Robert Dixon
A young American painter and his French wife move with their small daughter to the US when the husband's father dies. His mother takes an instant dislike to the wife, and when she finds out that her daughter-in-law is a nudist who once posed naked for an artist, she declares her son's wife to be an unfit mother and sets out to break up the marriage--which may not be difficult to do, as the son is a weak-willed "mama's boy" who's terrified to stand up against his domineering mother.
Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
Injured Man
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Court Attendant (uncredited)
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
The heiress to a powerful newspaper owner gets a job at the paper under an assumed name and helps break up a blackmail racket.
Bartender (uncredited)
У автомобильного магната Джеймса Бьюкенена есть невеста, которая совершенно его не любит, и совет директоров, который никогда к нему не прислушивается. Как-то раз, сидя в раздумье на скамейке в парке, он знакомится с безработной Джоан Хоуторн, прекрасной поварихой, которая как раз ищет себе партнера, чтобы устроиться на работу «парой» (дворецкий / повар) к изысканному гурману — бывшему бутлегеру Майку Россини. Ошеломленный таким предложением, Бьюкенен без лишних слов соглашается на роль дворецкого. Но ведь когда-нибудь обязательно настанет день расплаты…
When reporter Dan Miller is once again late to meet his girl friend, Helen Murdock, because he is working on a story, Helen breaks up with him. Later, in an effort to reconcile with her, Dan misses an appointment with the district attorney, and is fired when his editor learns that the district attorney was murdered in Dan's absence. The man suspected of the crime, Mitts Coster, is rumored to be traveling to Europe aboard an ocean liner. While Dan's friend, photographer Snapper McGillicuddy, fetches Helen to the boat, under the pretense that Dan is leaving town to forget her, Dan searches the ship for Mitts, whom he does not recognize. When Helen arrives, Dan feigns illness, and she admits her love for him. When Helen learns of Dan's ruse, however, she angrily hits him with a package that a passenger gave her when she boarded the ship. The package contains a passport for Dorothy Madden, who greatly resembles Helen, and $2,000 dollars.