Странные события почти двадцатилетней давности всплывают в памяти молодого музыканта Монти, когда он попадает в окрестности местечка Оти в поисках прекрасной незнакомки...
Mrs. Khanna
Полицейский Шанкар пробует новый подход к снижению преступности. Он надеется на исправление бандитов в ответ на человеческое отношение и помощь. Так, он уничтожает улики о причастности Раджа к убийству, пожалев мужчину и его семью, за что оказывается уволен и посажен в тюрьму. Спустя несколько лет он выходит на свободу другим человеком, готовым присоединиться к преступной банде Раджа, который за это время нарастил своё влияние. Теперь Шанкару нужно доказать преступникам, что он достоин стать их сообщником.
Meena's grandmother
In a small town, situated in a picturesque Indian valley, lives a corrupt Deputy collector, Hare Murari, an equally corrupt Police Superintendent, Pasupathi; a doctor; a Judge; and Professor Rampyare. These officials always ensure that no one gets anything done without their permission, thus ensuring that their palms are adequately greased. When a young man named Prem Pratap seeks a license for conducting a song and dance sequence, he too is asked to bribe them, which he does. Subsequently, Hare Murari finds out that Prem Pratap may be a Government Official who has come incognito to investigate and expose them. Hare Murari's and the others worst fears are realized when they find out that Prem has been speaking long distance with none other than the President of India. What follows is hilarious chaos as the officials come together to try and portray themselves as honest and law-abiding citizens.
Shaque is a 1976 Bollywood drama film directed by Vikas Desai and Aruna Raje. The film stars Vinod Khanna.
Ronnie's Mother
Ронни работает таксистом в огромном мегаполисе Бомбее. Однажды, во время работы, он спасает девушку Санхо, которая выглядела очень расстроенной и потерянной. Ронни приютил ее у себя дома, после чего, через некоторое время, они влюбились и приняли решение пожениться. Однако вскоре Ронни узнает, что его возлюбленная танцует в ночном заведении, и известна там она под совершенно другим именем. Теперь Ронни начнет свое расследование, главная цель которого - узнать больше о жизни Санхо.
Mrs. Ranjeet Singh
Several years ago Rakesh's life was turned upside down when his dad was murdered. The only consolation to be drawn by his passing, was that the assailant was also killed. Years later, Rakesh finds out that his dad's killer is still alive, and the police have closed this file. He decides to avenge his father's death and travels to a far-off village, and befriends a young man named Shera. He finds out through Durga, whom he falls in love with, that his father's killer is Sardar Poppy Singh, who runs a vast underground business empire of growing and selling cocaine. Then Shera and Durga get the shocks of their lives when they find out that Rakesh has joined forces with Poppy, and has even killed a police officer to prove his loyalty. What led to Rakesh's sudden change of heart - from killing his father's assailant to becoming partners with him?
Brindaban's mother
Kusum and Brindavan are two small children living in a small village in India. Both love each other, and decide to marry when they grow up. Kusum has his name tattooed on her arm. But fate has other plans - both are separated. Kusum thinks that Brindavan has betrayed her, and she burns her arm to eradicate the tattoo. Years later, Kusum has grown up and is looking after a wealthy woman in her village. The wealthy woman falls sick, and her son brings in a doctor to treat her. Kusum's hopes for meeting her beloved surface, when she finds out that the doctor's (Jeetendra) name is Brindavan
Ram's Mother
Raghuvir is a career criminal, and one day he is arrested by the Police, tried in Court, and sentenced to a long prison term. Shortly thereafter, he breaks out of prison, goes to the Judge who sentenced him, kills him, his wife, three sons, and two daughters. The Police chase, shoot him, wounded, he falls into a river and is believed to be dead. Twenty years later, Dilip, who lives a wealthy and care-free lifestyle with his widowed dad, Karamchand, is told that he has been adopted, and the person responsible for killing his dad, mom, and siblings, is Raghuvir whose body has never been found. Dilip gives up his care-free existence, takes the assistance of his friend, Ram, and goes to look for Raghuvir. What Dilip does not know is that Raghuvir is none other than Ram's father, who has been missing for 20 years. Watch what happens when Ram finds out that Dilip is going to kill his dad, and the impact this has on their friendship.
