Jan Vlček

Рождение : 1972-03-20,


The Man Who Stood In the Way
Production Design
A drama that tells the story of the physician and politician MUDr. František Kriegel, the hero of the Prague Spring of 1968, who was arrested and kidnapped to Moscow on the night of August 21st together with five leaders of the party and the state (Dubček, Černík, Smrkovský, Špaček and Šimon). He was the only Czechoslovak politician who managed to stand up to Brezhnev in Moscow captivity, even under the threat of liquidation, and not to sign the Moscow Protovol which meant agreeing to the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Production Design
Beata Parkanová, the filmmaker behind Moments, returns to Karlovy Vary with an exceptionally vivid portrait of the family of notary Václav Vojíř, a small-town moral authority, and his selfless wife Věra. This masterfully told and highly original intimate drama, whose protagonists undergo a difficult ordeal in the summer of 1968, is reinforced by finely wrought, exquisite performances from Martin Finger and Gabriela Mikulková.
Big Opening
Production Design
An actor called Šnajdr is given an opportunity to make his debut as a director. He doesn’t think twice about leaving Prague and dashing off to Olomouc, where he is met by the grumpy director of the town’s cultural centre and his eccentric grandma, who is to be the star of his production and who's perfectly attuned to his sense of humour and mystification… A bittersweet comedy directed by Miroslav Krobot and starring Pavel Šimčík and Iva Janžurová.
Jak si nevzít princeznu
Production Manager
Můj život s Bohuslavem Martinů
Můj život s Bohuslavem Martinů
Production Design
Пойманы в сети
Set Designer
Три бесстрашные совершеннолетние актрисы согласились участвовать в социально-психологическом эксперименте: под видом 12-летних девочек они выходили в чат с незнакомыми мужчинами, которые, почти не скрывая своих сексуальных намерений, тайно или открыто мастурбировали, присылали фото и видео своих половых органов, а иногда прибегали к откровенному психологическому насилию и шантажу. За десять дней съемок на связь с героинями вышли 2458 человек. Позднее у них состоялась 21 личная встреча со взрослыми мужчинами, которые обещали угостить девочек шоколадом и объясняли им подробности женской анатомии. По окончании съемок отснятый материал был передан в полицию, которая начала уголовное расследование.
Production Manager
История о бывшем солдате, который пытается вернуться к нормальной жизни – и это даётся ему куда труднее, чем два десятилетия, проведённых на войне в качестве наёмника. Теперь ему нужно учиться жить по новым правилам и стать таким человеком, который умеет не только драться, но и слушать других людей. Сможет ли бывший солдат вести обычную жизнь, найти нормальную работу и удержать любимую женщину?
Production Design
Wings of Steel
Set Designer
May the Lord Be With Us
Set Designer
The Defenestration of Prague, which took place on May 23, 1618, was the decisive historical moment that unleashed the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between several Catholic and Protestant states and changed the course of European history forever.
The Quartette
Production Design
In a small Czech town, mother dependent Robert, his attractive girlfriend Simona, histrionic Tomas and extremely reserved History freak Funes, all dissatisfied with their lives, are members of the same string Quartet. As they rehearse for their next concert, they will get into a circle of eccentric situations and misunderstandings.
The Quartette
Art Direction
In a small Czech town, mother dependent Robert, his attractive girlfriend Simona, histrionic Tomas and extremely reserved History freak Funes, all dissatisfied with their lives, are members of the same string Quartet. As they rehearse for their next concert, they will get into a circle of eccentric situations and misunderstandings.
Korunní princ
Set Designer
Nowhere in Moravia
Art Direction
When not serving regulars at a pub in the middle of a sleepy northern Moravian village, thirtysomething Maruna spends time with hesitant Jura and naïve outsider Olin – or fighting with her imperious mother. Lightened with a touch of black humor, this laconic village drama is the directorial debut of the artistic director of Prague’s Dejvice Theater who gave the members of his ensemble a one-of-a-kind acting opportunity in film.
Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka
Set Designer
Production Design
Фильм рассказывает историю жителей маленькой чешской деревушки Лидице в военное время.
Little Foxes
Art Direction
Dubliner Steve and his Slovak girlfriend Tina try to rebuild their lives until Tina's sister Alzbeta arrives with a secret that will shatter any dreams the pair have of a happy future.
A Son's War
Production Design
Jan Wiener is a young Czech Jew struggling to survive at the outset of Nazi occupation during World War II.
Born Into Sh*t
Set Designer
Worried that his father is gay and that it's hereditary, 13-year-old Tomás gets his girlfriend pregnant. Therein ensues a romantic comedy of errors.