В мире царит несправедливость, и он искоренит ее - раненный в окопах первой мировой войны солдат Вольц. Штурм тюрьмы и освобождение заключенных. Экспроприация богатеев и передача отнятого добра беднякам. Показательные суды над хозяевами и их прислужниками. Зарождается и ширится легенда о Вольце. Кто же он? Новый Робин Гуд? Освободитель?
Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Фильм о лидере коммунистической партии Болгарии Георгии Димитрове.
В центре событий - знаменитый судебный процесс над Димитровым в Германии в 1933 году.
Josef Probst
Недалеко от станции Берлин - Бух в Панкове найден труп. На место происшествия выезжает опергруппа во главе с советником Штюгнером - шефом отдела по расследованию убийств. Труп обезображен кислотой и опознать его не удается. Молодой сотрудник крипо Хорст Крамм берется за свое первое серьезное дело.
October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht. On November 9, Liebknecht declares the Free Socialist Republic of Germany. But pro-Kaiser military and right wing Social Democrats oppose him.
August Bebel
Long-haul driver Hannes (Manfred Krug) picks up a young hitchhiker, Herb (Jaecki Schwarz), who had a falling-out with his parents after dropping out of college and now travels around doing odd jobs. After a series of adventures, they are joined by Johanna (Jutta Hoffmann) and her child, who missed their bus and need a ride to Berlin. Johanna has left her husband so that he can reflect on their broken relationship and both men gradually begin to fall in love with her.
The communist and resistance fighter Lorenz Reger, who after the war put all his efforts in the creation of a socialist German state, learns that he has only a short time left to live. Nevertheless, he wants to take on one last difficult new task: He wants to restructure a large firm which has run deep into the red numbers. In a short amount of time, Reger manages to establish mutual trust between the employees and the new management. Furthermore, he motivates the employees with his personal interest for their concerns.
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the order to investigate the backgrounds of this mysterious case. Although the leads point to murder, head physician Dr. Nikolai, the driver of the car involved in the accident, maintains his innocence and even has an alibi. With a lot of arduous detail work, Kreutzer follows all leads and evidence. Both Nikolai’s colleagues and his son act suspiciously. Eventually, Kreutzer convicts the criminal who secretly used the physician’s car for his criminal dealings.
London in 1856. Karl Marx is living in exile in the British capital. One day, "Mohr", as Marx is called by his friends, meets the 13-year old worker′s son Joe. The boy works every day for twelve hours in a spinning mill and even has to work night shifts although that violates current rules. Marx tries to end the illegal activities of the spinning mill owner and one night shows up at the mill together with an inspector. But his foray is undermined by a robbery by the rebellious raven gang that is led by Joe′s brother Billy. The spinning mill owner of course takes this chance to blame his young workers for the theft. But Marx is not let astray and does not stop to fight against child labour. Furthermore, he tries to get the members of the raven gang back on the straight and narrow – with success.
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
In Scotland in 1751, young David Balfour is shanghaied aboard a ship where he meets Jacobite rebel Alan Breck Stewart with whom he escapes to the Scottish Highlands, dodging the redcoats.
It’s the spring of 1945 in a small resort town on the Baltic. Günter is 16 and firmly believes that the Germans will win the war. During the hunt for a forced labourer who is on the run, Günter catches him and watches as he is shot to death. He proudly accepts the award of an Iron Cross before being shipped to the nearby front as part of the last contingent of troops. He is quickly captured by Soviet soldiers, but manages to escape and return home. When the town is occupied by the Red Army, Günter is arrested for the murder of the forced labourer. The film was banned in 1968 before it was completed, and a large portion of the negative was later destroyed.
Film by Wolfgang Luderer.
Fischer Karsten
The puppet boy Turli, who was only recently been carved from wood by the toymaker Kasimir, suddenly springs to life. Turli has nothing but nonsense on his mind and wreaks chaos everywhere he goes, although he is actually supposed to attend school.
Film by Thiel and Brandt.
Hans Müller finds himself on a trip in Thüringen, accompanied by his loving female friend, Moritz. Hans doesn't understand much about trust, which constantly leads to problems between the two of them. During one of their fights, Lady Venus intervenes and sends the young man back to the Middle Ages - so he can learn the true meaning of love. Disguised as Tannhäuser, he has to stand his ground against a horde of minstrels. At a singing competition, he blunders, without the support of Moritz, who had also been thrown back into the 13th century. And with the help of Frau Venus, his adventure will surely turn out even worse...
Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
Film by Rolf Losansky.
Prisoner Paulsen in Dora
В цехах Пенемюнде, а позже в подземных штольнях близ Нордхаузена, защищенных от налетов авиации, производилось в конце войны «чудодейственное оружие» нацистов. Используя это оружие против британского и голландского населения, Гитлер надеялся еще выиграть войну. Военнопленные, которых принуждали работать на военную промышленность фашистов, среди них советский летчик офицер Алексей, организуют ожесточенное тайное сопротивление.
The two-piece black and white movie "Brennende Ruhr" portrays the events during the Kapp-Putsch 1920 in a small german town in the Ruhr district. The main protagonist is Ernst Sukrow, a student who sympathises first with the bourgeois forces but finally decided to join the communists in their fight.
Ewald Honig can't break his bad habit. Hardly has he crossed over into the GDR when the strapping, well-built man in his late fifties once again starts courting ladies with fraudulent intentions. His daughter Ina, burdened with the same genes, specializes in married men in their prime. Two criminologists are on the Honigs' trail, but they soon have enough to handle just dealing with each other. Meanwhile, Honig and his daughter have left their wayward path of their own accord.
Berlin in the 1960s. Olaf and Horst are two young metalworkers, who provoke their older colleagues with critiques of the antiquated equipment and lack of materials... not to mention their love of leather jackets and motorbikes. Olaf and Horst begin to be targeted in the house newsletter, and the generational conflict escalates.
Во время строительных работ в небольшом городке в Тюрингии было обнаружено захоронение неизвестного в форме СС с огнестрельными ранениями. Учитывая, что никаких боевых действий в этом месте не было, а рядом с телом была обнаружена старинная золотая монета, для расследования необычного происшествия прибывают два инспектора полиции, капитан Штеттер и лейтенант Хоффманн. Вскоре им удается выйти на след таинственного преступления, произошедшего двадцать лет назад, но тот обрывается вместе с убийством владельца земельного участка, на котором был найден труп. Понимая, что новое преступление тесно связано с гибелью неизвестного эсэсовца, полицейские ищут улики в воспоминаниях старожилов и архивных документах.
Little Tim Tammer, the son of a lighthouse keeper, lives right on the Baltic Sea beach, but his remote home often leaves him feeling lonely. When Young Pioneers pitch their tents nearby, he is overjoyed and quickly makes new friends.
Сын богатого дельца Михаэля Витте соблазнил молодую девушку Анну Ковальски, горничную в их доме. У Анны будет ребенок. Это не устраивает Михаэля, так как он мечтает женить сына на дочери богатого французского коммерсанта, а если история с Анной раскроется, планы выгодной женитьбы сына рухнут. Михаэль решает избавиться от Анны.
О четырех годах (1933-1936) немецкого коммунистического подполья, о трагедии немецкого рабочего класса, когда коричневая паутина окутала страну. В центре повествования - история прачки Клары Бауман, которая, пренебрегая опасностью, выполняла серьезные задания коммунистической партии.
Major Smith
Токей-ито, вождь «сыновей большой Медведицы» из племени дакота, приглашен лейтенантом Роучем в Форт-Смит. Токей-ито опасается предательства белых и охотнее сражался бы против них вместе с верховным вождем Ташунка-витко, но старейшины решили иначе. Когда он прибывает в Форт-Смит в сопровождении своего личного врага Фреда Кларка по кличке «Красный Лис', его подозрения сбываются. Белые хотят согнать индейцев с их земли, предоставленной им согласно договору, так как там найдено золото. Токей-ито отказывается переселяться в резервацию с бесплодными землями, и его сажают в тюрьму. Победив непокорных индейцев и заставив их переселиться, белые выпускают Токей-ито на свободу. Тем временем его соплеменники уже осознали свою ошибку; вместе с Токей-ито они решают бежать в свободную Канаду. Начинается ожесточенное преследование. В то время как племя пересекает границу, Токей-ито вступает в последний поединок к Красным Лисом. Сумеет ли он победить его...?
Betrunkener im Bus
After the death of their father, 18-year-old Helene Raupe (“coccoon”) and her younger sister Asta come under the guardianship of the youth welfare office in East Berlin. Helene fails miserably as a fishmonger, fashion assistant and bus conductor, all jobs ordained for her by the authorities. The young woman really only “emerges” in her fantasies, where she can escape from her dull, normal life.