Somu's Mother
Сому — парень из обычной семьи среднего достатка, а Вики — сын очень богатого промышленника. Дружбе, надо отдать должное, это ничуть не мешает. Однажды, богатый папа приболел и пришлось Вики впрячься в работу и взять на себя руководство фамильным производством. Как и положено на каждой фабрике (заводе), на местной тоже был предводитель рабочего движения за их, собственно говоря, рабочие права. Очень он нашему Вики не понравился и очень его огорчил. Возлюбленный друг Сому вызвался помочь незадачливому бизнесмену, внедрился в среду пролетариата и с легкостью отобрал власть у старого лидера. Но не долго товарищи отмечали радость победы, т.к..
Preeti, a wealthy woman, is in an intimate relationship with Prem, but her father disapproves and devises a plan that leads to their breakup. Years later, Preeti is reunited with Prem in a completely different situation.
Mrs. Braganza
Радж — сын богатых и знаменитых родителей. Его будущее расписано на десять лет вперед: престижный институт, карьера юриста, невеста — дочь партнера отца. Но Радж влюбился в Бобби, дочь простого рыбака. Что теперь он скажет родителям?
Aunt Durga (Durga Mausi)
Subeer Kumar (Amitabh) is well on his way to becoming India's top pop singer. He has no intention of getting married, but when he goes to visit his Durga Mausi (Mausi=mother's sister), he falls in love with religious, simple Uma, by whose voice he's enchanted. He marries her and returns to Bombay where he announces that he will never sing without Uma again. However, Subeer encourages Uma to sing alone and when her popularity is soon greater than his own, the seed of jealousy begins to grow... The major difference between Uma and Subeer is that she sings for herself, whereas he sings for the public. It is the difference between geet and sangeet. This is the root of the thing that later causes problems, and based on which the movie is named.
Suresh's (Sanjeev Kumar) wife dies due to some illness leaving behind her mother (Durga Khote) and two children, Chunnu and Munni. Time passed kids grow older. Durga Khote wants Suresh to get married again but Suresh hesitates. Khote's Brother wants his daughter (Bindu) to marry Suresh as he has lot of wealth. But Suresh does not like her. Meanwhile, Munni and Chuunu's teacher goes on month tour leaving behind temporary teacher Nirmala (Sharda).
Squabbling Sharma family has a dubious reputation of not having any cook last there for more than a few months. Word spreads out about this family to such an extent that no person wants to be employed as a cook in this household, ironically named Shanti Nivas. Then one day a young man named Raghu offers to work as a cook, and he is hired. Raghu quickly gets a grip on his job and on each of the family members, and soon the squabbles and arguments come to an end. And then the Sharmas find the family jewels and Raghu missing
Эта страшная история разыгралась 12 лет назад. По дороге к святым местам кровный враг семьи правителей княжества убил родителей наследной принцессы. Самой принцессе в то время исполнилось всего 7 лет. Убийца пытался похитить девочку и скрыться. Но он был смертельно ранен охраной. А наследная принцесса на глазах у всех падает в бурные воды горной реки… Прошли годы, в княжестве до сих пор стараются узнать хоть какие-либо вести о пропавшей принцессе. Старая княгиня твердо убеждена, что ее любимая внучка жива. На этой уверенности и строится расчет главного министра, который страстно желает завладеть княжеской казной. С этой целью он находит уличную танцовщицу, очень похожую на пропавшую принцессу, и старается представить ее двору как настоящую наследницу…
Harry's mom
Percocious Meeta is always upto tricks and practical jokes. She devises a prank whereby she asks her close friend, Radha, to impersonate her and visit a young man, who her dad has chosen for her to marry. Radha agrees to do so, and visits Harry and his mom at their palatial house. Radha soon wins over Harry's mom, and eventually she and Harry also fall in love. When Meeta's dad, Jagat Murari, informs of his visit, Radha realizes that it is now time to depart, and desperately attempts to contact Meeta, but in vain. Radha then packs up her bags and departs, leaving Harry wondering what this was all about. Harry then comes across Radha, only this time she is with a male named Vinod Kumar, who claims that Radha is his wife.
