Johanna Bittenbinder

Johanna Bittenbinder

Рождение : 1957-05-12, München, Germany


Johanna Bittenbinder


Bis es mich gibt
Holli Stemminger
Bis zum letzten Tropfen
Margot Helnwein
Тихий лес
Waltraud Gollas
Спустя 20 лет после исчезновения отца Аня Гримм возвращается в лес, где всё случилось, уже не 8-летней девочкой, а стажёром службы охраны лесов. Вскоре после её появление в округе происходит жестокое убийство, и девушка понимает, что оно может быть связано с её личной трагедией.
Nimm Du ihn
Liebe auf Persisch
Irmi Leitner
Felix Klare and newcomer Mona Pirzad play the main roles in the comedy "Liebe auf Persisch": While the beautiful interpreter, with a weakness for Goethe and German rap, brings him closer to the culture of their country, the clumsy guest abroad comes to his father's secret, played by Günther Maria Halmer, on the trail. Director Florian Baxmeyer manages an entertaining romantic comedy without leaving out substantial culture clash topics. With this road movie in a breathtaking landscape, a German TV production was filmed for the first time on original locations in Iran.
Venus im vierten Haus
Klassenfahrt in die Zukunft
The Carlos Benede Story
Chefin von Carlos
Carlos Benede is in his thirties, single and helps minors cope with the after-effects of crime. Alexander is a strong-willed and precocious eleven-year-old, who witnesses the horrific death of his mother by his own father. Benede mentors Alexander and the two develop a bond. But when the trial of Alexander’s father is over, it’s time for the two to part. Alexander has been placed in the care of his aunt, but when she is no longer able, a new caregiver must be found. An unconventional counselor from the youth welfare office learns of Alexander’s trust in Benede, who himself grew up in a home, and reunites the two. Although not always easy, the relationship grows and deepens into one of father and son.
Die Glasbläserin
Marianne Bohn
Der Komödienstadel - Göttinnen weißblau
Traudl Hepperger
Der Komödienstadel - Der fast keusche Josef
Anna Raublinger
Ein Sommer in Griechenland
Anna Raublinger
Zwei allein
Gerlinde «Linda» Rose
Beste Chance
Marlene (Katis Mutter)
Since they graduated from school five years ago, the friends Jo and Kati have not seen one another. While one of them travels around the world and has arrived in India in the meantime, the other one is struggling with the final exams of the university. But five years are like blown away when Kati one day listens to a worrying message from her friend on her answering machine. Immediately, she drops everything and drives to her home village in order to gather together the old friends from her school days and to look for Jo in India.
Das Glück der Anderen
Isa Burger
Der Komödienstadel - Alpenglühn und Männertreu
Martha Ponholzer
Тёмная долина
Тайными путями одинокий всадник пробирается в маленький городок высоко в Альпах. Никто не знает, откуда прибыл незнакомец и чего он хочет. Но в одном жители городка уверены — они не хотят, чтобы он оставался здесь.
Paradies 505. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Gisela Wegmeyer
Utta Danella - Wer küsst den Doc?
Johanna Reichelt
Die Tote im Moorwald
Dame am Friedhof
After the surprising death of her mother, budding artist Josefine hastily leaves the city of Munich and moves to an old, abandoned dairy farm in the countryside. She also escapes from her friend Simon, who, contrary to his assurances, has still not separated from his wife. And Josefine finally wants to find out who her father was. Her mother had left the village and raised Josefine in the city.
Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier?
About Franzi Schwanthaler the sky collapses. She is a single mother and baker in a Bavarian village, and here the branch of an internationally operating back chain with dumping prices snatches her away. Her boss and father suffers from a heart attack, which in turn leaves her older sister arrive from Berlin, and chronically knows everything better and distributes good advice. But should Franzi really seek a new livelihood in the city and let her father down with the competition and crushing bank debts? No. She does not give up so fast.
Was weg is, is weg
Erika Baumgarten
Trans Bavaria
Marianne Berghammer
Three friends on a journey to Moskow and themselves.
Ich habe es dir nie erzählt
Divorced and single bailiff Carla Schön has many problems with her pubescent daughter Eva. However, she cannot use these problems because she has to work in her everyday life. Even in her hobby, orchestral playing, she is absolutely tense. But then she meets the musician Andi Jannings and falls in love with him. He is a dry alcoholic and is in constant dispute with his ex-wife. To make matters worse, he is also a caretaker at Eva's school. Torn between her new love and daughter, Carla soon finds that her next job has to do with Andi. He has money problems and, accordingly, has not made any maintenance payments to his ex-wife.
