Alejandra Grepi

Alejandra Grepi

Рождение : 1962-04-06, Spain


Alejandra Grepi


After spending three years in jail, Juan goes free with the aim of recovering Eva's love. Zoe and Ismael, two ex-partners who he betrayed, will return to cross in his way.
Легенда №17
2 сентября 1972 года. Монреаль. Хоккейная сборная СССР с разгромным счетом 7:3 победила канадских профессионалов из НХЛ в стартовом матче эпохальной Суперсерии СССР-Канада. Это была не просто игра, это была битва за свою страну, которая перевернула мировое представление о хоккее. Теперь весь мир знал его просто по номеру «17». Валерий Харламов, забивший в том матче 2 шайбы, мгновенно взлетел на вершину славы. Сбылась его мечта -упорство, спортивный талант и суровые уроки великого тренера Анатолия Тарасова сделали из «номера 17» легенду мирового хоккея.
Las mujeres de mi vida
The women of my life.
La leyenda de la doncella
Legend has it that, a long time ago in Galicia (Spain), witches were transformed into hornets to harm men and change the destiny of their lives.
Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex?
Gloria is a porn artist that performs live-sex. When his mate gets sick he brings her a young substitute, Manu. The boy works surprisingly well and then Gloria decides to go into business with him. Things get complicated when Gloria discovers that Manu is in trouble because of his gambling debts.
The Dumbfounded King
Doña Bárbara
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
El anónimo... ¡vaya papelón!
Detectives sin piedad
Wild story of detectives.
La cruz de Iberia
The Enchanted Forest
In the fantastic world of the "bosque animado" meet some people who have been transported to this place by a magic force. Now their histories cross one another.
Love Ravings
Locutora TV (segment "Delirio 1")
In this anthology film, a female actor cheats on her formerly famous husband, a married couple go to extremes, and an antiquarian falls for a young man.
Hay que deshacer la casa
Ana is a middle aged woman who many years ago decided to start a new life in Paris. Now she must return to her hometown after the death of her parents, since they have left her an inheritance. There she meets Laura, her only sister, with whom she has to share the money received and, especially, an old house located in the center of Guadalajara. Now, the two women will have to leave the differences and problems behind that have arisen in the past to catch up and recover the fraternal relationship. Written by lament
Blood Hunt
A new doctor arrives in a small Spanish village. As soon as he begins meeting people there, he notices the strange behaviour of the population and is surprised. Young people make fun of him, a man called Gonzalo seems to be some kind of leader, and he is invited to leave the village when he tries to ask about the situation. All his questions get no answer. His neighbour is a lovely and pretty young woman, who works as the local teacher. They develop a sincere friendship from the very first moment, which grows to become love. Unfortunately, Gonzalo feels that the young teacher is "reserved" exclusively for him and he reacts with violence. Meanwhile, the doctor finds out the key of that strange behaviour. Some years ago, during the local feast, some drug-addicts attacked the village in order to get money and goods. There was a fight and some people died, including Gonzalo's son. From then on, Gonzalo and others began their particular "crusade" against drug-addicts.
El rollo de septiembre
De hombre a hombre
Dos mejor que uno
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
My Friend the Vagabond
Nazario is a wanderer who makes his living playing an old guitar in the streets of Madrid. From what he gets, he lives together with Sam, an orphan of eight years, which he hosted for charity and adores. The problem is that a wealthy and childless marriage intends to take the child
Playboy en paro
Fredy el croupier
De camisa vieja a chaqueta nueva
Los autonómicos
National Adultery
A man falls in love with his friend's wife and plots the different ways to get rid of his current wife and also his friend so he can have his new found love all to himself.
La vendedora de ropa interior
A story of a family whose father tries by all means to maintain the strictest ethics and morality ... or at least appear so. His beautiful young daughter tries to emancipate hereself and looks for a job, but the chance is that the first thing that comes out is underwear seller. She starts to work and problems start for all.
Tac - Tac
A good looking Iberian macho courts a free spirited young woman. The passionate temperament of her romantic beau might become too much for her to handle; or can she control it?
C'è un fantasma nel mio letto
la baronessa
A couple (Carati and Cricotti) have to rent a hotel room which is really a haunted house. Well haunted is overstating it. Just old Renzo as a horny ghost who wants to get it on with Carati. Sexual frolics abound, Carati takes baths and has sex and hubby fulfills his role as cuckold.
Spoiled Children
This satirical comedy follows the strict older generation pitting themselves against the pleasure-seeking youths, both in 1947 and in 1978.
A beautiful woman is going to the island of Lesbos to rest, there she will meet two other beautiful young women and it will be great having sex with everyone.