Comical short film shows how fifty-year-old Diana Roos is doing her driving test for the twenty-sixth time. Very nervous and having the hiccups, Diana takes her seat next to the moustached examiner. But the latter is more engaged in the quarrel with his wife than in Diana. He keeps cursing into his mobile phone and is blind to the obstacles appearing in front of the car. With growing resolution, Diana disposes of all the hurdles on the way.
A mild-mannered gay dentist and a womanizing bar owner rekindle their unlikely friendship when, upon meeting by chance after a decade apart, the latter turns out to be severely ill.
В этой нью-йоркской громадине 102 этажа и 73 лифта. Множество туристов ежеминутно входят в подъемник, воодушевленные могучим желанием увидеть панораму великого города. Внезапно лифты ломаются. Всех охватывает жуткий психоз. Наконец механик находит сбой, ведущий к гибели пассажиров.
The movie stars you see on the screen have once been selected amongst others. The glamor of the premiere is preceded by mug shots, selections, interviews, wining, dining, backstabbing and sex. In the end, everyone gets what they deserve.
Grocer De Feyter is put out of business by competition from a supermarket run by the Moroccan Saïd. To keep afloat, he does the dirty work for a right-wing politician. This man is in cahoots with a project developer who wants to build a furniture superstore in the slum area. With the aid of criminals, they manage to bring racial tension in the area to boiling point. Against this background, affection blossoms between the daughter of the grocer and the son of Saïd, a real Romeo and Juliet. Then a group of skinheads decides to put an end to the fragile romance with violence.