Haria's Grandmother
Haria lives with his widowed and elderly grandmother at a tea estate and works as Elephant Driver. He has no knowledge of his biological father, as his mother died at the time of his birth. He meets and falls in love with a gypsy girl, Gulabi, and both want to get married. But Gulabi has another suitor, none other than Ajay, the only son of the tea estate owner. When Ajay finds out that Gulabi loves Haria, he plans to get rid of Haria, but fails. He waits for the right moment, and has his men abduct Gulabi. But before he could have his way with her, she is rescued by Raja, but Ajay subsequently shoots Raja to death. An enraged Haria wants to kill Ajay in return, but Ajay's dad stops him from doing so. Then Ajay's dad finds out a secret about his past life, and decides to change his last will and testament. Ajay finds out about this and lays in wait with a shotgun to kill his very own father - and anyone else who dares to stand in his way
Rajlaxmi S. Chaudhary
У Рая Сураджбхана Чаудхари два сына: Раджкумар и Мохан. Старший сын вместе с женой Шьямой живет и работает в Калькутте, а младший учится в колледже. Приверженец Господа Баджрангбали, Мохан принял обет безбрачия и наотрез отказывается жениться. Все резко меняется, когда его сокурсница Нина вместе с маленьким сыном приезжает в дом к Раю Чаудхари. Она заявляет, что является его младшей невесткой и матерью его единственного внука, а Мохан тайно на ней женился и бросил. К ужасу Мохана, все свидетели и медицинские тесты подтверждают, что малыш действительно наследник семьи Чаудхари. Родители признают невестку и внука и настаивают на официальной свадьбе. Но все еще больше осложняется, когда Нина заявляет, что настоящим отцом ребенка является Раджкумар…
Renu's mother
Ананд Сайгал старается брать от жизни все. Он наслаждается буквально каждым моментом своей жизни, принимая каждый новый день, как дар свыше. Доктор Бхаскара Банерджи, благодаря знакомству с Анандом, написал книгу, которая дала ему возможность получить очень престижную награду. Ананд Сайгал полностью изменил к лучшему жизнь доктора, когда тот переживал очень серьезный жизненный кризис.
Thakurain Singh
У Тхакура Сураджа Сингха трое сыновей и дочь. Старший брат Кишор заботится о семейном бизнесе, средний сын Виджай – поэт, младший Мохан учится в колледже. Виджай любил Сапну, которая была вынуждена выйти замуж за их соседа Бихари. В ночь свадьбы она покончила жизнь самоубийством на глазах Виджая. Не выдержав смерти возлюбленной, он сходит с ума. Не желая отправить сына в лечебницу для душевнобольных, Тхакур нанимает молодую куртизанку Чанду, которая как он надеется, вылечит его сына...
Unorthodox, honest, simple-minded, and unemployed Gopi is blamed for a theft he did not commit, and gets thrown out of his home by his elder step-brother.
Gangaram, a farmer, has two younger step-brothers, Moti and Shivram. Supported by Gangaram, Moti has gone to Calcutta to be a lawyer, while Shivram is an illiterate farmer like Gangaram. A series of unfortunate events leads to an estrangement between the three brothers while they face the threat of losing their land to a local greedy moneylender.
Sudha's mom
In order to study abroad in Great Britain, Ramesh agrees to marry an illiterate village girl named Sudha, but refuses to love her. Heartbroken, Sudha tries to kill herself, but is rescued by Shankernath, who coaches her etiquette and teaches her English so she can go to England to win back her husband. The plan seems to work perfectly, until Shankernath discovers his own daughter, Jenny, has fallen in love with Ramesh.
Сомна живет со своей овдовевшей матерью в горной деревушке Непала. Она зарабатывает на жизнь сбором яблок у богатого вдовца Кайлаша Натха. Кайлаш Натх является председателем школы альпинизма и обучает учеников. Его ученик Амар Кумар влюбляется в Сомну. Их родители дают своё согласие и свадьба должна состояться после возвращения Амара из альпинистской экспедиции. На группу альпинистов сходит лавина и Сомна получает известие о гибели Амара. Вскоре она узнает, что ждет ребенка. Кайлаш Натх женится на несчастной девушке, чтобы спасти ее от позора. Но вскоре оказывается, что Амар Кумар жив..
Bhawani Prasad's Wife
Bhavani Prasad is a powerful thug, who masquerades as a priest. His son Shankar refused to follow his path so he wants his grandson Kundan to carry on the legacy. When his son protests, in a fit of rage, Bhavani gets Shankar killed and passes the buck to his cousin Naubat Lal. When Naubat Lal spills the beans he gets him killed as well, which deepens the family feud.
Sanjay and Priya are in love and are planning to marry. When Priya learns that her father has been arrested, they decide to postpone their wedding. However, destiny has other plans as Sanjay dies in a car crash. In heaven, he learns that his death was a mistake, and he is sent back to Earth in the body of his lookalike, the wealthy but morally corrupt Tarun Kumar Saxena, the man who ruined Priya's family.