Direktor Alfred Hirte
An idealistic teacher is shocked to discover her pupils are already cynical and opportunistic. Her colleague soon grows resentful when she uses new and challenging techniques to help her students overcome obstacles.
Was it an act of sabotage or willful negligence? The non-party engineer Heinz Solter is suddenly arrested and accused of approving a defective pipeline that caused a half million loss to his company. At first, the case seems clear-cut for the state prosecutor, but when he probes deeper, he discovers that Solter had acted against his better judgment due to the pressure from his career-driven and authoritarian boss.
Vorsitzender der Fischereigenossenschaft
The Rabbit Is Me was made in 1965 to encourage discussion of the democratization of East German society. In it, a young student has an affair with a judge who once sentenced her brother for political reasons; she eventually confronts him with his opportunism and hypocrisy. It is a sardonic portrayal of the German Democratic Republic's judicial system and its social implications. The film was banned by officials as an anti-socialist, pessimistic and revisionist attack on the state. It henceforth lent its name to all the banned films of 1965, which became known as the "Rabbit Films." After its release in 1990, The Rabbit Is Me earned critical praise as one of the most important and courageous works ever made in East Germany. It was screened at The Museum of Modern Art in 2005 as part of the film series Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany.
In 1945, Ernst Machner returns home from the war in his mid-20s. Tuche would like him to weave for a living, but his comrades persuade him to become a young teacher instead.
Первый фильм дилогии, посвященный жизни известного немецкого лидера коммунистического движения Карла Либкнехта. Фильм второй - «Несмотря ни на что» (1971).
The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
Connys Vater
After causing a deadly hit-and-run motorcycle accident, Conny Schenk spends two years in prison, where he is able to complete a printing apprenticeship and is released early for good behavior. While he is still on probation, money is stolen at the company where he works and everyone is quick to suspect Conny. Can he overcome his past mistakes and start fresh, or will the mistrust of his colleagues and friends become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Annes Vater
High-school senior Peter considers the adults around him to be hypocritical, self-congratulatory, and immersed in the past. He gets suspended for writing an essay that his teachers consider to be a challenge to the state. Just Don't Think I'll Cry became one of twelve films and film projects-almost an entire year's production-that were banned in 1965-1966 due to their alleged anti-socialist aspects. Although scenes and dialogs were altered and the end was reshot twice, officials condemned this title as "particularly harmful." In 1989, cinematographer Ost restored the original version, and this and most of the other banned films were finally screened in January 1990. Belatedly, they were acclaimed as masterpieces of critical realism.
Vater Stammer
Martin′s and his girlfriend′s Kathrin′s childhood comes to an abrupt end in 1920, when their Mecklenburg village is drawn into the events surrounding the Kapp putsch. By accident, Martin discovers a charge of weapons that land owner von Bröder had put away for the reactionary forces, and gives them to the workers in the city. When the village starts to organize a strike against the putsch, soldiers arrive at the village to hold down the residents of the village.
Rolf Meternagel
After a breakdown, Rita returns to her childhood village in 1961. As she recovers, she remembers the past two years: her love for the chemist Manfred, ten years her senior; how his enthusiasm about his new chemical process turned to bitter disappointment in the face of official rejection; how he escaped to West Berlin a few weeks before the Wall was built and hoped that she would follow him …
Soldat in Pulverkammer
Времена мушкетов и шпаг. В Прусском королевстве не хватает солдат, Барон Фон Юббенау пытается насильно забрать в рекруты веселого, крепкого парня Александра, но он гражданин соседнего королевства. Молодой человек не так прост, он при помощи друзей умудряется не только перехитрить Барона, но и вовлечь в интриги и придворных и самого короля, да к тому же бежать с Ульрикой, дочерью знатного вельможи.
Вторая мировая война окончена, но Дрезден лежит в руинах. Калле приходит на родную табачную фабрику, которую приходится восстанавливать заново. Строителям срочно нужен карбид, который можно достать на заводе в Виттенберге, что находится в 200-х километрах от Дрездена. Калле берётся за эту работу. И вот он находится за воротами химического завода с семью бочками драгоценного материала. И пусть у него нет никакого транспорта, зато есть неисправимый оптимизм и смекалка...
The young architect Hannelore becomes part of the all-male brigade Fröhlich whose members are supposed to build houses at the Strausberger Platz in Berlin. The brigade men drink a lot of beer and are less than thrilled about the new girl. Hanne is the only one who is absolutely delighted with Hannelore. When he starts a drunken fight on May Day, he is arrested and accused of armed robbery. Hannelore immediately convinces the other men in the brigade to help Hanne.
