Pablo Palacio


No Darkness Last Forever
Ana, a young orphan moves to the house in the forest where her only friend lives. The ambition of her friend's father to take over the nearby lands will awaken an old pagan cult that will use Ana as their only option to protect the place.
The Unburied
Maximiliano is a psychiatrist who suffers from strange visions of his past. He grew up in an orphanage and then left for the big city. When his adoptive father dies, he goes back to his hometown where he will be reunited with his brothers and discover a dark family secret.
Traficante 1
Park Ranger Pablo Silva remakes his life in his new destination, a forgotten and troubled place that few want to go to, the Pereyra Iraola Park. Soon, under an apparent tranquility, he discovers a network of poachers, traffc and hoaxes. His old hunter instinct will arise. He can hide from everyone, except himself.
Звук тюльпанов
Журналист погружается в послекризисный мир Буэнос-Айреса, полный насилия и властных амбиций, пытаясь найти истинные причины смерти своего отца.
El Pozo
El Gonzo