Yusuf Akgün

Yusuf Akgün

Рождение : 1984-09-11, İstanbul, Türkiye


Yusuf Akgün


"Ronaldo" tells the story of Azad, a child that no one has seen, or rather, a child everyone has ignored. Azad's father died in an air raid in the early days of the war. The only thing remaining from his father is the soccer ball that he doesn't let go. The ball, as the only memory of his father, also represents his passion for football. Azad settled on the border of a shipyard with his mother, and they had one goal: to move to another country by the sea.
Горький, сладкий, кислый
Согласитесь ли вы на пять лет разлучиться с любовью всей вашей жизни? И будете ли любить, встретившись пять лет спустя? Мурат и Дуйгу безумно влюблены, Мурат просит Дуйгу выйти за него замуж. Однако у Дуйгу другие планы на будущее. Они подписывают соглашение о воссоединении через пять лет, но у жизни другие планы...
After Laughter
Ferit who adores the cinema of 70s, is now obsessed with the clinic he discovered a long time ago. A man whose real name is a mystery runs this clinic under the nickname as Doctor. He uploads on his patients' memory unforgettable scenes from the old Turkish movies by organizing private sessions for them.
Вода и Пламя
Это история Хашмета, человека, сбежавшего от неписаных законов на восток, и Ямур, наивной и невинной девушке,не знающей горьких реалий жизни, и об их романе полном препятствиями ,который поведает историю Востока и Запада, Солнца и Луны, воды и огня.
Hidden Lives
Balans ve Manevra
A woman in love, a weak man, a father stumbling with his emotions, an uncle dependent on the past and a teenager meet at Zagor’s boarding house. Despite the serenity of the house, they all struggle to find the peace that they each need.