Direktor Neudeck
Christine is a young farm worker in a small village in post-war Germany. Her attempts to improve her situation through further education are hampered by frequent pregnancies arising from ill-fated relationships.
GDR border guard Gunter Rist is a young man from humble homes. During a swimming competition he meets Penny, a professor’s daughter from a good family, and they fall in love. However, their different social backgrounds get in the way of their happiness: Penny’s friends make it obvious that they are not willing to accept Gunter in their group. Although Penny takes Gunter’s side, she doubts if love can overcome all obstacles. In this state, she falls for the advances of her ex-boyfriend Bob and joins him on vacation. In the meantime, Gunter has an accident and is hospitalized. In the hospital, he meets the nurse Li who seems to be perfect for him.
The film chronicles the last ten years in the life of Nobel Peace Prize recipient Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938).
Внешнеторговая компания «Конкордия» из западногерманского города Вюрцбург служит прикрытием для резидентуры американской разведки. Ее глава, майор Коллинз, получает секретный приказ приступить к реализации плана по дестабилизации обстановки в Восточном Берлине, чтобы вооруженные силы НАТО получили повод для вмешательства. Контрразведка ГДР знает об этом плане лишь в общих чертах. Добыть подлинные документы поручено тайному агенту Лоренцу, который под видом перебежчика из Восточной Германии, уже три года работает в организации Коллинза и постепенно обрел высшую степень доверия от своего босса…
В основу картины положены подлинные события, происшедшие весной 1945 года в Бухенвальде. В прибывшем из Освенцима составе старый польский заключенный привозит в чемодане маленького еврейского мальчика, которого немедленно прячут члены подпольного комитета лагеря. Немецкая администрация узнает об этом и путем применения бесчеловечных репрессий требует его выдачи. Но сломить сопротивление узников не удалось, вспыхивает восстание…
Строительная бригада молодых парней, любящих весело и шумно провести время, но не любящих добросовестно выполнять свою работу, после очередной «шабашки» отправляются на мотоциклах весело отдохнуть на берегу Балтийского моря. В какой-то момент строители решают, шутки ради, побриться наголо и нарекают себя «бандой бритоголовых»…
По пьесе Братислава Бражека "И такое в рождественский вечер!" В канун Рождества обострились отношения в семье Лёрке. Дочь Анна против желания родителей решила выйти замуж за Томаса, которого её отец считает непутевым пареньком...
The story of the steel melter Martin Hoff, whose factory delegates him to a drama school, corresponds to the real life of the actor Manfred Krug. Like his (film) hero, Krug works as a steel melter, does artwork, sings and acts, and is sent to drama school. Like his hero, who behaves anarchically and conspicuously, Krug is soon expelled from school.
Film by Frank Vogel.
german converter Hans
Юрист Брих был далек от политики и в дни тревожных событий решил переждать, что будут делать другие. Его друг, фабрикант Ондржей, у которого новая власть отобрала фабрику, решил бежать за границу. Ирен, жена Ондржея, выросшая в бедной семье, чувствовала себя чужой в доме нелюбимого мужа. Она любила Бриха и хотела остаться с ним. Волею случая они оказываются у границы, где в хижине собрались те, кто решился покинуть родину...
Комедия о том, как молодой электрик Густав, неожиданно получив в наследство старый дом, сначала очень обрадовался, даже вышел из строительного кооператива, но вскоре понял, что эта "собственность" - тяжелая обуза в жизни, и поспешил избавиться от такого наследства.
Власти Западной Германии возбудили процесс против Михаэля Фирканта, обвиняя его в убийстве, которого тот не совершал. Друзья Фирканта помогли ему бежать из тюрьмы и организовали его выступление перед представителями мировой прессы. Боясь разоблачения организованной ими грязной провокации, судебные власти Западной Германии вынуждены снять с Фирканта обвинение. Процесс откладывается.
After 1945, land reform forces Old Kraske to become an agricultural worker, but he continues to work on his own, flatly refusing to join any collective farming activities. He desperately wants a large-scale farm like Kimpel's in order to pass it on to his adored grandson, Tinko. When Kraske's son Ernst returns from a POW camp and gives his support to the new communal project, tensions arise within the family and little Tinko is caught in the middle.