Harindranath Chattopadhyay

Harindranath Chattopadhyay


Harindranath Chattopadhyay was an Indian English poet, dramatist, actor, musician and a member of the 1st Lok Sabha from Vijayawada constituency. 


Harindranath Chattopadhyay


Приди снова, дождь
Hiren Chacha
Дочь богатого промышленника и бедный студент-филолог полюбили друг друга. Ах, как все это было романтично! Встречи на природе, катание на лодке, прогулки по городу. Но отец, как вы догадались, против свадьбы. И девушка решается на отчаянный шаг — бежать. Любимый же на условленном месте так и не появился...
Звон ножных браслетов
Nawab Jung Bahadur
Картина рассказывает об ужасном убийстве, которое поразило полицейских своей жестокостью. Те, кто это сделал, обязательно должны понести заслуженное наказание. Но кому понадобилось совершать такое дерзкое двойное убийство? За расследование этого преступления берется Ранджит Сингх. Но главный герой страдает от серьезного расстройства психики, которое появилось у него после несчастной любви.
Chala Murari Hero Banne
This is the story of Murari who wants to become a filmstar. He runs away from his house and goes to Mumbai to become a superstar. When he reaches Mumbai his whole world turns upside down. Fortunately he finds a friend in Mr Dubey who also is a struggler to get a break in films. They face hardships and at times they have to sleep in local trains. By the Gods grace Murari (Asrani) gets work as Junior Artist and works hard remembering the words Dharmendra told him once when they had met. His hard work pays off and one day he becomes the superstar of the film industry. But what about the flip side? Will he forget his old friends who had helped him during his struggle?
Kedar Nath
A young couple struggle with poverty, but a job opportunity which cancels their financial woes leads to new tests of character
Золотая крепость
Uncle Sidhu
Мальчика Мукула преследуют воспоминания о своей прошлой жизни. Доктор Хаджра, парапсихолог, берётся вылечить мальчика. Обнаружив некоторые рисунки Мукула, на которых нарисованы сцены из прошлого, доктор Хаджра предполагает, что крепость на рисунках может находиться в штате Раджастхан. Доктор Хаджра решает съездить с Мукулом в Раджастхан, в надежде, что это поможет в лечении. Во время путешествия Мукула похищают бандиты. Спасти ребёнка берётся сыщик-любитель Прадош Митра по прозвищу Фелуда вместе со своим помощником Тапешем.
Raja Shiv Chhatrapati
A film based on Maharashtra's beloved king, Rajs Shivachatrapati's life
Agni Rekha
Suresh's (Sanjeev Kumar) wife dies due to some illness leaving behind her mother (Durga Khote) and two children, Chunnu and Munni. Time passed kids grow older. Durga Khote wants Suresh to get married again but Suresh hesitates. Khote's Brother wants his daughter (Bindu) to marry Suresh as he has lot of wealth. But Suresh does not like her. Meanwhile, Munni and Chuunu's teacher goes on month tour leaving behind temporary teacher Nirmala (Sharda).
Squabbling Sharma family has a dubious reputation of not having any cook last there for more than a few months. Word spreads out about this family to such an extent that no person wants to be employed as a cook in this household, ironically named Shanti Nivas. Then one day a young man named Raghu offers to work as a cook, and he is hired. Raghu quickly gets a grip on his job and on each of the family members, and soon the squabbles and arguments come to an end. And then the Sharmas find the family jewels and Raghu missing
Компания с ограниченной ответственностью
Sir Baren Roy
Шьямал — менеджер по маркетингу в британской фирме в Калькутте, которая занимается производством вентиляторов. Он стремится стать директором фирмы, но его конкурент имеет родственника в совете директоров. Однажды в гости к Шьямалу приезжает Тутул, младшая сестра его жены. Ей нравится Шьямал и она завидует браку сестры с ним. Шьямал показывает ей прелести городской жизни — коктейли, клубы и скачки. Жизнь Шьямала идёт гладко, пока он не узнаёт, что партия вентиляторов, предназначенная для экспорта, неисправна. Есть не так много времени, чтобы устранить неполадки. Эта ситуация может привести к отмене экспортных контрактов и концу его мечте стать директором.
