Süleyman Karaahmet

Süleyman Karaahmet


Süleyman Karaahmet
Süleyman Karaahmet


Migrant workers working in the UK as Fatih Ayhan still running mate in the UK, has received large amounts of debt to send to his family in Turkey. The payment of this debt even after the Conqueror's return to Turkey will be requested during a visit to the family by Ayhan from Turkey. Claiming this debt ignites a wick within the family that lives in the same building and with intertwined economic interests. All clashes between family members come to the fore.
Жизнь отдам
Гражданская война царит в одном из самых опасных районов мира уже 7 лет. Турция входит в регион без стран-союзников. В числе официальных лиц региона есть также группа спецназа под командованием капитана Альпарслана. Тим устраивает большую ловушку против турецкой армии вместе с капитаном-пилотом Онуром. Чтобы выбраться из неё, главное испытание для команды — выжить, не теряя совести.
Besim, who set out on a long interprovincial journey with the truck escrowed to him, is stuck in the middle of a deserted road in the heart of Anatolia because of an engine breakdown. His efforts to find a mechanic for the truck, fearing that it will catch on fire, becomes more and more complicated.