Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev

Рождение : 1931-03-02, Privolnoe, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia]

Смерть : 2022-08-30


Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (Russian: Михаи́л Серге́евич Горбачёв; 2 March 1931 - 30 August 2022) was a Russian and former Soviet politician. The eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, he was the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991. He was also the country's head of state from 1988 until 1991, serving as the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet from 1988 to 1989, chairman of the Supreme Soviet from 1989 to 1990, and president of the Soviet Union from 1990 to 1991. Ideologically, he initially adhered to Marxism–Leninism although by the early 1990s had moved toward social democracy.


Mikhail Gorbachev


In the Grip of Gazprom
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The war in the Ukraine has changed the way many European countries view Russian politics. Suddenly it became clear how dependent countries had become on Russian gas imports for decades and what Vladimir Putin was up to. However, no country needs more gas than Germany. It was only after Russia's invasion of the Ukraine that the German government realized that Russia had long used gas as a weapon to impose its will on states. The instrument created for this purpose is the natural gas production company GAZPROM. So how did Germany become so dependent on Russian gas? The documentary shows how, over several decades and several changes of government, a broad alliance of politicians and business representatives did everything possible to secure Germany's energy supply with cheap Russian gas, while the Kremlin's foreign policy became increasingly aggressive and the warnings of experts went unheeded.
Чернобыль: Утерянные записи
Self (archive footage)
История Чернобыля, рассказанная с помощью недавно обнаруженных архивных кадрах и свидетельства очевидцев, раскрывают трагедию и героические усилия, предпринятые для предотвращения нового взрыва на Чернобыльской АЭС.
Mr. Landsbergis
Self (archive footage)
Фильм о Литве с 1989 по 1991 год, в период, когда она отделилась от Советского Союза. Как один из основателей движения за независимость, Витаутас Ландсбергис оказался в центре радикального исторического сдвига. Его проницательные размышления дополняются обширными архивными записями демонстраций, партийных съездов...
1996 г., ограбление в Москве
Self (archive footage)
В 1996 году Борис Ельцин, больной и ненавидимый, баллотировался на второй срок в качестве президента России. Перед ним стоял кандидат от коммунистов Геннадий Зюганов, которого хвалили те, кого забыл постсоветский переходный период. В начале гонки у Ельцина было всего 3% голосов, но, несмотря ни на что, ему удалось переизбраться, набрав почти 54% голосов. Как он мог победить?
Горбачев. Рай
Погружение в интимную жизнь Михаила Горбачева, последнего лидера СССР. Архитектор перестройки и гласности, которого превозносили на Западе, но поносили в его собственной стране, который, несмотря на преклонный возраст, одиночество и болезни, все еще борется, предлагает свое личное и политическое завещание.
Stasi, un État contre son peuple
Self (archive footage)
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, thousands of documents were hastily shredded by the dreaded GDR political police. 16,000 bags filled with six million pieces of paper were found. Thanks to the meticulous work of technology, the destinies of men and women who had been spied on and recorded without their knowledge could be reconstructed.
Сахаров. Две жизни
self (archival footage)
Его имя носят проспект, университет и даже астероид. Об академике Сахарове знают во всём мире: кто-то как о создателе водородной бомбы, кто-то — как о выдающемся общественном деятеле и правозащитнике. Всю жизнь Андрей Сахаров жил меж двух огней — наукой и гуманизмом — и этот дуализм лёг в основу фильма. Картина покажет учёного таким, каким себя видел он сам, через его диалоги с Совестью.
Chernobyl: The Last Battle of the USSR
Self (archive footage)
Three decades after the nuclear explosion, almost everything has been said about this ecological and sanitary disaster that made Pripiat a part of History. How did the greatest industrial disaster change the course of History, disrupt global geopolitics and, directly or indirectly, redistribute the balances and power relations of the twentieth century? The world will never be the same again. By retracing the incredible battle waged by the Soviet Union against radiation, this film proposes to retrace and enlighten an extraordinary story, while exploring the historical stakes in the medium and long-term…
The Long Breakup
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Ukrainian journalist Katya Soldak, currently living in New York City and working for Forbes magazine, chronicles Ukraine's history: its strong ties to Russia for centuries; how it broke away from the USSR and began to walk alone; the Orange Revolution, the Maidan Revolution, the Crimea annexation, the Donbass War; all through the eyes of her family and friends settled in Kharkiv, a large Ukrainian city located just eighteen miles from the Russian border.
