Heidemarie Wenzel

Heidemarie Wenzel

Рождение : 1945-07-07, Berlin


Heidemarie Wenzel


The Dove on the Roof
Linda Hinrichs
Three people from very different walks of life meet at a large construction site. Young, unmarried, self-confident construction manager Linda Hinrichs dedicates herself completely to her work and enjoys living more independently then most women. Daniel, a student works on the construction site to make money during his summer holiday, and impresses Linda with his spontaneous energy and idealism. Brigadier Böwe, an older, divorced man works his way from one construction site to the other and has lost his own personal happiness on the path to developing what was seen as officially suitable social standards. Both men try to win Linda over, not realizing that they are taking her freedom away from her.
Der Bärenhäuter
Der Mann mit dem Ring im Ohr
Film by Joachim Hasler.
Остров лебедей
Huberts Mutter
Для четырнадцатилетнего Штефана Кольбе «Остров лебедей» - символ малой родины, светлый образ детства, а значит тепло и уважение близких и знакомых и, прежде всего, его родной бабушки. Теперь он, вместе с мамой и младшей сестрой, должен переехать из этого идиллического места в Берлин к отцу, который работает строителем. Их семья получила новую квартиру на окраине столицы. А значит, Штефану придется жить в новой обстановке, в окружении чужих людей.
Maria Ronsdorf
Bruno Kappel is an established attorney in Hamburg who, in earlier times, belonged to an anarchistic student circle. His former girlfriend Karin Kunze is still a member of this scene. Bruno, who still has left-wing beliefs, becomes her attorney. But when Karin gets into a shootout with the police, she has to go into hiding. The prosecuting attorney Baller has also been a former member of the anarchistic scene. He does not want his past to be revealed by Karin′s apprehension and prosecution. Thus, he asks Kappel to find Karin and sneak her out to a foreign country.
The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes
Television adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairytale.
Goldene Zeiten - Feine Leute
The Island of the Silver Herons
Hilda von Bülow
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Sein letzter Fall
Renate Mauerbusch
This episodic comedy explores love in all its varieties.
The Light on the Gallows
Europe in 1793. For years, England and France have been at war with each other. Now, France sends three men to the British colony of Jamaica to organize a slave revolt. The envoys are Debuisson, the grandson of a Jamaican rum manufacturer, who knows the island very well, his old friend Sasportas, and the sailor Galloudec. After having established contact with the fragmented rebel groups, they receive the surprising news of Napoleon′s takeover in France. Whereas Debuisson, who by now has gotten used to his role as a rich heir, wants to wait for new instructions from home, his companions are determined to press ahead with the revolt. When a slave kills a British guard, the situation escalates.
Jede Woche Hochzeitstag
Erika Sandke
Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him.
The Immortals
It's the story of a few men that wonder across Europe trying to come home and rebuild what Mihai Viteazul called "Romanian dream".
Rückkehr als Toter
Вольц - жизнь и преображение одного немецкого анархиста
В мире царит несправедливость, и он искоренит ее - раненный в окопах первой мировой войны солдат Вольц. Штурм тюрьмы и освобождение заключенных. Экспроприация богатеев и передача отнятого добра беднякам. Показательные суды над хозяевами и их прислужниками. Зарождается и ширится легенда о Вольце. Кто же он? Новый Робин Гуд? Освободитель?
The Legend of Paul and Paula
Die Schöne
Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Zeit der Störche
Susanne Krug
Susanne and Christian get to know each other during a wonderful week in summer - and fall in love. This, however, leads to conflicts: up to now, Susanne has been living with Wolfgang, a biologist. This shared life was harmonious and based on mutual trust. Wolfgang is not only resolute and in full command of social situations; he has also always been the stabilizing force in the relationship. This is precisely why Susanne now feels drawn to the unsettled, unsteady and frivolous Christian, the complete opposite of the calm, well-balanced Wolfgang. And Christian, working as a shift boss on a natural gas derrick, has become more aware of his personal and social responsibilities as a result of loving Susanne.
The Lost Angel
August 24, 1937: a day in the life of expressionist sculptor and author Ernst Barlach (Fred Düren). Barlach lives in the small town of Güstrow, keeping to himself and wanting to steer clear of politics. On this day he learns that the Nazis have dragged his famous 1927 sculpture The Hovering Angel out of the Güstrow Cathedral. Barlach begins to reflect on his life of “inner emigration” and on his work.
KLK calling PTZ – The Red Orchestra
Ina Schreier
East German film about the history of Red Orchestra, a real life German pro-Soviet spy ring created after the rise of Hitler that turned into a resistance movement led by a leftist Nazi officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen, and Arvid Harnack.
blondes Mädchen
Zwei Briefe an Pospischiel
East German television film.
Film by Ralf Kirsten.
На пути к Ленину
По мотивам книги воспоминаний Альфреда Куреллы о деятельности немецких коммунистов в 20-е годы, о встрече с В. И. Лениным и подготовке Международного конгресса молодежи.
Junge Frau von 1914
Paula Weber
Windows of Time
Five social misfits undergo cryogenic suspension. When they awake in the far distant future, they find a world devastated by nuclear war. Yet they discover that each of them has some personal involvement - and responsibility - for the series of the events that ended in the destruction of the world they knew.
Der Kristallspiegel
Die Toten bleiben jung
A depiction of class conflicts in Germany between 1918 and 1945. The Spartacist Erwin is shot by officers in 1918, and his pregant working-class bride Marie begins a new relationship with social democrat Geschke. Erwin's son Hans grows up to be a communist like his father, leading to bitter hatred between him and his Nazi step-brother, while Geschke becomes increasingly resigned to the political situation in Germany. The three aristocratic officers who shot Erwin many years ago meet again during the Kapp Putsch, but their support for the Third Reich eventually leads each to their deaths.
In August of 1914, amidst the public ecstasy surrounding the impending war, Hans Gastl, the young son of a Munich bürger, makes a decision: he will not take part in this war. This resolution signifies a turning point in his life; a farewell to his class and his family.