Wolfgang Braumann


Die Sprungdeckeluhr
After the Nazis take over political power in Germany, the father of Rosi and Hansi, a member of the communist party, must hide from the police. One thing he left behind is a watch which might contain a message.
Der Streit um des Esels Schatten
The philosopher Democritus has a toothache, so a dentist from ancient Abdera sets off for his house. En route, he gets into a fight with a donkey driver. This conflict eventually causes all of Abdera to go crazy. Just when the city is seconds away from having a civil war, Democritus' apprentice shows up to ease the city's tensions with a gift.
Kai from the Box
Director of Photography
Kai, a young boy, living in 1923 Berlin tries to convince an American businessman that he can market his chewing gum better than anyone else in town.
Однажды юная принцесса играла у колодца с золотым шаром, и случайно уронила его в колодец. Горько заплакала юная дева и пообещала исполнить любое желание того, кто поможет ей достать любимую игрушку со дна колодца.
The Oath in Rabenhorst
Germany, 1949. Three children are crating a secret society in order to help families in need.
Der Doppelgänger
Romantic comedy about a series of mix-ups. Brigitte Kaufmann wants to divorce her husband Jörg who is an engineer and chief executive of an electronics company – and a hopeless pedant. Benno, a former boy friend of Brigitte, has a slightly bizarre idea how they could save their marriage. A piano player, whom Benno has seen in a bar, and who looks exactly like Jörg, is asked to work his charms on Brigitte and to try to dissuade her from divorce while Jörg is on a business trip. Piano player Engel agrees on the plan and acts as Jörg at home with Brigitte as well as in Jörg′s workplace.
Film by Walter Beck.
The Arctic Is Calling
This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt.
Zille and Me
Mostly fictional episodes in the life of famous german social-critical painter Heinrich Zille.
Принц за семью морями
Перед смертью королева — мать попросила у феи, чтобы ее младшего сына полюбила девушка, для которой он стал бы единственным счастьем. Фея была мудра и потому… превратила юношу в дикого зверя. Ведь за красавца-принца любая пойдет, а за того, кто у всех вызывает ужас, — только та, которая его действительно полюбит.
Max und siebeneinhalb Jungen
Max Stricker, an old anti-fascist, informs a class of eighth graders before their planned visit to the former concentration camp in Buchenwald. But the boys and girls are not very interested in Max′s lecture and instead stop his lecture with their constant interferences. On the trip to Buchenwald, the class roughnecks around wannabe hoodlum King also want to cause trouble. Thus, a small group of pupils secretly leaves the train before it arrives. Max notices the runaways, follows them, and offers them a bet: He challenges them to get to Weimar on their own, with only five Marks left.
The Lion Carpenter
The successful entertainment artist Ralf Keul must develop his land on the Baltic Sea or else ultimately give it up. Inexperienced yet courageous, he hurls himself into the undertaking, which spares him no unpleasantness. He battles over the transportation and procurement of materials, constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, while his craftsmen offer little additional assistance.
Das Pferdemädchen
Hochzeit in Weltzow
Ein Sonntagskind, das manchmal spinnt
10-year-old Kathy Montag moves to a big city in Brandenburg. Before that, she lived in the Harz Mountains together with her father Peter. Her mother has died a few years ago. The girl finds her new home very exciting, and since Kathy takes an interest in everything she encounters, she keeps finding herself in peculiar situations such as a brigade party or the shooting of a historical epic movie. Her classmates consider her an oddball and even her father is unhappy about his daughter′s development.
Разбойники поневоле
Юноша Якоб и принцесса Розалинда любят друг друга. Король обещает юноше отдать дочь в жены только в том случае, если Якоб выполнит его задание: он должен отправиться в ад к черту за тремя золотыми волосками. По дороге Якоб видит много страданий и смерть невинных людей. Йоанас, разбойник поневоле, говорит юноше, что причину бедствий народных знает только черт. Якоб возвращается победителем — с тремя золотыми волосками. Теперь он понимает, что причиной страданий людских является король. Якоб женится на принцессе, а злой король справедливо наказан.
Ottokar, the World Reformer
A funny story about fifth grader Ottokar who is always ready to fight for justice.
