Florian Brückner

Florian Brückner

Рождение : 1984-01-01, Munich, Germany


Florian Brückner


Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe
Toni Brehm
Death (in Bavarian: Boandlkramer) is supposed to get little Maxl, but he falls in love with Maxl's mother. Confused by the previously unknown feelings, he confides in the devil. The incarnate persuades him to start a business where the Boandlkramer gets the chance to compete for Gefi as a mortal. Encouraged by the advice of the recently deceased womanizer Max Gumberger, the Boandl stumbles through earthly life in search of eternal love.
Lang lebe die Königin
Not an easy decision! District Administrator Hans Schuierer from the Upper Palatinate first opposed his own political line in 1981 and finally against the entire Bavarian Free State and Prime Minister Strauss. Because the planned reprocessing plant Wackersdorf promised 3,000 new jobs for the structurally weak region - but what if these are associated with massive health and ecological damage for future generations? Isn't it then the duty of a politician and citizen to resist?
Beste Chance
Since they graduated from school five years ago, the friends Jo and Kati have not seen one another. While one of them travels around the world and has arrived in India in the meantime, the other one is struggling with the final exams of the university. But five years are like blown away when Kati one day listens to a worrying message from her friend on her answering machine. Immediately, she drops everything and drives to her home village in order to gather together the old friends from her school days and to look for Jo in India.
Тёмная долина
Edi Brenner
Тайными путями одинокий всадник пробирается в маленький городок высоко в Альпах. Никто не знает, откуда прибыл незнакомец и чего он хочет. Но в одном жители городка уверены — они не хотят, чтобы он оставался здесь.
Quality Time
You can’t choose your family – which is why Conrad limits his visits with his parents to an absolute minimum. When venomous, irritable Carl injures himself seriously in a fall, his reluctant son Conrad and the butt-of-all-jokes Jonas has no choice but to move back into his old childhood room. Three generations under one roof: a chance for reconciliation – or a total disaster?
Was weg is, is weg
Lukas Baumgarten
Сюжетной основой является первая часть поэтической драмы Гете, где повествование, в основном, строится на любовной линии Фауст-Маргарита.
Rochefort’s Replacement
Молодой д’Артаньян покинул родной дом и отправился в Париж, надеясь на место в полку мушкетёров. По случайности в один день он обидел сразу троих мушкетёров — Атоса, Портоса и Арамиса — и получил от всех троих вызовы на дуэль. Но дуэль была прервана появлением гвардейцев кардинала, которые хотели арестовать их за нарушение указа о запрете дуэлей. Д’Артаньян и три мушкетера победили превосходящего противника и стали друзьями. Теперь они должны остановить злобного Кардинала Ришелье и столкнутся с герцогом Бэкингемом, и предательницей Миледи Де Винтер.
Die Hebamme - Auf Leben und Tod
Karl Bachler
Die Heldin in „Die Hebamme – Auf Leben und Tod“ ist eine Reisende zwischen den Welten und den Zeiten. Zwischen den Autoritäten anno 1813, der Kirche und der Wissenschaft, bleibt Rosa Koelbl eine Fremde. Die Zeit ist noch nicht reif für die Werte, die diese Frau verkörpert. (Quelle: http://www.tittelbach.tv/programm/fernsehfilm/artikel-1422.html)
Räuber Kneißl
Alois Kneißl
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
The Best Place to Be
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.
Beste Zeit
Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.
The Beheaded Rooster
Engelbert Goldschmidt
A moving coming of age story in a time of extreme change: on August 23, 1944 in a small city in Romanian Transylvania, the 16 year old Felix Goldschmidt awaits his classmates for their traditional Exitus Party (school graduation). However, this very day the kingdom of Romania takes leave of its ally of many years - Nazi Germany - thus ending the 800 year old, highly successful story of ethnic German immigration at the feet of the Carpathian Mountains. It is a great story of young people's blindness to the rise of Fascism, the destruction of bourgeois values, a first love and shattered friendships.
Sie ist meine Mutter
Lorenz Gschwandtner
Weiße Stille
Im Namen des Herrn
Lorenz Singer
Peter Fischer
Der Tod ist kein Beweis
Mathias Gruber