Asier Bilbao


Natura Bizia
Executive Producer
Витория, 3 марта
Production Manager
Испания, 1976 год. Страна на грани краха. Девушка на грани собственной революции.
Витория, 3 марта
Executive Producer
Испания, 1976 год. Страна на грани краха. Девушка на грани собственной революции.
Amaren eskuak
Production Director
Nerea is 37, is married and has a daughter. Professionally Nerea is a journalist and has to spend most of the day in the newspaper, subtracting much time to her family. The difficulty in balancing work and personal life greatly overwhelms the protagonist and the problem does not get worse when her mother, Luisa, Alzheimer patient is admitted to hospital.
Stars to Wish Upon
Production Manager
Victoria is a republican widow who enters in the prison of Saturrarán (Vizcaya), place where an experiment of the Franco regime takes part: the separation of children from their mothers to give them up for adoption to families close to the regime, in order to break the chains of communism.