In a dystopian post-pandemic reality, only a crowd of gender-bending characters survive. The mysterious virus ‚Exit 884’ has decimated the human population, sparing only the lives of homosexual men, for reasons unknown to science. A grotesque funeral of the last female on earth reveals the true nature of modern society and starts a new era.
Director of Photography
In a dystopian post-pandemic reality, only a crowd of gender-bending characters survive. The mysterious virus ‚Exit 884’ has decimated the human population, sparing only the lives of homosexual men, for reasons unknown to science. A grotesque funeral of the last female on earth reveals the true nature of modern society and starts a new era.
In a dystopian post-pandemic reality, only a crowd of gender-bending characters survive. The mysterious virus ‚Exit 884’ has decimated the human population, sparing only the lives of homosexual men, for reasons unknown to science. A grotesque funeral of the last female on earth reveals the true nature of modern society and starts a new era.
Русская эмигрантка и порноактриса Лиллиан решает пройти пешком США, чтобы вернуться домой. Путь её лежит от Нью-Йорка до Аляски: словно лосось на нересте, она всё время движется наперекор всему, поперёк течения.