Amy Tinkham


Paul McCartney: Back in the U.S.
In 2002, a 60-year old McCartney refocused the attention on his musicianship, staging a massive live concert in Cleveland, Ohio. The superstar, who went on to form the popular rock group Wings and had several hit records as a solo artist, performs a track list that covers all three phases of his long and prolific career, including the hits "Eleanor Rigby," "Live And Let Die," "Blackbird," "The Long And Winding Road," and "Mother Nature's Son." In addition to the 30 tunes that McCartney enthusiastically performs, seemingly immune to the ravages of time and aging, BACK IN THE U.S.A LIVE also includes candid behind-the-scenes footage of the rocker backstage and on the road.
Человек на Луне
Tony Clifton Dancer
Энди Кауфман не был обычным комиком. Он был выдающимся, провоцирующим, дерзким, оригинальным — эти качества можно отнести и к пленительному и успешному биографическому фильму «Человек на луне».Джим Кэрри становится звездой, выиграв Золотой Глобус за зловещую роль комика. Энди нарушал все правила: заставляя людей смеяться над тем, что не может быть смешным. Он запудрит Вам мозги, но доставит Вам истинное удовольствие.
Valerie Flake
Annoyed Customer
A boozing, recently widowed young woman gives every one she comes into contact with a hard time. She moves back home with her in-laws, where she is pursued by a nice young grocer. However, his mother recognizes her as a heartbreaker and warns him away, creating a battle with her...