Peter's mother
Film starring Raj Kapoor, Hema Malini and Jayant
Mrs. Radha Laxmidas
Ajit lives with his mother, and comes from a very wealthy family. He meets with beautiful Shobha and both fall in love with each other. Ajit's mom is delighted and agrees to meet with Harikishan Rai, Shobha's father, to finalize their marriage. The marriage takes place with great pomp and ceremony. A few years later, Ajit notices a change in Shobha's behavior. She changes her lifestyle, adopts a more liberal outlook, takes to drinking alcohol, and has an hair-cut. Ajit and his mom are perplexed and appalled at this change, and want to find out, but Shobha refuses to tell them anything. One day, Shobha and Ajit's mom have an argument, and Shobha angrily lifts up her hand to slap her, only to be stopped by Ajit, who asks Shobha to leave immediately. Shobha leaves and returns to her father's house, leaving Ajit and his mother behind wondering what had changed Shobha so much, and whether to get Ajit married a second time or not.
Gopinath's Mom
Wealthy Shankar and well-educated Suresh are cousins and the best of friends. A marriage is arranged for each of them (Shankar's with Madhumati, Suresh' with Shanta), but Shankar's father is against the couples meeting in person and instead each cousin meets with the other's intended. During the meeting Suresh falls in love with Madhumati and scheme switch brides. But his innocent scheme has unforeseen circumstances as Shankar's marriage quickly turns sour because Shanta despises him for being uneducated and blames him for tricking her into marriage.
Ashok's Mother
Анупама - образ, созданный писателем Ашоком от впечатления знакомства с Умой . Дочь богатого отца, она пытается найти с ним общий язык и счастье, но в итоге все больше замыкается в себе и отстраняется от мира - отец не принимает ее как дочь, виня ее в смерти своей горячо любимой жены...
Parvati seeks to heal the breach between her husband and his mother
Rajmata Rajeshwari
After disappearing without a trace 18 years ago, Prince Naresh (Dev Anand) returns to his village as commoner Dilip Singh, only to discover that tragedy has befallen his family and that his adversary (Premnath) is close to ascending the throne. In a triple cross, the nobleman hatches a plan to take his rightful place as the king. Saira Banu plays Naresh's love interest, and Durga Khote portrays his mother in this entertaining yarn.
The Munim (Clerk) in Ranimaa's family lives with his son, Kaushal and daughter, Madhavi. After he passes away, Ranimaa brings up both children as her own, along with her only son, Rajesh. Years later, Rajesh has grown up and is of marriageable age. He meets with beautiful Bhanu Saxena and both fall in love with each other. Shortly thereafter, in a boating accident, Kaushal passes away, leaving behind a devastated Madhavi, Rajesh, who blames himself for his death, and Ranimaa. A few months later, Rajesh gets married to Bhanu and she moves in with them. Bhanu dislikes Madhavi and would like her out of the way, she goes to the extent of accusing her of having an affair with her husband.
Geeta (Waheeda Rehman) and Madan (Kamaljit) are in love with each other and want to marry. They meet each other's parents and subject to the matching of their astrological charts, their engagement is finalized. However, the pandit reports to Madan's mom that the marriage will be ill-fated, and bad things will result for Madan and his family. Madan's mom is opposed to the marriage, however, Madan and Geeta are not superstitious and are determine to marry each other. They do get married, and then one disaster after another befalls Madan's family, his dad, his sister, and his younger brother; which leaves both Geeta and Madan wondering if more disasters are to follow them, and if the Pandit's prophecy is indeed true.
Sibling rivalry abounds in this film about two privileged brothers, Anwar and Nawab, and the women who come between them. Nawab, although a married man and father, engages in frequent secret rendezvous with his mistress, Benazir. Meanwhile, Anwar declares his love for a woman named Shahida, whom he desires to wed. So when Nawab witnesses Anwar in the arms of the lovely Benazir, he's outraged -- and puzzled -- by the brotherly betrayal.
Хотя молодой профессор колледжа Прем неохотно принимает на себя роль кормильца и хозяина дома, он пытается превратить хорошенькую Инду в традиционную индийскую жену. Обнаружив, что Инду беременна, Прем обращается к своей матери за советом и мама поселяется в их скромном домике. Похоже, пара обречена на неприятности...
Though from India, this tale rings of Western familiarity -- especially of the Old West. When a beautiful courtesan is kidnapped by a burly bandit, the baddie gets far more than he had anticipated; he finds himself falling for her. Unfortunately for the couple, the authorities catch up with him and their short-lived romance ends in tragedy.
