Another Young Couple — borne out of a camera test for If Beale Street Could Talk, James and I asked my friends Essence and Jihaari, newly transplanted to LA to allow us into their home for an afternoon tea about their lives and loves, apart and together. We were migrating to the Alexa 65 for Beale Street and wanted to see for ourselves how that large-format sensor would affect intimate portraiture within lived spaces… in particular the faces and spaces of Black folk.
Официантка из Детройта по имени Зола поддается на уговоры новой знакомой и отправляется на короткую гастроль во Флориду подработать стриптизершей. Уик-энд обещал быть интересным, но девушка не ожидала, что настолько.
Assistant Editor
When Cynthia and Mary show up to collect Cynthia's inheritance from her deceased grandfather, the only item she's received is an antique sword that he believed to be proof that the South won the Civil War.