Der Komödienstadel - A Flascherl vom Glück
Gusti Wimmerdinger
‎The Cold Sky‎
Frau Schenkhofer
A desperate woman tries to find help for her son, who has great mathematic ability but a profound problem developing social skills.
In aller Stille
Frau Gallus
Sau Nummer vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Gisela Wegmeyer
Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben
Wilma Karg
Die Hebamme - Auf Leben und Tod
Die Heldin in „Die Hebamme – Auf Leben und Tod“ ist eine Reisende zwischen den Welten und den Zeiten. Zwischen den Autoritäten anno 1813, der Kirche und der Wissenschaft, bleibt Rosa Koelbl eine Fremde. Die Zeit ist noch nicht reif für die Werte, die diese Frau verkörpert. (Quelle:
Tod am Engelstein
Die Literaturagentin Lara Brunn fährt nach längerer Zeit wieder in ihren Heimatort in den Bayerischen Alpen. Anlass ist der Geburtstag ihrer Mutter. Lara wartet gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester Sylvia im Elternhaus, doch die Mutter taucht nicht auf. Am nächsten Tag findet ein Suchtrupp in den Bergen eine männliche Leiche, die schon seit mehreren Jahren dort liegt. Kurz darauf wird in der Nähe auch die Mutter tot aufgefunden. Während Sylvia an einen Unfalltod glaubt, vermutet Lara einen Mord. Sie stößt auf einige Ungereimtheiten und muss schnell feststellen, dass sie nur sehr wenig über das Leben ihrer Mutter weiß. Auch die eigene Vergangenheit wird immer ungewisser.
Der Komödienstadel - Die Doktorfalle
Gundl Holler
Hinter blinden Fenstern
Anita Soltersbusch
Pizza und Marmelade
Frau vom Arbeitsamt
Mein Nachbar, sein Dackel & ich
Brigitte Sievert
Genug ist nicht genug
The Best Place to Be
Katis Mama
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.
Der Komödienstadel - Die Versuchung des Aloysius Federl
Magdalena Kirchlechner
Beste Zeit
Katis Mutter
Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.
Der Komödienstadel - Dottore d'Amore
Sissi Blabsreiter
Grave Decisions
Mutter in der Sprechstunde
In this black comedy set in small-town Bavaria, 11-year-old Sebastian thinks you can never be too young to be a murderer. He's convinced that he killed his mother on the day he was born and is certain he's already been condemned to purgatory. Deciding he might be able to knock off a few years of his sentence by doing good deeds, Sebastian sets out to find a wife for his father Lorenz. When Lorenz and Sebastian's schoolteacher Veronika fall madly in love with each other, it seems the heavens must be smiling. There's just one hitch: Veronika is married.
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Zeit der Fische
Dr. Herta Rottmoser
In einem anderen Leben
Landgrafs Tochter Magda
Der Komödienstadel - Karten lügen nicht
Isolde Kreittmayr
Vater werden ist nicht schwer
Sekretärin Altenheim
Der Komödienstadel - Skandal im Doktorhaus
Ich hab es nicht gewollt - Anatomie eines Mordfalls
'Mädi', Cousine
Zärtliche Sterne
Porträt eines Richters
This film is about the difference between law and justice. A national socialist is accused of having stirred up some people against foreigners. A judge has to decide whether he has done so or if his statement comes under the constitutional given freedom of speech. This is compared with a trial in the third Reich. A young woman is being accused of having a relationship with a jew. The film confronts two views of law: the judgement is only based on the current law or the judgement may be influenced by socio-political events and sense of justice.
Der Komödienstadel - Jägerblut
Meßner Marie
Das Wunschkind
Werner - Beinhart!
Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.
Abraham's Gold
In this tragic melodrama, a man who has been hiding his Nazi past has it come back to haunt him when his hippie daughter, whom he disapproves of, comes back to bond with her daughter, whom he's been raising. Meanwhile, he and his drinking buddy, a beer-truck driver, go on a jaunt to Poland to recover some gold fillings he had hidden years ago during the time when he worked in a concentration camp. The truck driver inadvertently leaves a filling lying around at home, and his mother immediately recognizes it for what it is. When she confronts him, he claims that "Jews don't mean anything to me" and she must then reveal his Jewish heritage to him: she was a housekeeper in a Jewish household and he was a child there whom she adopted during the Holocaust in order to save his life. The driver then confronts the wily old Nazi, who conceives a brutal scheme which will save his cozy life at the expense of the reputations of the driver and his granddaughter.