Seema Biswas

Seema Biswas

Рождение : 1965-01-14, Nalbari, Assam, India


Seema Biswas is an Indian actress who works in Hindi and Bengali films and the theatre. She came to prominence with the role of Phoolan Devi in Shekhar Kapur's 1995 film Bandit Queen, for which she won the National Film Award for Best Actress.


Seema Biswas


A young man from a remote village dreams of launching his own airline service. However, he must overcome several obstacles and challenges in order to be successful in his quest.
Atrangi Re
Runaway Rinku gets forcefully married to already engaged Vishu. Both don't want this marriage and make a deal to go on their separate ways. The equation gets weirder when Rinku's lover Sajjad shows up and Vishu starts developing feelings for her.
Funny Boy
A student must navigate issues of sexuality, identity and family amid Sri Lanka's social turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s.
A 70-year-old widowed woman on the verge of being sent to an old age home makes a decision that shocks her family.
Видимая тьма
Выросший в Лондоне Ронни возвращается домой в Индию и узнает, что его мама Сулека погибла при странных обстоятельствах. Пока Ронни расследует похожую серию убийств из прошлого, темнота внутри него вырывается наружу.
Bhoga Khirikee
Bhoga Khidikee is a 2018 Indian Assamese drama film directed by Jahnu Barua. It was the opening film of 2nd Guwahati International Film Festival. The film is based on the real life experiences of a village girl in upper Assam and is set against the socio-political landscape of the state in 2015
Mumtaz Khala
After a series of bomb blasts in Hyderabad a special ATS team lead by officer Desai name Yasin Darji as the suspect. Following a tip-off the team reaches a location to arrest Yasin only to end up arresting Sameer, the wrong guy. While the error needs to be fixed, the higher authorities decide to bargain with Sameer for his freedom, sending him as a mole. Sameer turns a mole to stop Yasin Darji before he kills more innocent people. A chase begins. Will they manage to stop Yasin, or will Yasin trump?
Наполовину подруга
Madhav's Mother
Мадхав Джа - простой парень из Бихари, знакомится в колледже с Рией Сомани из элитной семьи Дели. Через баскетбол они становятся друзьями и начинают часто зависать вместе. Притягательность Мадхава теперь становится одержимостью для Рии, да и он не может не хотеть ее в своей жизни. Хотя их жизни далеки как два полюса, Мадхав воображает Рию своей женой, но вместо этого она выбирает быть его подругой наполовину. Рия уходит из колледжа, чтобы выйти замуж за Рохана, богатого друга семьи. Мадхав в депрессии, завершает учёбу в колледже и возвращается в свою деревню, где помогает матери управлять школой. Судьба заставляет их снова встретиться. В Патне Мадхав встречает Рию, которая сейчас разведена. Их любовь вспыхивает снова, но судьба играет с ними очередную шутку и они расстаются еще раз. Мадхав, с его огромной любовью, не теряет надежды и даже направляется в Нью-Йорк, чтобы найти там свою потерянную любовь. Удастся ли ему на этот раз сделать Рию его полной подругой?
Странный Али
Али и Маскуд прекрасно понимают, что с помощью рэкетирства они могут заработать много денег. Герои фильма работают на влиятельного и деспотичного криминального авторитета, привыкшего выбивать из людей долги при помощи насилия. Али хорошо исполняет свои обязанности, не встречая на пути никаких серьёзных проблем. В ходе очередного задания главный герой приезжает на поле для гольфа, где проводит время очередной его клиент-должник. Неожиданно для всех Али показывает блестящую игру, отправляя мячи в лунки один за другим. Парень получает приглашение в мир большого спорта, в одночасье становясь уважаемым членом общества.
Project Marathwada
The son of a poor farmer, Tukaram, commits suicide, which leaves the family shattered. When his pleas fall on deaf ears, he comes to Mumbai in the hope of getting justice and help from the government.
