Brittany Clemons


Prisoner of Love
Co-Executive Producer
Everyone knew Vicky White as a respected churchgoer, a loving daughter, and a trusted neighbor. But there was something missing in her life, and she thought she'd found it when she met convicted murderer Casey White.
Скандальное мнение: Дело Деппа против Хёрд
Executive Producer
Фильм рассказывает о бурных отношениях Джонни Деппа и Эмбер Хёрд и открывает подробности скандального двухмесячного судебного процесса по делу о клевете против Деппа. В результате разбирательств было выявлено, что Хёрд дискредитировала Деппа, сославшись на обвинения в домашнем насилии.
A girl uses her supernatural abilities to exact retribution after the fatal police shooting of her brother.
A girl uses her supernatural abilities to exact retribution after the fatal police shooting of her brother.
Hope & Fury: MLK, the Movement and the Media
Associate Producer
A documentary following the civil rights movement and how the media, in particular the burgeoning TV, was used to fight for equality in the 1960s. From Selma to Charlottesville, we also see how modern activists use today's technology to continue fighting injustice today.