My Favorite War
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Ilze Burkovska, a little girl who is obsessed with stories of World War II and will be a filmmaker in a distant future, lives in Latvia under the totalitarian boot of the Soviets and the ominous shadow of the many menaces and horrors of the Cold War.
Как это вижу я
Self (archive footage)
Взгляд за кулисы двух самых знаковых президентов в Американской истории, Барака Обамы и Рональда Рейгана, увиденный глазами известного фотографа Пита Соузы. Как официальный фотограф Белого дома, Соуза был свидетелем уникальной и огромной ответственности быть самым могущественным человеком на земле. Фильм показывает, как Соуза превращается из уважаемого фотожурналиста в жгучего комментатора по вопросам, с которыми мы сталкиваемся как страна и народ.
Frenemies: Putin and Trump
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Stalin and the Katyn Massacre
Self (archive footage)
The Katyn massacre, carried out by the Soviet NKVD in 1940, was only one of many unspeakable crimes committed by Stalin's ruthless executioners over three decades. The mass murder of thousands of Polish officers was part of a relentless purge, the secrets and details of which have only recently been partially revealed.
30 Years of Democracy
Self (archive footage)
Two journalists born in the mid '80s decide to take a look back at how their country changed in the last 30 years since the fall of communism. The end product is a documentary containing footage of political events and historical milestones significant to Romania accompanied by a narrator's voice walking the viewer through the events, and also interviews with Romanian politicians and other influential public figures sharing their thoughts and their different views on those events.
Solidarność: How Solidarity Changed Europe
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Gdańsk, Poland, September 1980. Lech Wałęsa and other Lenin shipyard workers found Solidarność (Solidarity), the first independent trade union behind the Iron Curtain. The long and hard battle to bring down communist dictatorship has begun.
Хулиган. Трус. Жертва: История Роя Кона
Self (archive footage)
Документальный фильм о жизни и карьере печально известного адвоката Роя Кона. Рой посвятил свою жизнь охоте на коммунистов и представителей ЛГБТ-сообщества: прежде всего он стремился «очистить от них руководящие посты». Позже стало известно о его гомосексуальности. Фильм попытается показать трагические парадоксы судьбы Кона и раскрыть мотивы его поведения.
Tiananmen: The People Versus the Party
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
The true story of the seven weeks that changed China forever. On June 4, 1989, pro-democracy demonstrations were violently and bloodily repressed. Thousands of people died, but the basis for China's future was definitely planted.
The Man Who Defied Beijing
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
A portrait of Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), a witness of the Tiananmen Square massacre (1989), a dissident, a woodpecker who tirelessly pecked the putrid brain of the Communist regime for decades, demanding democracy loudly and fearlessly. Silenced, arrested, convicted, imprisoned, dead. Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2010, alive forever. These are his last words.
Встреча с Горбачевым
Знаменитый кинематографист расспрашивает последнего Генсекретаря ЦК КПСС и единственного президента СССР о его самых важных, по мнению интервьюера, достижениях: прекращении холодной войны, прекращении контроля Советским Союзом Восточной Европы и объединение Германии.
Люся в стране чудес
Как Люся Штейн - выпускница ВГИКа и муниципальный депутат Москвы - пошла работать в предвыборный штаб Ксении Собчак.
Свидетели Путина
Self - Politician (archive footage)
События фильма начинаются 31 декабря 1999 года, когда россиянам представили их нового президента. Фильм основан на уникальных и строго документальных свидетельствах истинных причин и последствий операции «преемник», в результате которой Россия оказалась с президентом, который правит страной до сих пор. Главными героями фильма являются Михаил Горбачев, Борис Ельцин, Владимир Путин и русский народ, который как всегда безмолвствует.
Наша Африка
Независимая Африка глазами советских документалистов в период с 1960-го года, когда 17 Африканских стран становятся независимыми от европейских метрополий, до распада СССР в 1991-ом году. Как реагировали советские граждане на смерть конголезского лидера Патриса Лумумбы? Как «прозвучал» в Африке полет Юрия Гагарина в космос и как его использовали в продвижении советской идеологии? Что такое внутренняя и внешняя колонизации, и какова цена политических игр “мировых держав”? Используя в монтаже более 60 советских документальных лент, картина воссоздает историю «советской Африки». Герои фильма — Никита Хрущев, Леонид Брежнев, Михаил Горбачев; президенты и премьер-министры Африканских стран: Гамаль Абдель Насер (ОАР), Секу Туре (Гвинея), Патрис Лумумба (ДРК), Модибо Кейта (Мали), Кваме Нкрума (Гана), Джулиус Ньерере (Танзания), Хайле Селассие (Эфиопия) и многие другие политики, а также советские граждане, работавшие в Африке, и африканские студенты, обучавшиеся в вузах СССР.