A Yellow Bird
It is an unwelcome homecoming for Siva, a Singaporean-Indian ex-convict, haunted by a tragedy in his past. Released after eight years behind bars and dejected by his mother’s coldness, he leaves home in search of his ex-wife and daughter. His old friend denies any knowledge of their whereabouts and instead leads him back into crime. Finding him sheltering in ‘void decks’ (the open public access corridors found beneath government-built residential housing in Singapore), the police force him to meet with a social worker; a woman also dealing with her own fears.
Эта история о тринадцатилетней девочке, которая живет в бедной деревушке гор Гималаи, в Непале. Она ходит в школу и тяжело трудится, чтобы помочь своей семье существовать. Их семья очень бедна, но девочка находит маленькие радости во всем, что ее окружает. Она выращивает пятнистого козленка, приходит в восторг, когда ее мать расчесывает ей волосы при свете масляной лампы. Когда ее семья теряет все, что имела, приемный отец Лакшми знакомит ее с богатой и красивой женщиной, которая уверяет девочку, что та будет работать служанкой в одном богатом доме. Желая помочь семье, девочка соглашается и совершает длинное путешествие в дом под названием «Дом Счастья». Она полна надежд на будущее. Однако скоро ей становится ясно, что ее продали для проституции.
The River of Fables
Four folk tales from Assam re-imagined as a narrative about four mothers, each facing demons of her own.
Chaarfutiya Chhokare
Neha comes to a small village in Bihar, India to construct a school building, for her NGO. She meets the principal to discuss the plans. While leaving from there Neha is shocked to know that the three boys who guided her to the school building are hardcore criminals and have been involved in several murders. Faces of all three in their adolescence, get etched in Neha's mind. With the news of the Rupees twenty million fund coming to the village spreads, politics of greed germinates. Paras, a contractor, lure the five school trust members and promises them to redo their houses if they help him construct the school. The trustee members agree but before they can proceed, Lakhan who has a strong foothold over the village hires the three boys to kill Paras. They kill Paras and the tender goes to Lakhan. Neha meets Janki, mother of one of the boys and is shocked to know about the circumstances that led the three boys to crimes.
Manju's Mother
Shanmugam Manjunath, an IIM student, who was killed for his stand against corruption and fuel adulteration.
Born to rich parents, Majeed falls in love with his not-so-affluent neighbor Suhra. After her father's death, when Suhra struggles to make both ends meet, Majeed pleads with his father to sponsor her education. Refused, he wanders off to distant lands.
Дети полуночи
Mary Pereira
Трагикомическая и авантюрная судьба Салема Синая, рожденного в полночь индийской независимости, охватывающая историю и политические события Индии XX века.
In the old city of Ahmedabad, amid India's largest kite festival, a family duels, spins and soars like the countless kites in the skies above.
Yeh Faasley
Arunima (Tena Desai) loves dad (Anupam Kher) who, she believes, loved her mom too. But her love is put to test when she begins to suspect her dad and holds him responsible for her mother’s death. Will the daughter avenge her mother’s death even if it means standing up against her father?
Red Alert: The War Within
While delivering food in a forest area in Andhra Pradesh, impoverished Narasimha is held against his will by a band of Naxalites led by Velu, and forced to join them. He is anxious to collect his dues and return home to his wife, Uma; daughter, Chinna; and son, Mohan, but Velu keeps on putting it off. Narasimha gets to know and sympathize with members of this band, and befriends Lakshmi, who was gang-raped by several policemen. He is then asked to prove his loyalty by killing an informant/plainclothes police inspector - which he does - and even accompanies the band on an assault on a school, resulting in the death of some children. Traumatized after this incident, he decides to flee - and it is this decision that will not only estrange him from his family but also force him to be on the run from the band as well as the police.
