Steven Reisch


The Nightmare Begins Again
Defense Attorney
When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.
Патти Херст
Патти Херст — хрупкую брюнетку, наследницу газетного магната Херста — в 70-е годы похитили террористы. В течение нескольких лет девушка была невольной свидетельницей бессмысленных и жестоких терактов и, в конце концов, сама присоединилась к своим мучителям. Перерождение заложницы в террористку вызвало широкий резонанс в американском обществе и серьезно подорвало психику папаши Херста.
Counter Boy
Benson is a police detective. After a series of murders in the Gay community he is ordered to go undercover with a gay police clerk named Kerwin as his partner. In order to be noticed they have to be flamboyant enough to attract attention which Benson finds rather disturbing. Can an uptight heterosexual and a mousey homosexual form a meaningful relationship?