Gottfried Breitfuß

Gottfried Breitfuß

Рождение : 1958-12-17, Maishofen, Austria


Gottfried Breitfuß


The Theory of Everything
Prof. Blumberg
Johannes, a doctor of physics, travels with his doctoral supervisor to a scientific congress in the Alps. A series of mysterious incidents occur on site. He meets Karin, a mysterious jazz pianist who seems to know more about him than she can know. Suddenly, mysterious deaths begin to pile up and Johannes tries to uncover the secret under the mountain.
Rudolf Stiegler
Youth Topia
The perpetual underdog, Wanja gets the unique chance to start a career as an architect and becomes an adult. Amongst all the new privileges she starts missing the friends from her youth.
Monday um Zehn
Мой друг Зигмунд Фрейд
Оказавшись в Вене, молодой парень встречает свою первую и, как ему кажется, последнюю любовь. В тонкостях желаний и соблазнов ему помогает разобраться тот, кто знает об этом всё, - сам Зигмунд Фрейд.
Приключения на шоколадной фабрике
Мистер Молл — ответственный сотрудник шоколадной фабрики и примерный отец семейства. Он живет в маленьком уютном городишке с женой и тремя детьми — рассудительной Эви, решительным Фритцем и умником Вилли. Что же может пойти не так, когда в один прекрасный выходной день супруга господина Молла уезжает на курорт, оставив его присматривать за детьми? Всего за день непоседливые детишки ухитряются начать войну с соседскими ребятами, похитить из цирка летающую собаку и насолить местным полицейским. На этом беды господина Молла не заканчиваются, ведь на фабрике выходит из строя оборудование, грозя затопить город тоннами расплавленного шоколада. Мистеру Моллу и его детям предстоит спасти целый город и одну летающую собаку.
The Lies of the Victors
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
Red Snow
Major König
A young lieutenant must persuade a captive resistance fighter to betray his comrades, or enforce a law which states that for every German soldier killed, one hundred civilians must be executed.
Oberamtsarzt Weil
August Staudenmeyer returns after thirty years absence as a wealthy man in his hometown Gerbersau. First, the successful businessman is received with open arms. But when he stands up for the outlawed widow Katharina Entriss, he gets sidelined. August realizes that the narrow-mindedness of the Gerbersauer has by no means changed. Richer for an experience and a love, he leaves home a second time.
Long Shadows
Molly & Mops
Fashion Victims
Polizist Gerhardt
At 52, traveling salesman Wolfgang Zenker (Edgar Selge) is in old school territory: he peddles the company's classic clothing line to boutiques that cater to women over 35. When Wolfi loses his drivers license in his brand-new Mercedes but can't afford to lose the season's sales because his frustrated wife (Franziska Walser) desperately wants a new bathroom, their son's vacation plans take a back seat as Karsten (Florian Bartholomäi) is forced to making sales rounds with his father instead of celebrating his high school graduation in Spain. Also making the rounds in small town southern Germany is successful and attractive sales rival Steven Brookmüller (Roman Knizka), 33. As the men's paths cross, long-hidden secrets are revealed and things come to a hilarious head.
Years after the end of the Bosnian war, a woman finds evidence that her young daughter, who disappeared during the war, might have survived and been adopted by a German family.
The Wedding Party
Holger Emmerich
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room for a wedding banquet for his son Mark. There's bad blood between Berger and Walzer, so when the first course, shrimp cocktail, is off, Hermann storms out with the wedding party vowing not to pay. Franz locks the loo door, taking prisoners of the bride and Hermann's wife while he also locks the estate's outer gates, leaving Hermann and the rest outside. Walzer, a pheasant hunter, lays siege; shotguns, rifles, grenades, a shovel, and other weapons leave no one safe. Will it take death to bring these men to their senses?
The story of a Polish mother who is exploited as a cheap worker in Austria, and of an Austrian realtor, who fits the typical cliché of a stubborn, sexually frustrated and ugly midlife man.
My Brother the Vampire
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Приди, сладкая смерть
В Вене бушует конкуренция между службами скорой помощи: «Kreuzretter» и «Rettungsbund». Вражда скоро переходит в открытую войну. Бывший полицейский Брэннер - флегматичный водитель скорой,желающий покоя. А между тем в его окружении происходят одна за другой таинственные смерти. Среди жертв есть и любовники, застреленные во время секса...
Принцесса и воин
Сисси — принцесса — работает медсестрой в психиатрической лечебнице. Бодо — воин — бывший военный, подрабатывающий где придется. Их свел случай, он украл что-то из супермаркета и, убегая от охранников, уцепился за проезжающий грузовик. Водитель отвлекся и сбил Сисси. Она лежала под грузовиком и задыхалась не в силах пошевелиться. Он появился из толпы зевак, чтобы снова вдохнуть ей жизнь и исчез так же внезапно. Сисси поняла, их встреча не случайна, и теперь она ищет своего спасителя, чтобы разобраться, какова же его роль в ее судьбе.
Wenn Männer Frauen trauen
Etje, a chic young woman who likes to have fine jewelry, is involved in an insurance fraud. In return, her partner and life partner Jan promised her two million marks and a life in the Caribbean if she got Paul to stick to her heels. But what Etje doesn't know is also hired by Jan. But Jan lured Etje into a trap so that she could use her traces in his production. A sophisticated plan: Paul watches Etje while she has dinner with Jan. He shows his visitor the safe in which his wife keeps her diamonds and then tries to rape her. When Paul hears gunshots, he rushes to the villa: Etje shot Jan. Paul and Etje flee with the diamonds. But they are only part of a perfect plan ...
The true story of Otomo, a black man seeking work and asylum in the German city of Stuttgart. However, all he finds is racism, police trouble and his final destiny.
Counting Sheep
A short love story between a lonely sleeping-car attendant and a lousy toy salesman.