Dean Reed

Dean Reed

Рождение : 1938-09-22, Denver, Colorado, USA

Смерть : 1986-06-13


Dean Reed was born September 22, 1938, in Denver Colorado. He went to Hollywood where he signed a record contract with Capitol Records in 1958, but his third single, "Our Summer Romance" was so popular in South America he went to tour there. More popular than Elvis Presley, he stayed to enjoy his incredible fame in Chile, Peru, Argentina. He made albums, starred in movies and had his own television show in Buenos Aires. He was known as Mr. Simpatia because he worked free in barrios and prisons and protested US policy, nuclear bomb tests etc. His politics moved to the left but he never joined the Communist party. He was deported from Argentina in 1966 and ended up in Rome, where he made "spaghetti westerns" for several years. He made his first concert tour of the Soviet Union in 1966 and became a mega star there and in Eastern Europe. He continually got into trouble with US State Department for protesting Vietnam War and attending International Peace Conferences. He moved to East Germany (GDR) in 1973, made numerous albums, starred in several films, and wrote and directed his own. His last visit to the States in late 1985 encouraged him to dream of making a career for himself back home, especially if he could return with his current project in hand, a movie about the war between AIM and the FBI at Wounded Knee, 1973. A GDR/Soviet Union co-production, the film had taken years to get off the ground. Just days before shooting was due to start in the Crimea, Dean Reed's body was found in the lake near his home outside of East Berlin. He had been missing for several days. Many close to him in the GDR suspected suicide; his family and friends in America believed he was murdered.


Dean Reed
Dean Reed


Red Elvis: The Cold War Cowboy
Self (Archive Footage)
The extraordinary tale of Dean Reed, the American popstar who packed out stadiums in the 70s and inspired a generation, until he was found drowned in a lake in East Berlin.
Red Gringo
Himself (archive footage)
Documentary concerning North American pop/rock musician Dean Reed who achieves fame in Latin America in the 50s and 60s
The Red Elvis
Himself (archive footage)
American Rebel: The Dean Reed Story
Documentary about Dean Reed, an American who became a popstar behind the Iron Curtain.
Windy Story
Jim Gains
Sing, Cowboy, Sing
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
Sing, Cowboy, Sing
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
Sing, Cowboy, Sing
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
The Singer
El Cantor
A story of Victor Jara - one of the most popular singers in Chile.
The Singer
A story of Victor Jara - one of the most popular singers in Chile.
The Singer
A story of Victor Jara - one of the most popular singers in Chile.
Улыбнись, ровесник!
Действие разворачивается во время фестиваля молодежи и студентов, проходившего в августе 1973 года в Берлине. Героини фильма - советская и польская девушки, похожие друг на друга. В результате этого сходства возникают забавные приключения...
Братья по крови
Американский солдат, осуждающий истребление индейцев, оставляет армию и переходит на их сторону. Он становится мужем прекрасной индианки, скрепляет кровью свою дружбу с вождем племени и вместе с ним возглавляет восстание против американцев.
Братья по крови
Американский солдат, осуждающий истребление индейцев, оставляет армию и переходит на их сторону. Он становится мужем прекрасной индианки, скрепляет кровью свою дружбу с вождем племени и вместе с ним возглавляет восстание против американцев.
Кит и компания
Kit Bellow
Приключения Кита Белью, молодого золотоискателя, и его друга Коротышки во времена золотой лихорадки на Аляске.
История о фасоли, кулаках и карате
Банкир Морган нанимает старого авантюриста и когда-то быстрейшего стрелка Запада, полковника Рэндольфа Квинта спасти свою похищенную дочурку бандитом Эспартеро. За которую он с его бандой требует неподъемный для банкира выкуп. Полковник, прихватив с собой для пущей уверенности случайно встреченную парочку разбитных шалопаев, начинает рискованное предприятие. По дороге дополнив свою шайку ещё кучкой разношерстных персонажей, герои с хитрым планом по освобождению заложницы отправляются в логово бандитов...
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts
Screen adaptation of Eichendorff's famous novella. A penniless drifter roams the land with his violin and preferably sings his songs to beautiful women. Two of his female admirers get him employed as a gardener at a castle. Yet he doesn't settle down for long, and moves on to his next temporary job as a customs officer. Finally, he travels to Italy where he joins the gang of Rinaldo Rinaldini and eventually meets the love of his life.
Dean Reed - Sänger des anderen Amerika
Sotto a chi tocca!
Straccio, a young acrobat, wants to free his beloved Julia, held prisoner in the tyrant's castle. He designs a good plan, and develops it with the help of his three friends, Pietro, Bitonto, and Gatto Mammone. When he thinks he achieved both his ends - overthrowing Fregonese from power, and winning Julia's love - he finds that his countrymen cupidity for the tyrant's gold is more difficult to deal with.
The Lineage of Cain
The relatives of a young rebellious hier to a fortune (Dean Reed), who spends most of his time on a yacht, try to have the kid interned as a madman, but are mysteriously killed one by one, in the family's villa. A girl (Stefania Careddu), lost at sea and saved by the young man, will also have some surprises in store… This giallo was filmed in 1969 but not released until two years later and remains extremely rare.
Пираты Зеленого острова
Alan Drake
Приключенческий фильм с кораблекрушениями, пиратами и сокровищами. Принцесса боится пиратов, но свободолюбивый и независимый капитан так красив, что она не устоит...
Die Vergnügungsspalte
(archive footage)
Half of the movie was edited from "Il diario proibito di Fanny" (Italy 1969) directed by Sergio Pastore. The rest is new material directed by Heinz Gerhard Schier in 1970/1971 for Gopa-Film Baden-Baden.
Прощай, Сабата
Сабата, лучший стрелок дикого запада, помогает мексиканским повстанцам украсть повозку с золотом, на которое революционеры планируют купить оружие. Однако на это золото уже успела позариться и местная бандитская шайка.
Twenty Paces to Death
At the end of the Civil War, Aleck Kellaway, a fighter for the South, is tricked by the brothers Clegg and Elliot into helping them to carry out the robbery of a gold cargo belonging to the Northern Army.
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Owen Olinger
Death Knocks Twice
Bob Martin
When private detective Bob Martin looking for a stolen diamond necklace, he also has a clever serial killer on the trail ...
Secret Diary of Fanny
Written and directed by Sergio Pastore in 1969. Il diario proibito di Fanny is an anthology film starring Giovanna Lenzi as four different women, all named Fanny. The film touches upon all the hot-button issues of 1968: illegal immigrants from the Eastern bloc, the Prague Spring, the Italian star cult and even abortion.
The Nephews of Zorro
Raphael / Zorro
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
God Made Them... I Kill Them
Slim Corbett / Compton
A bounty-hunter is hired by the residents of a small town on the Mexican border to stop a series of gold robberies by marauding outlaws who are coordinated by the town's corrupt banker.
Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgive
Buckaroo avenges the death of his father.
My First Girlfriend
A romantic teen comedy about the rivalry between an Agrentinian man and a young American for the love of a beautiful girl from a rich family.
Ritmo nuevo, vieja ola
Él mismo
Guadalajara en verano
Robert Douglas
Tourists and exchange students find romance.