The Arrow of Time
President Mikhail Gorbachev recounts the end of the Cold War and the reduction of nuclear arms.
Oscar Arias: Without a Shot Fired
This is the story of a tiny country that made a decision to do something that no other country had ever done -- it decided to abolish its army and declare peace to the world. And this is the story of a young boy who grew up in that country, and how he ended up challenging -- and sometimes even convincing -- the greatest powers in the world to follow Costa Rica's example. "Oscar Arias: Without a Shot Fired" is a Don Quixote-like saga with great historical touchstones -- Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, Cold War politics and Communism, Central American War and Peace. It follows a slight, academic, and most unlikely hero over the course of more than fifty years, as he travels the world in a quest to stop the spread of the weapons of war. In the end, it is a story about the triumph of reason, of the sparrow triumphing over the eagle, and how the impossible dream can sometimes come true.
Free to Rock
Rock & Roll spread the sound of freedom across the Iron Curtain and throughout Eastern Europe and the USSR, despite Communist attempts to outlaw it and to crush what they perceived was a contamination of their youth. Over the next thirty years, thousands of underground bands and millions of young fans who yearned for Western values helped fuel the nonvio- lent implosion of the Soviet regime. FREE TO ROCK features Presidents, diplomats, spies and rock stars from the West, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe who reveal how Rock & Roll music was a contributing factor in ending the Cold
Era Of Dance
Self (archival footage)
The film tells a story about the latest musical revolution in recent history – the early days of the rave scene and the golden age of techno culture. International political changes in the mid-80s and early 90s, including the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, in a short period of time allowed this cultural phenomenon to become a mass movement which was almost completely independent from the global corporations and which did not fight with the system but created its own system.
Уязвимость нулевых дней
Himself (archive footage)
Уязвимость цифровой техники достаточно обычное явление. Каждый день в сеть выпускаются тысячи новых вредоносных приложений, которые ориентированы на обычных пользователей. История Stuxnet.
The Russian Woodpecker
Former President Russia (archive footage)
As his country is gripped by revolution and war, a Ukrainian victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster discovers a dark secret and must decide whether to risk his life and play his part in the revolution by revealing it.
Self (archive footage)
In the last 250 years, free-market ideology has played a central role in the development of the logic and rhetoric that have influenced the daily life of populations throughout the world. It was cornered for a few decades during the twentieth century in favor of a social economy for the public interest, and then returned to the limelight in the last thirty years of the century to dominate the logics that drive world economies, doing the favor of the elites at the expense of 99%. Through the testimony of six people informed about the facts, Laissez-faire offers a historical and ideological perspective through which to identify the fundamental problems of the economic mechanism on which societies are based.
Quando c'era Berlinguer
Self (archive footage)
An HBO documentary, takes a ‘personal, not political’ look at George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States.
Der Sturz - Honeckers Ende
The Last Days of the USSR
From 1989 to 1991 a string of unpredictable events happened that brought to light the rivalry between two men: Gorbachev, hindered by the economic results of his perestroika, and Yeltsin, embodying the hopes of the Russian people. Illustrated with interviews of top protagonists such as Mikhail Gobachev himself, the documentary recounts the critical last two years of the former USSR.
A Bitter Taste of Freedom
In her quest to uncover the wrongdoings of the Russian authorities, Anna Politkovskaya inspired awe in some and fear in countless others. At age 48 she was assassinated for simply doing her job. This documentary is based on Anna's conversations with filmmaker Marina Goldovskaya, Anna's former university professor and personal friend. Shot over a period of 20 years, this exclusive footage creates an incredible story of a woman who consciously gave her life for her convictions.
Он пришел дать нам волю
Biographical documentary about Mikhail Gorbachev and the way he did not waste his inner freedom before becoming General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and giving this freedom to the people.
The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu
The three-hour-long documentary covers 25 years in the life of Nicolae Ceaușescu and was made using 1,000 hours of original footage from the National Archives of Romania.
Диско и ядерная война
Self (archive footage)
Жители социалистической Эстонии находят спасение от серости будней, настраивая антенны своих телевизоров на волну финского телевидения, демонстрирующего столь желанные образы «загнивающего капитализма». Информационную войну тоталитарный режим проигрывает.
