Álex Cervantes


Executive Producer
Every night, when the museum closes its doors, the mironins, Blu, Low and Ro, three little drops of paint that live in the paintings created by the Spanish painter Joan Miró (1893-1983), come to life and immerse themselves in an inexhaustible universe where art and imagination reign.
Бунюэль в лабиринте черепах
Париж, 1930 год. Премьера сюрреалистического фильма «Золотой век» вызывает общественный скандал. От молодого и бескомпромиссного режиссера картины Луиса Бунюэля отворачиваются не только продюсеры и меценаты, но и его соавтор, художник Сальвадор Дали. Мятежный испанец пытается найти деньги на свой новый проект — документальный фильм о беднейшем регионе страны Лас Урдес, где жизненный уклад настолько ужасен, что кажется порождением ночного кошмара. Бунюэль возвращается на родину, где встречается со своим давним приятелем, скульптором-анархистом Рамоном Асином. Надеясь помочь другу, Асин покупает лотерейный билет и… выигрывает крупную сумму денег. Бунюэль приступает к съемкам. Однако его методы работы шокируют немногочисленных единомышленников — членов съемочной группы…
The Granny Pirate
Marina, a city girl, and her brother spend a few summer days at their grandmother's house. There they discover that their grandmother is a pirate in the 21st century, and that she plans to rescue her husband from an enchanted island that appears one day every forty years, using a magic bottle. One night, Ulysses is kidnapped and the bottle is stolen by a bloodthirsty pirate, who intends to take a great diamond from the island. From here, Marina, along with her grandmother and her crew, begins a chase against the clock, facing terrible pirates and countless dangers, to rescue Ulysses, recover the bottle and reach the island in time to save her grandfather.
The Granny Pirate
Marina, a city girl, and her brother spend a few summer days at their grandmother's house. There they discover that their grandmother is a pirate in the 21st century, and that she plans to rescue her husband from an enchanted island that appears one day every forty years, using a magic bottle. One night, Ulysses is kidnapped and the bottle is stolen by a bloodthirsty pirate, who intends to take a great diamond from the island. From here, Marina, along with her grandmother and her crew, begins a chase against the clock, facing terrible pirates and countless dangers, to rescue Ulysses, recover the bottle and reach the island in time to save her grandfather.
Girl and Wolf
"Girl and Wolf" is an animated feature film for a young adult public based on the Roc Espinet's homonymous graphic novel. It tells the story of Paula, an innocent girl who lives in a medieval village attacked by wolves. Paula will have to face dark childhood traumas, soulless hunters, magical wild spirits and an ancient pack of wolves.