Murray Head

Murray Head

Рождение : 1946-03-05, London, England, UK


Murray Seafield St George Head (born 5 March 1946) is an English actor and singer. Head has appeared in a number of films, including a starring role as the character Bob Elkin in the Oscar-nominated 1971 film Sunday Bloody Sunday. As a musician, he is most recognised for his international hit songs "Superstar" (from the 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar) and "One Night in Bangkok" (the 1984 single from the musical Chess, which topped the charts in various countries), and for his 1975 album Say It Ain't So. He has been involved in several projects since the 1960s and continues to record music, perform concerts, and make appearances on television either as himself or as a character actor. Head was born in London to Seafield Laurence Stewart Murray Head (20 August 1919 – 22 March 2009) and Helen Shingler (29 August 1919 − 8 October 2019). Head's father was a documentary filmmaker for Verity Films. Head's mother played Mme Maigret alongside Rupert Davies in the BBC 1960s television adaptation of the Maigret novels written by Georges Simenon. Head's younger brother Anthony Head is also an actor, best known for playing Rupert Giles in the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Head was educated at the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle in South Kensington, London and Hampton School in Hampton, Middlesex. He attended Chiswick Polytechnic (A level college) in the early 1960s. Head began writing songs as a child, and by the mid-1960s he had a London-based recording contract. He briefly appeared as one of the hosts of the Bristol-based television pop show Now! alongside Michael Palin. He had limited success, until asked by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber to play Judas Iscariot on the original concept album version of Jesus Christ Superstar; at the time, he had been appearing in the West End production of the musical Hair. With the Trinidad Singers, the song "Superstar" peaked at No. 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1971. He made his film debut in The Family Way (1966), which featured Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett and John Mills in the leading roles. Head won a leading role in the Oscar-nominated film Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), alongside Peter Finch and Glenda Jackson. Despite these successes, he received little public attention in the next ten years (except for his single release, "Say It Ain't So, Joe" in 1975, which has been covered by The Who's lead vocalist, Roger Daltrey, among others, including The Hollies). "Never Even Thought" has been covered by both Colin Blunstone and Cliff Richard. In 1973, he appeared in a radio drama, The Fourth Tower of Inverness. In 1979, Head appeared in the miniseries Prince Regent and the final episode of the ITV program Return of the Saint. ... Source: Article "Murray Head" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Murray Head


С самого детства Джессику преследуют повторяющиеся ночные кошмары. Девушка хочет разобраться, что же они означают и приступает к изучению осознанных сновидений с помощью авторитетного специалиста. Вскоре ей открываются страшные тайны прошлого своей семьи.
No Pasaran
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D-Day 6.6.1944
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I, Cesar
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Lord Rochford
Блестящий поэт, удачливый бизнесмен, гениальный изобретатель, искусный заговорщик, пламенный революционер, пылкий любовник, любящий отец. Все это – Пьер-Огюстен Кароне де Бомарше, прославленный автор «Севильского цирюльника» и «Женитьбы Фигаро». Бросив вызов могущественному принцу де Конти, Бомарше попадает под арест. На суде его обвиняют в присвоении дворянского титула и приговаривают к лишению всех прав и привилегий. Но король Людовик XVI дарует прощение в обмен на согласие выполнить деликатную шпионскую миссию…
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Stormy Summer
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The Savage
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Налево от лифта
Original Music Composer
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Воскрешение кровавого воскресения
Bob Elkin
Апатию, охватившую английское общество в начале 70-х годов, Джон Шлезингер тонко отразил в своем фильме 1971 года «Воскресенье, проклятое воскресенье», который можно воспринимать как метафорическую картину горького пробуждения после бума 60-х, когда англичане вдруг увидели, что живут в захудалой стране, где люди согласны даже на «половину куска». Фильм повествует об одной неделе из жизни респектабельного пожилого доктора и интеллигентной женщины средних лет, которые не только пользуются одной телефонной службой, но и, как выясняется, делят одного любовника - амбициозного молодого изобретателя, в конце концов бросающего их обоих и уезжающего в Америку в поисках лучшей жизни.
Две недели в сентябре
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The Family Way
Geoffrey Fitton
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