Chase Strangio


My Name Is Pauli Murray
Overlooked by history, Pauli Murray was a legal trailblazer whose ideas influenced RBG's fight for gender equality and Thurgood Marshall's landmark civil rights arguments. Featuring never-before-seen footage and audio recordings, a portrait of Murray's impact as a non-binary Black luminary: lawyer, activist, poet, and priest who transformed our world.
Joy Run
JOY RUN, a film by Tourmaline, continues the creative reimagining of athletics as a gender-inclusive space.
The Fight
Inside the ACLU, five scrappy lawyers battle against the Trump administration’s historic assault on civil liberties - from separating families at the border, to rolling back transgender, reproductive, and voting rights.
В свете прожекторов
Self - Attorney at ACLU
Углубленный взгляд на изображение трансгендерных людей в Голливудских картинах и влияние этих историй на повседневную жизнь трансгендеров и американскую культуру.
XY Челси
В начале 2010 года разведывательный аналитик Брэдли Мэннинг передал Wikileaks сотни тысяч внутренних документов американской армии, благодаря которым широкая публика узнала о военных преступлениях в Ираке. Мэннинг фактически открыл новую эпоху в истории партизан-разоблачителей, решивших, что мораль и прозрачность важнее присяги. Через три года, на следующий день после того, как суд приговорил Мэннинга к 35 годам тюрьмы, она объявила, что с юности чувствовала себя женщиной — и теперь ее зовут Челси.
Eisha Love: A Trans Woman of Color in Chicago
Executive Producer
Eisha Loves shares the daily struggles Black trans women face in Chicago and across America.
Trans in America: Texas Strong
Executive Producer
Trans In America is a verité short documentary series, and an intimate portrait of three transgender individuals as they battle for their civil rights in the United States. The three films reveal the daily impact of discrimination on three families as they battle with bathroom bills, vulnerability in employment and housing, and the aftermath of incarceration, in Texas, Illinois and Georgia. Texas Strong is an intimate portrait of Kimberly and Kai Shappley: a mother has to confront her religious community while her 7-year-old transgender daughter navigates life at school, where she's been banned from the girls' bathroom.
Jennifer Chavez: A Trans Woman Working in a Male-Dominated Industry
Executive Producer
When Jennifer Chavez lost her job after telling others she is transgender, she sued for discrimination. Years later, having won a national victory in a case that will protect trans people across the nation, she finds herself alienated from her industry, and unable to make a living.