Prabha's mother
Geeta (Meena Kumari) is married to Shyam (Balraj Sahni) but is unable to bear children. Orphaned as a youth, Mohan (Sailesh Kumar) is raised by his elder brother Shyam and his wife, Geeta, who offers the boy motherly love and devotion. When Mohan marries Prabha (Seema Deo).Prabha is from a wealthy family and her life is ruled over by her dominating mom (Durga Khote). Mohan's his youthful bride becomes jealous of his loyalty to his family. Misunderstandings arise to such an extent that Prabha moves out of her home, and back to her mom's. She gives birth to a baby, and not even her husband comes to visit her or to see the baby. But when the infant falls ill, Prabha must set aside her apprehension and learn to trust.
Nandu lives in a small town with his widowed mom, Paro. He is friendly with two young girls, Farida and Kamli. He is depressed when Kamli's dad becomes ill and she and her mom re-locate to Ambala. Years later, Farida and Nandu have grown up and continue to be friends. Then they get the news that Kamli's dad has passed away, and they are to return back. Initially they do not recognize each other, but when they do, both fall in love and want to marry. When Paro goes to meet with Kamli's maternal uncle, she is shunned, humiliated because they are poor and Nandu is unemployed, & considered a trouble-maker.
Maharani Jodha Bai
A 16th century prince falls in love with a court dancer and battles with his emperor father.
Sir Jagdish Chandra Roy's Mother
The postmaster of a village receives a check for 500,000 rupees, for the purpose of bequeathing it to the village’s most upstanding citizen.
A young woman begins her married life with preconceived notions about harassment at the hands of her mother-in-law, leading to a souring of her relationship with her husband.
Sonia's grandmother
В уважаемом доме воспитываются две девушки: родная дочь и племянница Соня. Все считают Соню дурнушкой и обращаются с ней плохо. Но Соня клянется, что ее обязательно полюбит юноша и она будет с ним счастлива. Бабушка Сони учит ее одеваться, двигаться, танцевать и на первом же балу в Соню влюбляется жених ее сестры Дейв. Начавшись, как шутка, любовь перерастает в большое и настоящее чувство.
Bollywood film
Shanta agrees to marry a lesser educated man.
Encountering a young couple on the road, an elderly lady tells ther her story
Mrs. Nilambar Sharma
The story is about a house consisting of three families who live in it. It is three stories linked by the house.
Raj Mata
The story is about King Karma Dev who gives a lot of importance to physical beauty. His mother, the Rajmata requests Mahamantri Munjal to find him a nice wife. Karma Dev often dreams of marrying an unknown beautiful woman he had once seen in the Somnath temple. Meanwhile, Mrinalla is the princess of Karnataka, who also dreams of marrying a king she had once seen in the Somnath temple. When Munjal happens to see the beautiful woman Mrinalla, he shows the King's portrait to her and she is happy to finally find the man of her dreams. So she runs away from the palace and searches for Karma Dev to marry him. Soon after, Munjal shows Mrinalla's painting to Karma Dev, who agrees to marry her. On the day of the marriage, the King finds out she is dark and refuses to marry her. After several incidents, Karma Dev realizes his mistake and at last he happily accepts Mrinalla as his Patrani.
A joint family consisting of four brothers, their wives, and their respective children, living under one roof. Some of the brothers are professionls, one a lawyer, a doctor, and others businessmen. They are a happy family, living and sharing each other's joys and sorrows. Then one day, an arguement breaks out over a glass of milk, and the entire family is thrown into chaos, and the only resolution seems to be nothing but dividing the entire property amongst the brothers and their respective families.
A 1955 black and white Urdu language historical drama film directed by G.P. Sippy.
Bollywood film
Chaudvin's mother (Amma)
Действие фильма, посвященного жизни великого индийского поэта Мирзы Галиба, происходит в 19 веке при дворе Бахадур-шаха, последнего представителя Империи Великих Моголов в Индии.
After a seven year absence, Dr. Ram Singh returns to his village intending to sell his land and go back to the city. He finds that the peasants are being mistreated by the local landlord and the landlord's sister, Sushma.