Concert for Frying Pan and Orchestra
For the "Festival of good ideas" that is to take place in their residential quarter the musically enthusiastic young Bum wants to rehearse a music show along with his friends. With pans, cans, hooters and other junk they make music. Some adults get angry about that. Others like the second-hand dealer Dohlenei and Mr. Kling from the symphony orchestra help the children to make their fantastic idea come true.
Am Ende der Welt
Film by Hans K.
Волшебных дел мастер
Ганс Рёкле, веселый искусный кукольник и изобретатель, возвращается в родную деревню после долгих странствий. Однажды в дом его является Дьявол, чтобы заполучить душу и талант мастера. Он заключает с ним договор, по которому мастер получает волшебную силу и возможность создать все, что бы ни задумал. Но если Рёкле за семью семь часов не создаст ничего, он проиграет всё…
Unterm Birnbaum
Director of Photography
Abel Hradscheck, the owner of an inn in the Oderbruch country, faces financial ruin. For this state of affairs, Ursula, his wife and former actress, is by no means free of blame. She is a "newcomer" to the area and even after eleven years in the area, still a "stranger". A Cracow company announces that a money-collector is on his way to the innkeeper. Mr. Szulski arrives and the debts are settled - with money supposedly stemming from an inheritance. The next day, Szulski departs but according to the maid and the stable-boy, behaves in a very strange manner. Soon afterwards, his carriage is discovered in the Oder River, but there is no trace of the drowned man. Hradscheck's neighbor starts casting suspicion on the innkeeper. The Counselor of Justice, who heads the investigations has the spot under the pear tree dug out. A dead body is exhumed...
Der Wüstenkönig von Brandenburg
Die Squaw Tschapajews
Северная Америка, начало 19 столетия. Белые перешли к новой тактике изгнания индейцев с их исконных земель. Теперь они заключают с ними договоры о покупке земли и заставляют их переселяться в бесплодные западные области. Самый ненасытный из белых - губернатор Индианы Гаррисон. Чтобы положить конец его проискам, вождь племени шауни Текумзе пытается объединить индейцев. Ему удается создать племенной союз, который объявил индейские земли общинной собственностью, не подлежащей продаже. Вождей, нарушивших это постановление, убивали. В 1811 году Гаррисон нападает на лагерь сторонников Текумзе, воспользовавшись его отсутствием. Оставшиеся в живых бегут в Канаду и участвуют на стороне англичан в так называемой «второй войне за независимость». Однако, проиграв войну, англичане бросают индейцев на произвол судьбы и обрекают их на разгром американцами.
Человек, пришедший после бабушки
Гюнтер и Гудрун Пизольд очень заняты своей карьерой телевизионного комика и актрисы, поэтому бабушка берет на себя домашние дела и уход за детьми. Но когда бабушка снова выходит замуж, Пизольды сталкиваются с хаосом в доме и животрепещущим вопросом: кто будет заботиться о домашнем хозяйстве?
Hut ab, wenn du küsst!
Fred works as an engineer and a test driver at a car company. His girlfriend Petra is a car mechanic - actually an ideal combination. However, the old-fashioned Fred is less than thrilled about his girlfriend’s "male profession". In his opinion, the masculine job damages her femininity. Since Petra is unwilling to give up her beloved job for such stupid concerns, there is a lot of friction between them. It is not until Petra turns the heads of all the men at a fair that Fred realizes how absurd his objections really are.
We Buy a Fire Truck
Little Matti and his friends are restoring the old abandoned fire truck .
We Buy a Fire Truck
Little Matti and his friends are restoring the old abandoned fire truck .
Weil ich dich liebe …
Dr. Gerd Thiessen, an experienced veterinarian, takes up a new job at a publicly owned manor. His research colleagues are less than thrilled about his ideas and modification proposals. Thus, the pretty and confident veterinarian Sabine Ladenbach becomes his only ally and soon they fall in love with each other. When Thiessen’s wife Eva notices that her husband is growing away from her, she starts to fight for him. Eventually, Thiessen realizes that Eva is the woman of his life, both privately and professionally. At the same time, he figures out that he needs the support of his team to achieve success in his field.
Die Nacht im Grenzwald
Turlis Abenteuer
The puppet boy Turli, who was only recently been carved from wood by the toymaker Kasimir, suddenly springs to life. Turli has nothing but nonsense on his mind and wreaks chaos everywhere he goes, although he is actually supposed to attend school.
Oben fährt der große Wagen
Director of Photography