Гупи поет, Багха танцует
The Magician
Гупи с детства хотел петь, а Багха играть на барабанах. И вот они случайно встречаются и решают помочь Королю Призраков…
Baiju 'Dholakia' (as Harindranath)
Aashirwad is a 1968 Bollywood film. Produced by N.C. Sippy and Hrishikesh Mukherjee, it is directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. The film stars Ashok Kumar and Sanjeev Kumar.
Deranged male in Bombay
The Principal of New Era High School in Panchgani finds an orphan, Raju, who had lost his parents to plague, brings him home, and enrolls him in the school. Raju notices that while every student has parents and visitors, he has no one to call his own. He gets distraught and is assured by the Principal that he does have a relative in Chacha Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister). Raju believes him, and when he finds out through his teacher, Uma, that Nehru will be delivering a speech in Chowpatty, Bombay, he sneaks off in the trunk of a car. Upon arrival he faces harsh realities, his money is almost stolen, and he is befriended by a cynical deranged male, who tells him that Nehru is now a speech-prone politician and is unable to hear what the common citizen has to say...
Kumar, though of Indian origin, lives in Africa. He has recurring dreams of a Railway Station in India called "Viran Nagar". He decides to find for himself and travels to India along with his friend, Rocky. They are able to find Viran Nagar railway station, which is exactly as Kumar had dreamed of. When they go to find a ride, the locals shy away from them as behave as though they have seen a ghost. They find temporary accommodations and set out to discover the mystery behind Kumar's dreams. Then a young woman, Sapna, meets with Kumar, tells him that she has been awaiting his return, and now they can be together again. But Kumar has never been to this place before, and ends up even more confused. Then another local villager named Bansi tells them he had himself seen Kumar getting killed and buried in the nearby forest. Kumar and Rocky must now find out who was killed, and why the villagers believe that Kumar has returned from the grave.
Pyar Mohabbat
Thakur Shamsher Singh
After disappearing without a trace 18 years ago, Prince Naresh (Dev Anand) returns to his village as commoner Dilip Singh, only to discover that tragedy has befallen his family and that his adversary (Premnath) is close to ascending the throne. In a triple cross, the nobleman hatches a plan to take his rightful place as the king. Saira Banu plays Naresh's love interest, and Durga Khote portrays his mother in this entertaining yarn.
Bhoot Bungla
Rekha and her uncle Shyamlal are the only survivors in their family which has a long and painful history of death under bizarre and suspicious circumstances while living in their ancestral property. Rekha and Shyamlal leave their ancestral property in fear and settle down in the city where Rekha meets a jovial and rowdy bunch of youngsters belonging to the Youth Club. Members of the Youth Club decide to unravel the mystery of Rekha's ancestral property and hope to find out if those deaths are freak accidents or an ancient curse.
Sanjh Aur Savera
Shankar Chaudhry, a wealthy man gets married to Maya assuming she is the daughter of Ambala-based Advocate Madhusudan. He is shocked to realize that Maya and her brother Prakash have cheated him.
Tere Ghar Ke Samne
Seth Karamchand
Rakesh, a successful architect, falls in love with a girl: Sujata whose father happens to be his own father's business rival. Sujata's father unwittingly assigns Rakesh the contract for building his house. This sets the stage for an entertaining story about the love between two individuals and their efforts to reconcile their families.
Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam
A Zamindar neglects his wife and prefers the company of alcohol and dancing girls. The decadence of the Bangali Zamindar milieu and the raising bourgeoisie in the late 19th century, seen through the eyes of a young upward mobile rustic seeking fortune in Calcutta, and fascinated by the lady of the house.