Ram Mohan's Mother
В фильме показана трагедия небогатой индийской семьи, попавшей в кабалу к ростовщику. Адвокат Рам Мохан влюбляется в Джанаки, дочь Лала Дин Даяла. Но и недобросовестный ростовщик Кубер Дас похотливо смотрит на Джанаки. Чтобы взять её в жёны, Кубер Дас разрабатывает коварный план. Он просит и без того ограниченного в деньгах Дин Даяла либо продать свои активы и погасить кредит, который он дал ему в прошлом, либо отдать руку своей дочери Джанаки. Это разрушило бы бизнес старика и убило бы его жену. Поэтому Джанаки приходится согласиться на брак с Кубер Дасом, который мало того, что в два раза старше её, так ещё и вдовец с малоприятным характером.
О тяжёлой жизни семьи служащего Лаладжи, который не может даже накормить досыта своих домочадцев, так мало он получает за свою работу, о том, как трагически кончились попытки сына Лаладжи вырваться из этой нищеты и помочь своей больной сестрёнке, рассказывает этот фильм.
Leela is a beautiful young lady who wishes to marry her sweetheart and poor artist Shyam. By chance, Leela meets Sita, a Rani whose son falls instantly in love with Leela, leaving the young lady with a life-changing dilemma.
Kamini (Shyama) runs over a young man (Dev Anand), who is seriously injured. Kamini visits him daily even while he is unconscious. When he recovers, she is attracted to him, and sets him up with employment with her dad Seth Mothumal's (Gope) business as a manager. He dines at Mothumal's house by Kamini, where he comes across a mute maid-servant named Asha (Nimmi). Asha is attracted to him, and he also feels attracted towards her, little knowing that his past has come to re-visit him in her form, and not knowing the changes it will bring to his life.
When Brijmohan moves out with his ailing mother due to a family dispute, he comes across a runaway woman on his quest for a new job. What follows is the journey and trials and tribulations of these two strangers as they traverse, courtship, marriage and family politics.
Jani, a village boy, is sent on the warfront. He comes back victorious and becomes the Sunedar Major.
An Amrohi drama set in a Muslim family. Safhar's inheritance is lost, thanks to his sister-in-law, but he is still expected to complete his late father's work of building a mosque. If he cannot complete the work, then Salim must take over, but he goes off to fight in the Balkans, leaving the sister-in- law's orphaned daughter to complete the task. In doing so, she will lose her freedom, so she has a difficult decision to make.
The story revolves around two kings, Prithvi Vallabh (Munj) of Avantipur who is kind and just, and Tailap, a neighboring king who is cruel. With the help of his sister Mrinalvati (Durga Khote) and another neighbouring king Bhillam (K. N. Singh), Tailap manages to capture Prithvi Vallabh. The rest of the film follows incidents following his captivity.
Maharani Kekaiyi schemes to get her son on the throne.
Queen Saudamini
Adventure classic featuring Durga Khote's most memorable role as the pirate Queen Saudamini. Faced with extreme patriarchal laws in an ancient seaport kingdom and denied the legal custody of her infant son Sudhir, Saudamini becomes a pirate declaring war on the state, and especially on its tyrannical minister of justice, Durjaya (Chandramohan). She attacks a royal ship and captures Durjaya, inadvertently also taking Princess Nandini (Apte). In captivity, Durjaya declares his love for Nandini but she falls fir a shepherd boy (Nandrekar) who turns out to be Saudamini's long-lost son Sudhir. Durjaya's men then capture Saudamini and a palace intrigue ensues marked by her emancipatory rhetoric and the universal humanist arguments of her adviser Shekhar (Kale).
Miss Renee
A drama set amid an earthquake in Bihar. Miss Renee (Khote) looks after the victims while her lover, the businessman Sardar (Mohanned), wants to make money from the disaster.
Seeta was a 1933 Indian talkie Bengali film, directed by Debaki Bose and produced by the East India Film Company.[1] It won an honorary diploma in the 2nd Venice International Film Festival in 1934, becoming the first Indian talkie to be shown at an international film festival.
Ayodhyecha Raja, literally "The King of Ayodhya", was the first Marathi talkie. It is based on the mythological story of Raja Harishchandra of Ayodhya and his test by sage Vishwamitra, as recounted in Valmiki's epic, Ramayana. The film was also made as a double-version, Ayodhya Ka Raja (1932) in Hindi, making it the first double version talkie of Indian cinema.
Zamindari Ma
Zamindari Ma an old land lady of village supports people during an epidemic and raises three orphaned children from different religions. Thou all the children are following separate religion but are united with each other. Chote Babu wants to marry Vidya a girl whose engaged to Zamindari Ma's son Shankar. Thus creating a rift between them.