Tie-Hsiang Ban

Tie-Hsiang Ban

Рождение : , Taiwan


Tie-Hsiang Ban


I'm Home
Jen-chieh returns to Taiwan after his visa expires. In the old family home, he tries to find the traces of his father's love and the courage to get closer to his father.
Can You Hear Me?
Zhao Bo
Jhong wakes up and finds himself dead. He watches his remaining family members dealing with his death while they speak their thoughts over breakfast. Although his wife can't hear what he has to say, she comprehends what's on his mind.
Invisible Justice
Zhao Dingbang
Li Zhenghong (Zhang Zhehao) is unwilling to be blind and can only be assigned to do word processing work in a law firm. He strives to participate in litigation, but always hits a wall. One day, he finally received a civil claim suit, but did not expect that the defense lawyer in this case was actually Zhao Dingbang (Ban Tiexiang), the boss of his law firm. If he helped the plaintiff, how should he face his boss? What is more difficult is that this case is not a general lawsuit. It is actually a multinational class action with 531 plaintiffs. Li Zhenghong has not even fought a single lawsuit, and is a blind person. How should he win the lawsuit?
Батат и рис
Вдова Линь Сюмэй с болью осознаёт, что после того, как оба её сына покинули родной дом, она из нужного человека превратилась в лишнего. Внезапная смерть единственной подруги Цин Эр, которая к тому же была на десять лет моложе, стала дополнительным шоком. В свои 70 лет, пока смерть не пришла за ней, она решает доказать, что всё ещё нужна. Полагаясь на помощь других, включая дух Цин Эр и советы богини, Лин Сюмей пытается решить невыполнимую задачу. Сможет ли она вернуть себе заботу семьи? Сможет ли снова найти себя?
Old Ji
Old Ji is an old farmer that runs a working exchange hostel in a valley. One day, a backpacker arrives at the hostel.