать как можно больше о бароне, который подозревается в связях с нацистами. Маршрут свадебного путешествия странным образом проходит по странам, в которые впоследствии вторгается Гитлер. Следуя за парой молодоженов в их медовом месяце по всей Европе, О`Тул пытается открыть глаза Кэти на деятельность ее мужа, постепенно влюбляясь в героиню.
Captain Richter (as William Vaughn)
Set in the shadows of wartime Paris, this 1940s drama directed by Albert Herman stars Lola Lane, Noel Madison and Howard Banks. When a Soviet secret agent discovers her uncanny resemblance to a dead Nazi spy, she infiltrates the enemy and works to save U.S. ships from German submarines. Assisting her on her mission are French underground agents, along with an American serving in the British armed forces.
Marshal Von Horst (as William Vaughn)
King of the Candian riding police is up against Japs and Nazis who are about to invade Canada. They just want to clear the way with a new futuristic plane called "The Falcon" first, but that's not gonna happen if Kig has his way.
U-Boat Officer
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
Tip Wallace (Gang Leader) (as William Vaughn)
Prince the wonder horse and his gallant rider gallop off to protect hapless ranchers from the ruthless Nazi bad guys who are trying to steal their land so they can exploit the valuable tungsten deposits in this WW II western. Mayhem ensues, but soon the villains are vanquished and America's tungsten deposits are safe once more.
Nazi Agent
A pre-World War II saber-rattler that finds a munitions inventor kidnapped, a federal agent killed and a beautiful refugee mysteriously missing as Washington's deadly game of espionage and intrigue thunders the FBI hunts the nation's invisble foes! They may have been invisible but their accents and billing names von Morhart, William Vaughn (William von Brincken already hiding under another name before hostilities were formally declared), Frederick Gierman and Walter Bonn---provide clues aplenty as to their country of origin and paymaster.
Captain Bornsdorff
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
German Official
Йозеф Штайнер, Рут Голланд и Людвиг Керн бегут из Германии, спасаясь от нацистского режима. У каждого из них свои причины для бегства: Рут — еврейка, Йозеф, как и многие другие, не желает принимать фашистскую идеологию. С Людвигом ситуация сложнее — он сын еврейки и арийца. Он не знает, кому верить, что взять за истину в своей жизни, его терзают сомнения. Даже во время бегства есть место человеческим чувствам. Людвиг и Рут влюбляются друг в друга, а Йозеф пытается вернуть свою больную жену Марию. Идет война, нацисты вселяют страх, но находится место любви. По роману Эриха Марии Ремарка "Возлюби ближнего своего".
Биографический фильм, посвященный открытию Паулем Эрлихом сальварсана, благодаря чему стало возможным лечить сифилис.
Professor Werner
Reporter vs. German spies and their new metal.
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Foreign Official
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
German Firing Squad Officer
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Second-Mate Wilso
American Steve Kendall, a freighter's radio officer, discovers seaman Carlson sending an unauthorized message ashore as the ship approaches his war-poised homeland. Carlson is shot in cold blood when he jumps ship and Kendall, implicated in the espionage, swims ashore to avoid arrest. A woman he meets at the dock hides him in her apartment, where he learns Carlson was her brother, and they both work in a sabotage ring. Nedra is a singer at Tio's Cafe, and she approaches Tio for help when both the saboteurs and the secret police try to capture Steve.
Captain von Eichen
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
Marlin (as William von Brincken)
A U.S. agent attempts to track down a spy ring working to destroy the Panama Canal.
After a stamp-collecting Navy chief petty officer is jailed following FBI and Naval Justice investigation, his fiancee meets one of his fellow officers, becomes romantically interested in him, and joins him in trying to get an envelope, believed to contain rare stamps, to its intended recipient, only to end up in a web of intrigue involving foreign-accented men who are unusually interested in that simple envelope.
Frederick Gorson
Looking for the killer of his brother, Jack saves the outlaw known as the Mexicali Kid who had collapsed on the desert. Jack joins up with the Kid who leads him to Gorson. Gorson is after a ranch and gets Jack to pose as the heir to the ranch. After the papers are signed he plans to have jack killed. But the Kid recognizes Gorson's henchmen as the men Jack is after and decides to help him.
Dr. Stern
Drummond has to leave for Morocco on his wedding day with his fiancee and trusted friends to rescue his friend Nielsen who is kidnapped by an international criminal.
The second and final Grand National Pictures film to feature The Shadow, played again by Rod La Rocque. In this version, Lamont Cranston is an amateur detective and host of a radio show with his assistant Phoebe (not Margo) Lane. Cabbie Moe Shrevnitz and Commissioner Weston also appear.
Foreign Diplomat
Jeffrey Clavering is hired in London by The Great Eastern Oil Corporation to go to Paris to prevent unscrupulous industrialist Nikolai Kamarov from gaining control of their oil fields and turning them over to a foreign power.
Никто не знает, на кого именно работает мистер Мото, но его обширные связи всегда ему позволяют узнать то, что нужно и вовремя оказаться в нужном месте и в нужное время. Фильм сразу начинается с жесткого действия и далее события разворачиваются стремительно. Все действие происходит вокруг 7 старинных свитков, принадлежащих обедневшей, но в прошлом знатной семье из императорских приближенных. Если эти свитки правильно сложить, они оказываются картой, показывающей путь к могиле Чингис-хана, по преданию в которой таятся несметные сокровища. Группа злодеев пытается любой ценой захватить эти свитки.
Adolph Richter, Pearl Hunter
Wallaby Jim and his men have just found a valuable source of pearls in the South Pacific. But Jim's associate Norman has put the whole operation in jeopardy because of his gambling problem. Jim's unscrupulous rival Richter decides to exploit the situation by jumping Jim's claim and trying to take over for himself.