City of Gold
Lakshmi G. Dhuri / Aai
Today, there is hardly anyone who hasn't visited the swanky shopping malls, nightclubs, lounge bars, clubs and other such lifestyle destinations that sprung up across the centre of Mumbai. However, very few know that buried deep below these glittering edifices to consumerism lies the dark, dirty and painful reality of many thousands of mill workers who once worked the cotton mills in this very same area. Rising and toiling to the wail of the mill sirens each and every day, seven days a week, these workers embodied the true unbridled zeal and unflagging spirit of the city and played a pivotal role in the evolution of Mumbai as the modern day business capital of India. And then it suddenly was as if they never existed. Following the mill workers strike in the mid-80s, these mills began closing down rapidly and the mill-workers mysteriously disappeared...
Cooking With Stella
Stella Elizabeth Matthews
Inside the Canadian diplomatic compound in New Delhi, a mischievous cook affects the lives of her employers and fellow staff.
Surya's Mother
Amidst strictly enforced curfew by Bombay Police during December 1992 following Hindu-Muslim riots, Suryakant - one of four siblings from Malad's Malvani slums, heads home.
Dujone has the college-going Meghna (Srabanti) and Akash (Dev) falling for each other. But with Meghna's dad being in the fish business as opposed to Dev's industrialist dad, objections are an obvious progression. Things get murkier and gory what with Akash's dad keeping him caged in Siliguri and Meghna's against-romance pishi (Seema) keeping a hawk's eye on her every move. And just when you thought you've seen the best of De's muscle flexing and Srabanti's desperation to meet Akash, in comes a contract killer (Arijit) employed by Akash's dad to finish off Meghna. As all action stories should end, Dujone too reaches a fitting finale with Meghna-Akash's love triumphing over all odds.
Yeh Mera India
Sharada Bai
Every night we go home & turn on the news,to find headlines full of atrocities & we wonder how this world keeps moving in spite of so much multi-layered bias which is the root cause of all this. YMI is an attempt to explore the truth behind these headlines. These stories deal with racial,communal,caste,gender,lingual & immigrant bias that plaque the today's society and the outcome... Startling!!!!
Zor Lagaa Ke... Haiya!
Ram's Mom
Children build a tree-house to spy on a beggar, than seek his help against a builder.
Aasma: The Sky Is the Limit
Dr. Vandana
Aasma is a story about lives of six friends, set out on a mission : a mission to touch the sky with their brilliance, talent and sheer dedication. The success story of a theatre group that embodies the love and togetherness amongst these friends. It’s a story of people who have faith in spite of the agonies and tribulations that life presents to each of them.
Mrs. Khan
Два майора индийских вооруженных сил, Сиддхарт Чаудхари и Акаш Капур, вместе служат адвокатами в отделе внутренних расследований. Одно громкое происшествие вносит раскол в их дружбу. Во время проведения расследования они оказываются по разные стороны баррикад. Положение обвиняемого осложняет ещё и то, что он категорически отказывается говорить об этом инциденте. Хоть Сиддхарт и выступает адвокатом со стороны защиты, но он не проявляет особого рвения в этом деле. Его позиция начинает меняться после встречи с журналисткой Кавьей, которая заставляет его поверить, что в этом деле не всё так просто.
Advocate Sapna Agarwal
Autorickshaw driver Amal is content with the small, but vital, role he serves - driving customers around New Delhi as quickly and safely as possible. But his sense of duty is tested by an eccentric, aging billionaire, who, moved by Amal's humility, bequeaths him his entire estate before passing away. With only one month to discover and claim the inheritance, Amal's struggles with duty and wealth are threatened by all those around him - from a young injured beggar girl and a lovely store merchant, to the danger of the old man's upper-caste friends and siblings, all seeking to claim their share of the riches.
Devki Wardhan
"Ek crore meh laitha hai RISK!". Risk! is a movie about a police inspector named Suryakanth who vows to clean up the Mumbai underworld. The police have been trying for 11 years to arrest the biggest don of the underworld, Khalid Bin Jamal. But Khalid isn't in Mumbai. He is living in Bangkok, free from the Mumbai police. Suryakanth starts killing Khalid's men in Mumbai. This alarms Khalid and he entraps Suryakanth in a bad scheme. How much risk is Suryakanth willing to take in order to catch Khalid? Watch Risk! and find out.