Here to Stay
Urban sprawl, extinct species, depletion of natural resources and global warming are all causes of deep anxiety. Here to stay takes an uncompromising look at Planet Earth today, in all its beauty but also its scars and contradictions. Illustrating the intricate relationship and contrasts between the miracles of nature and man's obsession in trying to tame them. Can we turn back the tide? What do we really want for ourselves?
Битва за Чернобыль
Используя рассказы очевидцев событий, компьютерную графику, материалы видеоархивов и эксклюзивные снимки известного чернобыльского фотографа Игоря Костина, этот двухчасовой документальный фильм заново исследует самую страшную ядерную катастрофу в мире.
Hammer & Tickle
Self (archive footage)
Hammer & Tickle: The Communist Joke Book is a 2006 propaganda documentary film about "jokes" under the Soviet Union.
Freedom's Fury
A documentary on the 1956 Olympic semifinal water polo match between Hungary and Russia. Held in Australia, the match occurred as Russian forces were in Budapest, stomping out a popular revolt.
Doot Doola Doot Doo ... Doot Doo!
After years of requests, Nardwuar the Human Serviette has finally entered the digital age with a compilation of over 60 of his favourite video interviews. Based around his two MuchMusic Specials, Nard Wars I and Nard Wars II and clocking in at over 5.5 hrs on 2 DVDs, "Doot Doola Doot Doo .... Doot Doo!" encompasses everything from former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to Snoop Doggy Dogg to your mother!
The Collapse of The Soviet Union
The film is using episodes filmed mainly at the Kremlin, Soviet Union's headquarters which enable to have a glance to world's most well-known political kitchen.
Disaster at Chernobyl
Himself (archive footage)
The explosion at Chernobyl was ten times worse than the Hiroshima bomb and was due to a combination of human error and imperfect technology. An account of the sixty critical minutes prior to the explosion of the nuclear power plant on the night of April 26, 1986.
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, l'homme qui a changé le monde
When the Wall Came Tumbling Down: 50 Hours That Changed the World
A detailed reconstruction of the events from Nov. 9th to 11th, 1989, which led to the Berlin wall tumbling down, on a local, national and international level.
The Secret KGB JFK Assassination Files
On Nov. 22, 1963 the world was shocked by the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The mystery surrounding this history-changing event has led to many unanswered questions.
In 1988, after two terms in office, Ronald Reagan left the White House one of the most popular presidents of the twentieth century -- and one of the most controversial. A failed actor, Reagan became a passionate ideologue who preached a simple gospel of lower taxes, less government, and anti-communism.
But... Seriously
Himself (archive footage)
A documentary juxtaposing the events of the 20th century with the commentary of stand-up comedians.
Небо над Берлином - 2
Mikhail Gorbachev
Международное признание и открытый для продолжения финал фильма "Небо над Берлином" не мог не надоумить Вима Вендерса снова обратиться к истории про ангелов. Нам, по сути, предложили идентичную схему материализации ангела на земле, которую на этот раз претерпел напарник известного нам по оригиналу Дамиэля, Кассиэль. Все с той же грустной улыбкой наблюдает он за миром людей, не имея права вмешиваться в их жизнь под страхом превращения в простого смертного. Но однажды он переступает черту и спасает упавшую с балкона девочку. В тот же момент все вокруг становится ярким и разноцветным, и Кассиэль понимает, что теперь он человек. Божественная сущность в облике У.Дефо, а также ангелица Рафаэла пытаются образумить его, но Кассиэль уже поставил себе целью изменить реальность в лучшую сторону. Так, он встает на защиту попавшего в переплет бизнесмена, как оказалось впоследствии, промышляющего торговлей оружием.
Strictly Propaganda
A realistic satire about the path of the German Democratic Republic from its foundation until its 40th birthday. This eye-opening film tells the history of the German Democratic Republic through East Germany's official newsreels and state films.
Ceausescu: Behind the Myth
Self (archive footage)
Veteran journalist and author Edward Behr spent a year investigating the rise and fall of Nicolae Ceausescu. Executed on Christmas Day 1989, Ceausescu was once a hero to his own people, and in the west. Behr's film reveals the truth behind the myth, in a tale of megalomania, farce, and horror.
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Атомная подводная лодка «Монтана» ВМФ США с ядерным оружием на борту терпит крушение на огромной глубине. Министерство флота просит помощи у специалистов подводной исследовательской станции, работающей неподалеку от места аварии субмарины.При поддержке четырех военных разведчиков исследователи должны выяснить возможную причину трагедии и нейтрализовать ядерные боеголовки. Но в океанской бездне им предстоит столкнуться с неведомым…