Florencia Clerico


Члены семьи
Line Producer
Подросток Лукас, одержимый своей физической формой, и его старшая сестра Хильда отправляются в заброшенный прибрежный городок, чтобы любой ценой исполнить последнее желание своей усопшей матери.
Mi Reina
Вдали от нас
Спустя много лет жизни вдали от дома Рамира возвращается в родную деревню, где ее никто не ждет.
La cigarra
Together Alone
Débora is 11 years old and is deaf. Facundo, her brother, is 18 and doesn't want her to grow up. Together, they have fun setting cars on fire while their father is away, until one day things slip out of control.
Ulises wakes up one day and finds that his girlfriend, Alma, is missing. He embarks on an intense search that reveals hidden aspects of her life which connect to the time they spent together to lead Ulises to investigate a professor of hers and her obsession with a book by Borges. When Bianca, Alma's twin, shows up, circumstances escalate quickly to make Ulises commit a crime just so he can find Alma again.
Omar, at 51, is in the midst of an existential debate where routine torments him, both professionally and personally.