Rama Mishra
Молодой городской пижон Прем из Дели, выросший в богатом доме, возможно, подходящий холостяк, но он еще не готов к браку. Прем соглашается на встречу с сиротой Пунам из Мадхупура только из-за своего отца, который намерен женить сына. Но случилось чудо — формальное знакомство перерастает в любовь. Смогут ли молодые люди сохранить любовь или их будущий брак останется для них только символом повиновения?
Zindaggi Rocks
DCP Gazala Qadri
Dr. Suraj Rihan meets Kriya, a popular singer in his hospital. While he is a quiet, responsible man, she is loud, kiddish and a little crazy. Kriya invites Suraj to meet her family, which includes her mother, who is very strict and her mother's twin sister, who is fun and giggly. Kriya has an adopted son, who is very mature for his age. Kriya and Suraj fall in love with each other and their new feelings are tested by a crisis that enters both their lives. Kriya's son is in a critical state as he has a hole in his heart and they are unable to find a donor till the date of the operation. This makes Kriya commit a medicine induced suicide and her heart is then used to save her son.
Thaimagan is a story of an investigative journalist Dheeran (Sarathkumar) who is intent on exposing corrupt minister Shanmugavadivelu (Mukesh Tiwari) and his stooge, the state director general of police (DGP) Alangaram (Seema Biswas).The story revolves around a bottled water plant in a village sanctioned by the minister for a quid pro quo. Dheeran is against the project as it would deplete the ground water resources and warns the people and government about its dangers. The minister sends his goons to silence the newspaper owner (Vijayakumar) permanently. But the...
Lisa's dress is soaked in blood and her coat is loaded with money but she can't remember who she is. Her husband, Arjun, a famous surgeon, tries his best to help her recollect things.
Индия, 1938 год. Восьмилетняя девочка узнает, что она стала вдовой. Когда-то ее выдали замуж "впрок" за незнакомого взрослого мужчину и оставили в отцовском доме. Теперь согласно святым законам у нее есть три пути: сгореть с мужем на погребальном костре, выйти замуж за его младшего брата или стать неприкасаемой и до конца своих дней жить в ашраме - приюте для вдов при храме, на берегу большой реки...
Maa Where Are You...
Abandoned in an orphanage, subsequently adopted by wealthy Mr. Mohanto and Gayetri, Gopal Mohanto lives a wealthy lifestyle in Guwahati. His foster mother is often cruel to him, and he runs away to Bombay, where he meets some youth in his age group and starts earning money delivering newspapers under the supervision of Badru. One day he finds some money belonging to Bollywood actress, Shalini, and returns it to her.
Sister Agatha
A Sikh woman and her son take refuge in a convent during the 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms
Ranbir (Jackie Shroff) is a successful writer, and happily married to Anjali (Mahima Chaudhry). But when his schizophrenic ex (Raveena Tandon) shows up out of the blue, tells him he has a son living in Goa, and hints that Anjali is cheating on him, his happy life is turned upside down.
Hanan: An Assault on Faith
The Indian belief that birth, death and marriage are decided in the heaven is challenged one night in Rampur, when a woman abused by her husband curses the Goddess Bhagwati for not creating a true husband and commits suicide in Goddess's divine river...
Ek Hasina Thi
ACP Malti Vaidya
A woman falls for a charming and mysterious businessman. The whirlwind romance turns sour when she is framed for his underworld crimes. Now, finally out of prison she is ready for sweet revenge.
Marudhu, a sailor, falls in love with Nancy, a fruit vendor. However, she waits for the captain who had promised that he would return and marry her.