Krafstein (uncredited)
Английский джентльмен по имени Рудольф путешествует по Европе. В вымышленной стране Руритания он встречает короля Рудольфа V, который оказывается его дальним родственником, тезкой и двойником. На ужине, по поводу забавного знакомства, будущего короля пытается отравить его кузен Михаэль, желающий сам захватить трон. Король находится при смерти, коронация назначена на завтра. Начальник гвардии полковник Запт убеждает английского Рудольфа занять место родственника на церемонии коронации. Молодой человек изображает короля с успехом. Ему также удается привлечь симпатию невесты короля - Флавии, которая прежде воспринимала Рудольфа V только как человека, с которым она должна вступить в династический брак по расчету.
German Captain (uncredited)
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
Legation Officer
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
Lead Transylvanian Gendarme
В Трансильвании живет красавица, которая ненавидит зеркала. Вместо обычного отражения графиня Залеска видит в зеркале пустоту, потому что она дочь могущественного вампира Дракулы, унаследовавшая страсть к человеческой крови. Ее красота - страшная сила, прекрасная аристократка завлекает в свои смертельные объятия молодых и красивых мужчин из высшего общества, которые или погибают от ее поцелуя, или превращаются в упырей. Профессор Ван Хельсинг, избавивший мир от графа Дракулы, начинает охоту за его дочерью. Он знает, что вампиры наиболее уязвимы во время дневного сна в гробу. Охотник за вампирами должен найти гроб, в котором почивает графиня Залеска.
German Official (uncredited)
Mary wants to marry a gangster because that is where the money is. Unfortunately, the life expectancy and finances of a gangster are unstable.
Von Kruger
Three brash and cocky powder mixers are sent to South America to work at a dynamite plant there.
Von Gering
After Fred von Bergen, a German immigrant in America, is forced from his job by anti-German hysteria before the first world war, he and his friend Bob Wilson leave America and join the German air force. There, both men fall in love with ambulance driver Alida Hoffman. When America enters the war, Bob is caught between loyalty to his home country and the threat of execution for desertion and treason to Germany. It remains for his friend Fred to extricate him from the dilemma - but at what cost?
Lieutenant Berne
An Austrian officer must face up to the good and evil aspects of his own personality as he becomes involved in a war.
Lee Tracy once again plays a Winchellesque newspaper reporter in Universal's I'll Tell the World. More interested in his sex life than his career, news hawk Brown nonetheless agrees to cover the activities of a European archduke on behalf of his wire service.
von Uhlenberg
In the 1920s Pat Jackson destroys a Chinese post and is discharged from the Navy. Li Po Chang hires him to run a gunboat up the river. He drops Wildeth off at a mission for safety, but when his boat returns the mission is being attacked by communists.
Hungarian Officer (uncredited)
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Marta's Companion (uncredited)
Unscrupulous Chicago janitor Paul Kroll uses deceit to fund a return trip to his homeland of Sweden. There, via ongoing continuing deceit and manipulation, he gradually attains a monopoly on the matchstick market in several countries and becomes an influential international figure. Based on the true story of Ivar Kreuger.
Maitre d' at Padlock Club
When his father is murdered, erstwhile conman Nick Darrow asks the cops if he can go undercover to find the killers, and maybe even stop a crime ring that has been plaguing the police. The sister of another innocent victim joins him as they infiltrate the syndicate. Any wrong move could lead to instant death.
A murder victim is brought back to life by a scientific experiment. However, the effects only last for six hours, and he must find his killer in that time.
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, in the British West African town of Akkra, English woman Myra Carson becomes involved in a scandal and is deported. While Myra's ship is docked at Duala, in German West Africa, the war breaks out and she finds herself facing internment by the Germans.
Capt. Boyer
Prince Alexis of Kordovia refuses to do his duty under threat of war. Recently arrested actor Peter Fedor conveniently bears a striking resemblance to the prince. The King and Queen hatch a plan to force the prince to do his duty.
A maid masquerades as a countess in order to help her lion-hunting mistress.
Chick Evans is a Marine private in Honolulu, Hawaii. He falls for society girl Delphine Witherspoon, and begins to scheme as to how to win her over.
Capt. Kugler
The action takes place during the Great War in the home of the First Lord of the Admiralty.
Chief, Secret Service
During World War I, German spies will stop at nothing to spy on the allied war plans stored at Gibraltar.
Victoria's Husband - the German General
Parisot, a French spy in World War 1, returns home on a secret mission to visit his mother, and finds that Victoria, the wife of a German general, is billeted in the Parisot home while waiting to see her husband. Victoria discovers that Paul is a spy and, although fascinated by him, plans to reveal his identity to her husband. When the latter is unable to visit her, she attempts to go to the German army headquarters.
Major von Shultz
August Bolte, the richest man in a settlement in German East Africa in the period before World War I, is called "Mamba" by the locals, which is the name of a deadly snake. Despised by the locals and the European settlers alike for his greed and arrogance, Bolte forces the beautiful daughter of a destitute nobleman to marry him in exchange for saving her father from ruin. Upon her arrival in Africa, she falls in love with an officer in the local German garrison. When World War I breaks out, Bolte, unable to avoid being conscripted, foments a rebellion among the local natives.
Vidal's Orderly
Мишель - незадачливый, но исключительно вежливый и учтивый вор. Однажды его все-таки поймали и отправили в колонию на острове Дьявола, начальник которой, Жан Видаль, немедленно подрядил его прислуживать в собственном доме. Мишель, впрочем, не сильно возражающий против такого заключения, довольно скоро влюбляется в мадам Видаль - и та отвечает ему взаимностью...
Party Reveler
The three are showgirls, each with a different approach to life and love.