Executive Producer
Haunted by the tragic death of his father, Juan Martín Hsu, a young Argentinian filmmaker of Taiwanese origin, returns to Taipei to film the reunion with his mother. Reality and fiction blend in a moving personal quest in which an incredible portrait of a Mother Courage stands out from the picture of a family saga marked by uprooting.
Haunted by the tragic death of his father, Juan Martín Hsu, a young Argentinian filmmaker of Taiwanese origin, returns to Taipei to film the reunion with his mother. Reality and fiction blend in a moving personal quest in which an incredible portrait of a Mother Courage stands out from the picture of a family saga marked by uprooting.
Трое парней и две девушки в загородном доме – расклад персонажей, который мог бы подойти и комедии, и триллеру, и мелодраме, и хоррору. Однако фильм «Если бы я была зимой» – нечто совсем другое: его герои одержимы идеей реконструировать три великих политических кинопроизведения – «Китаянку» Жан-Люка Годара, «Неугасимый огонь» Харуна Фароки и «Без названия (Пересадка волос на лице)» Аны Мендьеты. Уикенд в изолированном от мира особняке превращается в чувственное фантазийное приключение...
Two actors are holed up in a remote house somewhere on the Argentinian coastline. The characters crosses the space-time threshold: Leon Trotsky, in his Mexican exile, asks André Breton to write the first draft of a revolutionary manifesto.
Executive Producer
A musical tour through the work of Aníbal "Pichuco" Troilo, one of the defining figures of tango and Argentinian music.
A musical tour through the work of Aníbal "Pichuco" Troilo, one of the defining figures of tango and Argentinian music.