Unit Production Manager
Ноябрь 2019 года. Бывший охотник на андроидов Рик Декард восстановлен в полиции Лос-Анджелеса для поиска возглавляемой Роем Батти группы репликантов, совершившей побег из космической колонии на Землю. В полиции считают, что андроиды пытаются встретиться с Эндолом Тайреллом — руководителем корпорации, которая разрабатывает кибернетический интеллект. Декард получает задание выяснить мотивы репликантов и уничтожить их.
Production Manager
Hoping to repair their marriage, Jennie Logan and her husband move into a beautiful Victorian manor. When Jennie tries on an antique dress she finds in the attic, she is transported back one hundred years, where she meets the house's previous owner, David. As her feelings for David grow, it becomes clear that Jennie is not only torn between two men and two times, but she also faces danger in both worlds.
Production Manager
Uncle Frank Kelly calls on Harry Crown to help him in a gang war. The war becomes personal when Harry's new girlfriend is kidnapped by Uncle Frank's enemy, Big Eddie.
Unit Production Manager
В юном возрасте Джексон постоянно находился на пороге исправительной школы, но только до тех пор, пока его отца не посадили в тюрьму за торговлю самогоном. Понимая ошибки своего жизненного пути, Джексон начинает оттачивать водительское мастерство в надежде стать профессиональным гонщиком и собрать деньги, необходимые, чтобы отца выпустили из тюрьмы. Джексон становится первоклассным гонщиком, но корпоративная реальность профессионального спорта претит его независимому характеру.
Production Manager
Gary and Shay are two happy-go-lucky flower children who hitchhike in the beautiful Big Sur-Monterey area of California.
Unit Production Manager
A young woman has difficulty understanding why her husband walks out on her. Alone for the first time, she finds life difficult to cope with and for a time lives with the hope that her husband will come back to her.
Production Manager
A Marine officer reported as killed in Vietnam, but who was actually a POW, returns home. Instead of being welcomed home, however, he discovers that his father has died, his wife has remarried, his daughter has been adopted, his business has been sold, and his life has completely changed.
Assistant Director
Teenagers from a small town and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider, living in a cave nearby and getting hungry.
Assistant Director
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.
A young railroad surveyor returns to his hometown to find the man who murdered his father and brother.
A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
1882 год. Аризона. США. Шериф Фройм Джонсон зорко следит за нарушителями закона на вверенной ему территории — здесь правят закон и порядок. В один из дней он ловит известного преступника по кличке Дуранго Кид и сажает его в тюрьму, чтобы судить по закону. Но возмущенные жители городка требуют линчевать пойманного злодея без суда и следствия. Фрэйм берется за оружие чтобы отстоять Дуранго, и доказать толпе, что закон превыше эмоций. Спустя некоторое время герой понимает, что он устал выполнять нелегкие обязанности шерифа и решает уехать со свое! верной подругой Джани на купленное им ранчо в Коттонвудс. Спокойная жизнь однако, наступит не скоро….
Associate Producer
A San Francisco hood is rubbed out by rival Bruno Felkin, who himself reports the crime to Homicide Lt. Kelsey in an alibi scheme which fails. To escape, he stows away on a fishing boat. At sea, skipper Hamil Linder receives Bruno kindly, teaching him fishing; Bruno enlists Hamil's wayward son Carl to tend his slot machines. Then Carl takes an interest in Bruno's girl Connie. Climax in a storm at sea.
Associate Producer
In Coaltown, Pennsylvania, miner Coke Mason hopes to better himself, buy a radio store, and marry Rose Warren. His gambler brother George thinks Coke can be more successful as a boxer, knowing that when he fights he's consumed with a murderous rage that makes him an "iron man." Seeing dollar signs in Rose's eyes, Coke reluctantly agrees, though he's fearful of the "killer instinct" that makes him a knockout success in the ring...and brings him the booing hatred of the fans. Will Coke throw off his personal demon before he kills someone?