Eric Ruf

Eric Ruf

Рождение : 1969-05-21, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France


Éric Ruf (born 21 May 1969), is a French actor, set designer and theatre director. He appeared in more than thirty films since 1995. He joined the Comédie-Française in 1993, became a member in 1998 and took the role of managing director in 2014. Source: Article "Éric Ruf" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Eric Ruf


The Three Musketeers: Milady
Le Cardinal de Richelieu
Second half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Le Cardinal de Richelieu
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
The Line
Margaret, 35, has a history of violent behaviour which has cost her a romantic relationship. She has moved back in with her mother Christina, a fragile, immature 55-year-old woman who blames Margaret, her firstborn, for ruining her dreams of a career as a concert pianist. In a state of unbridled fury during an argument, Margaret hits Christina. The law steps in, further complicating family dynamics. As she awaits trial, Margaret is forbidden from coming into contact with her mother or within 100 metres of their home. This only intensifies her desire to be closer to her family. Every day, Margaret appears at this 100-metre threshold to see her 12-year-old sister Marion and give her music lessons.
La vie de Galilée
Accompanied by a child, the mathematician Galileo observes the firmament with a telescope. Ten years ago, the philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned in Rome for having supported the idea of an infinite and centerless universe, based on the work of Copernicus. By dint of observations and calculations, Galileo seeks proofs for his hypothesis of a cosmic system where the Earth is "an ordinary celestial body, one among thousands". From Padua to Venice, the mathematician shakes certainties by confronting the power of a Church which wishes to maintain its absolute power in the "crystal spheres" where Ptolemy has hitherto locked up the world.
Моя собака Идиот
Professeur Mazard
Писатель Анри, переживает творческий кризис и находится в поиске вдохновения и потерянного взаимопонимания с женой и выросшими детьми. Но когда Анри завязывает уморительную дружбу с одной наглой бездомной собакой, у него появляется шанс начать все заново.
Офицер и шпион
Сотрудник французской спецслужбы капитан Дрейфус объявлен особо опасным преступником. Официальное обвинение - государственная измена и шпионаж в пользу Германии. Бывший наставник Дрейфуса Жорж Пикар ведет собственное расследование: ему необходимо найти таинственную «секретную папку», чтобы доказать невиновность своего подзащитного. Но охотится за ней не только он.
François Louis
A wannabe actress follows her dreams and moves to Paris.
Three Sisters
For her latest project, commissioned by Arte and starring members of the Comédie-Française, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (A Castle in Italy, Rendez-Vous 2014) shot an idiosyncratic, half-modernized adaptation of one of Chekhov’s greatest, most expansively melancholy plays.
Divine Comédie, des planches à l'écran
Он ушел в воскресенье
Gilles Cambière
Батист работает учителем в школе на юге Франции. Однажды накануне выходных одного из его учеников, Матиаса, забывает забрать из школы его отец. Теперь Батисту приходится самостоятельно отвозить Матиаса к его матери Сандре, работающей на пляже в городке неподалёку. Очарованный красотой Сандры, Батист, узнавший о тяжёлом финансовом положении женщины, решает помочь ей. Но для этого ему придётся вновь вернуться к той жизни, которую он надеялся навсегда оставить в прошлом…
Убийство в трех действиях
Éric Escalette
За кулисами театра "Комеди Франсез", где идут репетиции "Федры" Жана Расина, происходит серия загадочных убийств. Майор Домон и его помощница Жюли Строцци ведут расследование.
Drumont, histoire d'un antisémite français
Gustave Méry
Le partage de midi
The Marquise of Darkness
Marie Madeleine Dreux, Marquise of Brinvilliers, was executed in 1676 for poisoning. Manipulated by her lover and having kept the aftereffects of her childhood, she does not hesitate to poison her father and two brothers to recover their inheritance.
Simon Denner
Давид Руссо — довольно известный в Париже писатель. Кандис Лесёр — красивая блондинка родом из французской провинции, убеждённая в том, что в прошлой жизни она была Мэрилин Монро. Они снова встретятся в Муте, самом холодном городишке Франции: он − в полном творческом упадке, она − уже мертвая. «Самоубийство», − сказано в полицейском заключении, − Предположительно, от снотворного». Но Давид Руссо так не считает. Погружаясь в прошлое Кандис Лекёр, он находит вдохновение для нового романа…
Человек, который хотел жить по-своему
Grégoire Kremer
