Līga Celma-Kursiete


Олег, русский из Латвии с паспортом негражданина, приезжает в Бельгию подзаработать. По профессии он мясник, и поначалу ему удается устроиться на работу на мясокомбинат. Но потом, из-за конфликта с другим гастарбайтером, он своего места лишается. Тут на горизонте появляется Анджей, который обещает все – работу, деньги, комфортное жилье... Ничего этого Олег не получает, а попадает к поляку в настоящее рабство.
A true story of a 17 going on 18 year-old boy called Modris. He’s a guy who goes to school, has a girlfriend and some good friends. He has a small gambling addiction, which makes his relationship with his mother difficult. It’s also hard because the two of them live alone and the mother doesn’t miss a chance to remind him that his father is in prison and that Modris has a bad gene. Their relationship boils over when, in the middle of a Nordic winter, Modris pawns his mother’s electric heater in trying to squeeze a win from a slot machine. She betrays him to the police and Modris is sentenced to two years’ probation. That is when his adventures with the Latvian justice system begin and he sets a new goal: to find the father he has never met.
When world famous organist Anna learns about her husband’s involvement in a large-scale corruption scandal, her carefully built family life is crumbling. Will she be able to live with this new image of her husband?