Jiang Yongbo

Jiang Yongbo


Jiang Yongbo


Dragon Veins: Hachiman Shrine
Early nineties. Wang Baoyin, a driver for the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, is having trouble with everything and has repeatedly failed to get his job complete. He accidentally finds a relic left by his father who has been missing for years: a map of the Dragon Veins and a badge with a special symbol.
The Queen of Kung Fu 2
The gang leader, Xi, who disappeared after the gang conflicts, became a lone heroine by using a fake name and punishing the evil gangs. With her trusty stead and wine pot by his side, she mastered Huo's Drunken Fist, becoming a legend in the pugilist world. The cruel and ruthless warlord, Xia Ba Tian colluded with the bandits of Black Tiger Mountain to form a 'tea factory' that was used to extort money from the people, causing grief to the people. Xi faced her inner demons as she tried her best to fight against evil, uniting people in the process, destroying evil once and for all.
Крысы в поезде
Tang Weizhong
Начало XX века. Обычный сотрудник министерства здравоохранения молодой Китайской республики с двумя детьми отправляется на поезде в столицу. В дороге пассажиры сталкиваются с полчищами агрессивных крыс.
Кофейня в поле
Три года назад Юаньфань уехала в Шанхай, где работала баристой. Вернувшись в родной город она устраивается работать кассиром на заправке, с тоской вспоминая жизнь в мегаполисе. Однажды у шоссе Юаньфань и ее подруга находят упавшую советскую космическую капсулу. Эта капсула становится их тайным убежищем, в котором они варят кофе и мечтают о будущей счастливой жизни в большом городе.
Snow Monster vs Ice Shark
Heng Li
With the rapid development of science and technology in the future, a Gene Research Company sent Shen Yiqin and others into the mysterious snowy area on the edge of the Arctic. Unexpectedly, they were attacked by unknown giant creatures.
Snow Monster
With the rapid development of science and technology in the future, a Gene Research Company sent Shen Yiqin and others into the mysterious snowy area on the edge of the Arctic. Unexpectedly, they were attacked by unknown giant creatures.
Начинающая писательница китайского происхождения живёт в Бруклине, но очень привязана к оставшейся на родине бабушке. Внезапно выясняется, что бабушка больна, жить ей осталось недолго, но расстраивать её не хотят и о скорой смерти молчат. А чтобы все члены большой семьи успели попрощаться с умирающей, ей скажут, что все съезжаются на свадьбу внука, который на самом деле жениться не рвётся.
Havoc in Dragon Palace
Dragon of Eastern Seas
Because of the drought around the world, Mountain Huaguo with a water source is harassed by powerful monsters around. To investigate the cause of the drought and also obtain a suitable weapon to fight the powerful monsters, Sun Wukong and his good friend Chikaoma Monkey participate in the Treasure Competition in the East Sea, but they get involved in an intrigue. With the Little Dragon Princess' help, Sun Wukong defeats the evil dragon Aoluan that wants to destroy the human world, gets the Ruyijingu Cudgel, and saves the human world.
There Will Be Ample Time
Three wacky tomb raiders search for Book of Yunji, masterpiece of ancient chinese medicine
Я не мадам Бовари
Mayor Sai
Li Xuelian, a woman from the countryside is falsely accused by her husband of having an affair. To defend herself, Li moves from her small town to the big city until she reached the capital.