Главный герой Поль — сотрудник одной из адвокатских контор Парижа с большой зарплатой и большим домом, красивой женой и двумя сыновьями. Однако вскоре Поль узнает, что его жена изменяет ему с местным фотографом. Слепая ярость толкает Поля на безрассудный поступок. Стоя над трупом любовника, он понимает, что его красивая благополучная жизнь в прошлом…
The Third Part of the World
Emma meets François at an airport in France. He is an astronomer who studies the phenomenon of black holes, and Emma finds herself immediately taken with him. Their romance flourishes during a stay in the countryside. But one day, François disappears on a bicycle ride. Left alone in a big house, Emma becomes afraid and returns to Paris to continue her life as a real estate agent. Soon after, François' brother Michel contacts her and together they try to solve the mystery of François' disappearance. But when he encounters Emma, Michel begins to transform into a ghost. Emma slowly begins to realize she possesses a frightening power that she was not aware of.
Without Me
Anna, a divorced single mother, employs a mysterious young woman called Lise to care for her children.
Le pendu
Gustave Frémy
Stéphane Mancini
Like every weekend, nineteen-year-old student Rachel is babysitter to the two-year-old baby Hugo. When Hugo's single father has gone out for the night, Christine takes advantage of it to invite her good friend Christine.
My Angel
Colette, lovely and vulnerable prostitute, accepts to take care of her unknown colleague's boy. She, herself, needs a child to make her loved ex return to her. So she's having two problems to solve at one time - to find a suitable "father" of her kid and to get off hand of Billy. Meanwhile, the relationship between Colette and Billy is developing, you just don't know in which way. Then, when she cannot get rid of Billy and realizes her ex has another women, the things between "Billy et Colette" are now quite transparent.
На помощь даме приходят молодой гасконец Д`Артаньян и три королевских мушкетера. Четверо друзей спасают честь королевы Франции, вступают в единоборство с всесильным кардиналом Ришелье и коварной миледи, а главное - наслаждаются жизнью...
La Chanson du maçon
Un pique-nique chez Osiris
Maxime Meyer
The year is 1898. Héloïse, 9 years old, comes from a family belonging to the anti-Dreyfus and anti-Semitic Parisian high bourgeoisie. In a spirit of revolt, she begins a love affair with Maxime, a young Jewish journalist. During a terrible quarrel with her father, the latter suffers a stroke and dies. To get her away from Maxime, her mother Mathilde and her cousin Olympe take Héloïse on a trip to the Orient. After Cairo and the Pyramids, they go up the Nile and cross the desert in a caravan.
On the island of Porquerolles, Alice spies on Bernard, a man who has returned to France after living in Brazil for some years. The two had once been lovers, and Alice's obsession with Bernard -- which apparently didn't wane during their time apart -- sets in motion a string of events culminating with the aforementioned car crash. Dysfunction abounds.
L'école des femmes
Theater play "L'école des femmes" played by the "Comédie française" in 1999.
Вандомская площадь
Phillipe Ternece
Уличенный в скупке краденого Венсан Маливер, хозяин ювелирной фирмы на Вандомской площади Парижа, совершает самоубийство. Марианна, его вдова, серьезно подавлена произошедшим, и только неожиданная находка — семь восхитительных алмазов, припрятанных ее супругом — дает ей шанс вновь обрести вкус к жизни...
Stolen Life
Three women live together in an old rectory on the seashore. Alda lends her body to a string of carnal relationships but never commits her feelings. Olga, the elder sister, has opted for a reclusive life as the soul of the household. Her daughter, Sigga, is a young adolescent. The house harbors a finely balanced marriage between desire and memory—until Olga’s destiny tips the scales.
The Proprietor
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Marie-Louise ou la permission
Star crossed lovers are the focus of this French romantic comedy. Marie-Louise, an American, has come to Paris to meet her new lover, Jean-Paul who has a weekend pass from his military service post. Unfortunately they misunderstood each other's instructions and are each at different train stations. They begin desperate searches throughout the night to find each other. The are hindered by Jean-Paul's ex-lover Marie, whom he rejected. Marie will do anything to get rid of Marie-Louise and win Jean-Paul back. Marie-Louise has her own problems when Jean falls for her. Jean accidently gets her involved with the police after he is arrested on the suspicion of pickpocketing. Despite their travails, the couple still tries to find each other. In the end, they are assisted by a magical nun who finally reunites them.