Giuliano Pannuti


I limoni d’inverno
Production Design
Pietro and Eleonora, both avid gardeners, are strangers who only meet because their two terraces are close to each other. The relationship that grows between them helps them to alleviate the pain each feels over something secret and very serious, a pain both try to hide from themselves and those around them. In this limbo they inhabit, the two make a stab at finding happiness together, until their paths diverge once more.
Жуткая семейка
Production Design
Выходя замуж, любая девушка осознает, что выходит замуж не только за него, но и за всю его семью. Молодожены Луана и Адальберто узнают, что скоро станут родителями, и молодому супругу ничего не остается, как представить свою прекрасную жену семье. Но Луана себе даже не представляет, что она породнилась с вампирами, зомби, ведьмами и призраками.
Crazy for Football - Matti per il calcio
Production Design
Она говорит со мной
Production Design
Вот уже 65 лет Нино влюблен в Рину и продолжает любить, хотя ее уже нет рядом. Он все еще разговаривает с ней - за закрытыми дверями, чтобы не слышали слуги и дети. Обеспокоенная состоянием отца, дочь убеждает его поведать историю любви писателю.
Один раз живём
Production Design
Команда врачей и, по совместительству, друзей, узнаёт, что коллега смертельно болен. Результаты его анализов случайно попадают к ним в руки, и теперь им предстоит выбрать подходящий момент, чтобы сообщить прискорбные новости.
La Guerra di Cam
Production Design
A young boy, Cam, searches for his sister in a world ravaged by wars. On his journey he faces many dangers from humans and nature itself, both equally merciless.
Nati 2 volte
Production Design
A trans-sexual man return to his hometown to finish the bureaucratic process to become officially a male. But the public servant who should implement this simple bureaucratic operation is Giorgio, his first and only boyfriend.
Господин Дьявол
Production Design
Молодой офицер полиции Фурио Моменте отправлен в регион Венето для расследования мистического и шокирующего преступления: подросток убил одного из своих сверстников, утверждая что он убил самого дьявола.
Lucy in the Sky
Art Direction
A 2018 Italian language drama film directed by Giuseppe Petitto, starring Antonia Liskova.
Lucy in the Sky
Production Design
A 2018 Italian language drama film directed by Giuseppe Petitto, starring Antonia Liskova.
Благословенное безумие
Production Design
Человек, преданный религии и очень верный муж, внезапно оказывается холостым. Новый продавец в его магазине захлестнет его жизнь.
Titanium White
Production Design
Dominik, a PhD student of the History of Art, goes to Porto Ercole, to survey the last works of great Michelangelo Caravaggio. Unexpectedly, Dominik deepens into mysterious series of criminal events.
L'abbiamo fatta grossa
Production Design
Yuri Pelagatti is a stage actor who is left jobless after a traumatic separation that resulted in his inability to remember his lines. Arturo Merlino is a shabby “investigator” who chases cats escaped from their homes. When Arturo and Yuri cross paths, Yuri is under the mistaken impression that Arturo is a consummate professional. He contracts Arturo to follow his ex-wife in order to find proof of her infidelity. But when he accidentally comes into the possession of a mysterious suitcase containing 1 million Euro, a series of hilarious troubles and daring adventures will result in an unpredictable finale…
Colpi di fortuna
Production Design
Lightning Strike
Production Design
A Second Childhood
Production Design
Lino and Chicca are an aging, childless middle-class couple whose life is disrupted after he's diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Il figlio più piccolo
Production Design
Unscrupulous businessman Luciano reconnects with his estranged family from a previous marriage, only to use their youngest son, awkward and starry-eyed Baldo, as the fall guy for his failing holding company.
Giovanna's Father
Production Design
Michele Casali is a middle-class professor in Fascist Italy who teaches at the same high school attended by his only daughter, Giovanna. A shy and sensitive girl, her insecurities are only magnified by Michele's overprotectiveness—reaching a point of no return.
The Second Wedding Night
Set Decoration
When his destituite widowed sister-in-law—whom he had never stopped harbouring feelings for—and her ne'er-do-well son come to live with him after World War II, a mentally-ill farmer who spends all his time destroying unexploded ordnance scattered across the countryside finds a new purpose in his lonely life.
Monna Lisa
Production Design
A David di Donatello-winning short film about a junkyard keeper, in love with the portrait of the Mona Lisa, who is charged with teaching a young Slavic girl the tools of a much less honourable trade...