The fashion world meets the underworld in BOOM, written and directed by Kaizad Gustad and produced by Ayesha Shroff under the banner of Quest Films
Действие происходит в Бомбее. Биржевой аналитик Вишал ищет квартиру для себя и жены Свати. Поиски увенчались успехом - прекрасная квартира в 12-тиэтажном доме. Но квартира «нечистая» - предыдущий жилец, молодая девушка, умерла от падения с балкона. Но аналитический ум Вишала не позволяет этому обстоятельству повлиять на желание вселиться туда. Жене он об этой истории не рассказал, потому как не придал значения. В конечном счете Свати узнает о гибели девушки и ее начинают преследовать кошмары. Вишал бессилен перед проблемами психологии и для того, чтобы сохранить начинающую сходить с ума жену, ему придется пройти семь кругов ада и познать чудовищную истину..
Jogi Thakur (Govind Namdev) is the power behind the ruling party ministers in Bombay City, and not only rules over the underworld, but also over the law-makers; the Home Minister (Anant Jog); the Police Commissioner (Virendra Saxena), and police officers all over the city. The Police of the City are on the look out for an escaped convict Tanya (Seema Biswas). The police are assisted by Sarja (Mita Vasisht), who is the Warden of the prison that Tanya broke out from. Tanya has confessed to killing her husband, Jayant (Pankay Berry). At every encounter with Tanya, in prison or out, Sarja severely and mercilessly beats up Tanya to a pulp, but Tanya keeps eluding the law, and with the help of Journalist Pooja (Gulrez), her friends Rahul (Rahul Bhatt) and Vicky (Deepak Tijori) hopes to unravel the mystery behind the death of her husband Jayant (Pankaj Berry); find her missing sister-in-law Guddi (Gayatri); and seek justice.
Hired by a singer to defend her friend, who has been accused of murder, a formidable lawyer learns that the man he represents may not be innocent.
Mallik is a henchman of Aslam Bhai, a Mumbai underworld kingpin. He inducts local hothead Chandu into the gang, and the two of them soon form a formidable faction within the gang, eventually displacing Aslam. As the empire grows, however, the two of them start drifting apart.
The Third Film from Director Jayaraj's 'Navarasa' Series.
Velayudhan is a young man living in a place torn apart by civil strife. In the midst of a raging street war, he kills his best friend. Velayudhan feels guilty and disturbed. The political enemies also plot revenge on Velayudhan.
Scribbles on Akka
A film on feminine legacy of rebellion, language and transgressions. Using the composition of Mahadevi Akka, a 13th century saint-poet, the film explores the multiplicity of contemporary women and their own points of transgressions.
In a small village in Madhya Pradesh, two different communities fight over a water pump installation. When a member of one of the communities, Nathu (Kishore Kadam) decides to protest against a decision he feels is unjust, he angers the local land owner, who decides to impose economic sanctions on the community in an effort to starve them out of the village. When Nathu's house is burned down in mysterious circumstances, Nathu seeks the comfort of a temple, and prays for a solution. Instead he finds himself abused and beaten by the land owner for breaking a rule that bans members of Nathu's community from entering the temple. It later emerges that the situation in the area is being used as a plot for a film made in Bombay, however characters featured in the film are misrepresented, which leads to tension on the set and eventually violence spills.
Mayu and Vaiju decide to play a prank on their aunt.
Мир музыки
История талантливой, музыкально одаренной девушки Энни, которая живет, окруженная безмолвием своих глухонемых родителей. Она очень любит их, для нее они самые лучшие на свете, но всю свою жизнь она ждет все же, когда рухнет стена молчания. Она ждет и надеется, что родители смогут назвать ее по имени. И именно это спасает ее в трудную минуту. Ни плач ее сынишки, ни мольбы любимого мужа, а неумело произнесенные звуки, которые какая-то добрая сила сложила в имя девушки: «Э-н-н-и».
Королева бандитов
Phoolan Devi
Эта действительная история, основанная на дневниках, написанных в тюрьме Фулан Деви — «Богиней бандитов», начинается летом 1968 года в Индии. В 11 лет родители одной из низших каст продали ее замуж. Не выдержав тяжелой работы, «любви» и побоев мужа, она бежала...
Political War
Sunita Chatterjee