Shevaun Briars


Last Video and Testament
Rich old businessman suspects his much younger wife of cheating on him. When his weak heart forces him to have a risky surgery he leaves a videotaped last will and testament - with a sadistic twist.
Girl at Party
Картина посвящена жизни Кони из семьи британских землевладельцев, живущих в Ирландии после Второй мировой. Завязав случайное знакомство с британским солдатом, она понимает, как одинока была и решает связать свою жизнь с движение за независимость Ирландии.
The Journal of Bridget Hitler
Young Bridget
An Irishwoman married to a German in pre-First World War Liverpool, prepares to meet her brother-in-law - a young man named Adolf Hitler. Years later she is interviewed on television about her life. Part of the BBC2 Playhouse strand.
S.O.S. Titanic
Katie Gilnagh
The Titanic disaster as seen through the eyes of one couple in each of the three classes on board.